title: pragmatic
date: 2018-08-14 09:32:49
NO_sents: 188
NO_references: 95
- The most pragmatic course of action is to avoid setting thresholds that are excessively rigorous and instead follow up promising leads, adding to the weight of evidence for involvement (or lack of involvement) in the disease process by additional means (see below). (Valentin et al., 2007)
- A more pragmatic approach has been the development of low cost high-throughput field phenotyping systems [20]. (Forster, 2014)
- The microbial ecologist, therefore, has to resort to something less desirable, but pragmatic. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Informal likelihood functions have been proposed as a pragmatic approach to uncertainty estimation in the presence of complex residual error structures. (Dumont et al., 2014)