info args # Argument variables of current stack frame
[7, 16] in /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb 7 if(x < y) 8 return gcd2(y , x) 9 elsif(y == 0) 10 return x 11 else => 12 return gcd2(x - y , y) 13 end 14 end 15 16 def gcd3(x ,y) (rdb:1) info args x = 1071 y = 462 (rdb:1) show line line tracing is off (rdb:1) info line Line 12 of "/Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb" (rdb:1) info stack --> #0 CommonDivisor.gcd2(x#Fixnum,...) at line /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:12 #1 at line /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:52
info breakpoints # 显示当前所有断点的状态
(rdb:1) info breakpoints Num Enb What 1 y at /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:51 2 y at /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:51 3 y at /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:3
info catch # 可以被捕获的Exceptions,通过catch命令设定
info display # 程序结束时的输出
info file # 关于读取文件的内容
info files # 关于读取文件的时间和名字等信息
info global_variables # 所有全局变量
info instance_variables # 当前frame的示例变量
info line # 当前文件的当前行有关信息
[4, 13] in /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb 4 end 5 6 def gcd2(x , y) 7 if(x < y) 8 return gcd2(y , x) => 9 elsif(y == 0) 10 return x 11 else 12 return gcd2(x - y , y) 13 end (rdb:1) info line Line 9 of "/Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb" (rdb:1) info stack --> #0 CommonDivisor.gcd2(x#Fixnum,...) at line /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:9 #1 at line /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:52
info locals # 局部变量信息
(rdb:1) info locals x = 1071 y = 462
info program # 程序执行状态信息
info stack # 相关stack信息
(rdb:1) info stack --> #0 CommonDivisor.gcd(x#Fixnum,...) at line /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:3 #1 CommonDivisor.gcd(x#Fixnum,...) at line /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:3 #2 at line /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:51
info thread # Thread相关信息
info threads # Thread相关信息
(rdb:1) info threads
+ 1 #<Thread:0x007fc7ab0677a8 run> /Users/wanghao/Work/common_divisor.rb:3
!2 #<Debugger::DebugThread:0x007fc7ab364b40 sleep>-
info variables # 局部变量示例变量信息
self = ... x = 462 y = 147
设定ruby-debug的环境,Boolean变量可以设定为on off或者1 0 设定变量可以用show显示
set annotate # 设定注释等级
set args # 设定变量列表,用来传递给运行环境
set autoeval # 在不能直接输出的表达式,进行eval计算
(rdb:1) set autoeval 0 autoeval is off (rdb:1) fib2 *** Unknown command: "fib2". Try "help". (rdb:1) fib1 *** Unknown command: "fib1". Try "help". (rdb:1) (rdb:1) fib1=0\; fib2=1\; 5.times {|temp| temp=fib1\; fib1=fib2\; fib2 += temp } *** Unknown command: "fib1=0; fib2=1; 5.times {|temp| temp=fib1; fib1=fib2; fib2 += temp }". Try "help". (rdb:1) set autoeval 1 autoeval is on (rdb:1) fib1=0\; fib2=1\; 5.times {|temp| temp=fib1\; fib1=fib2\; fib2 += temp } 5 (rdb:1) fib1 5 (rdb:1) fib2 8
set autolist # 在每个breakpoint时执行list
set autoirb # 任何时候只要stop则执行irb
set autoreload # 当代码有修改的时候,从新load
set basename # 设定basename只显示文件名
set callstyle # 设定显示变量格式
set debuggertesting # 用于测试debugger自身
set forcestep # 保证'next/step'命令总是能向新行移动
set fullpath # 在frames中显示文件的完整路径名
set history # Generic command for setting command history parameters
set keep-frame-bindings # Save frame binding on each call
set linetrace+ # Set line execution tracing to show different lines
set linetrace # Set line execution tracing
set listsize # Set number of source lines to list by default
set trace # Display stack trace when 'eval' raises exception
set width # Number of characters the debugger thinks are in a line
th[read] l[ist] # 列出所有的线程
th[read] stop <nnn> # 停止指定线程
th[read] resume <nnn> # 恢复指定线程
th[read] [sw[itch]] <nnn> # 切换执行环境到指定线程
th[read] [cur[rent]] # 显示当前线程
tr[ace] (on|off) set trace mode of current thread
tr[ace] (on|off) all set trace mode of all threads