一直以来,苹果宇宙飞碟似的新大楼,都被视为一座直指未来的纪念碑。临近竣工,这些天 Wired 刊出了 Steven Levy 亲探 Apple Park 建筑内部以及与一众直接关系人交谈而来的见闻。
Apple’s New Campus: An Exclusive Look Inside the Mothership
全文充斥着 Apple Park 令人咋舌的设计细节,而亲历者们津津乐道的内容,更让 Apple Park 犹如乔布斯意志的延续,一种纪念碑式载入历史唤起人们灵魂共鸣的延续。
When I later discuss the office climate with Apple’s environment czar, Lisa Jackson, she professes understanding—to a point. “It’s not like we’re asking people to be uncomfortable at work,” she says. “We’re asking them to recognize that part of being connected to the outside is knowing what temperature it is. We don’t want you to feel like you’re in a casino. We want you to know what time of day it is, what temperature it is outside. Is the wind really blowing? That was Steve’s original intention, to sort of blur that line between the inside and outside. It sort of wakes up your senses.”
但 Apple Park 想说,举科技之力是为了重归大地。那将唤醒你的感官,身为人类创造万物的感官。