Title: Distinct genetic architectures for phenotype means and plasticities in Zea mays
通讯作者:Patrick S. Schnable
机构:Iowa State University
杂志:Nature plants
探究玉米多性状在两个环境下的表型可塑性遗传基础, 寻找目标表型的环境, 为保持和提高玉米产量具有重要意义。
材料: 5000 个样本的 NAM RIL 群体
性状: 23 个玉米农艺性状
1.稳定性计算: FWR 包, TASSEL
3.显著性位点挖掘: GenomicRanges 包
4.SNP 富集: R 卡方检验
5.蛋白互作网络: Cytoscape 和 BiNGO
1.可塑性变异: 通过 FWR 计算表型可塑性, 所有 23 个表型均表现出线性可塑性的变异,用四分位离散系数评估不同表型的离散度。在 23 种表型中,除 GDD 花丝间隔(分散的 0.83倍)外,有 22 种表型的非线性塑性比线性塑性更分散。 雄性和雌性非同步开花在某些环境中具有适应性, 由于 NAM 亲本是来自温带和热带的两种种质,这种更大的环境响应分散性可能反映了亲本对不同环境的适应能力。
Fig. 1 | Quartile coefficients of dispersion for the linear and non-linear plasticities of 23 phenotypes. The number of environments used to calculate
plasticity is given in parentheses. See Supplementary Table 1 for the number of RILs measured for each phenotype.
2.全基因组 SNP 解释变异: 线性可塑性外显子 SNP 的表型解释小于平均表型值, 很少一部分由非线性可塑性外显子 SNP 解释。
Fig.2 Mean percent variance explained by genome-wide SNPs hierarchically assigned to annotation categories. Error bars represent one standard error of the mean. n = 23 for each phenotypic measure and annotation category.
3.GWAS:平均表型值和可塑性值利用 FarmCPU 进行 GWAS, 共检测到 977 个显著的SNP 位点,其中有 4 个同时与多个表型显著相关。 23 个表型中有 8 个的线性可塑性高于平均表型值。 将结果与传统 GWAS 比较,均有重叠 SNP。 在所有窗口大小的平均表型值和线性可塑性值中,这些重叠大于随机预期,但在非线性可塑性值中不是。
Fig. 3 | Plasticity-associated loci are pervasive across phenotypes. a, Relative proportions of SNPs associated with mean phenotype values and
linear and non-linear plasticities for 23 phenotypes. The percentage of plasticity-associated SNPs is greater than 50% (dashed black line) for 11 out of
23 phenotypes. b, Percentage of overlapping windows centred on associated SNPs for the mean phenotype values and linear and non-linear plasticities
with windows centred on SNPs from Wallace et al.34. The closed circles denote windows for which more overlaps were observed than expected by chance
(two-sided permutation test) at the α = 0.05 level; the open circles denote windows that do not differ significantly from the null hypothesis.
4.显著性 SNP 的基因组分布: 表型均值和线性可塑性值相关 SNP 均富集在启动子区,没有出现在基因间区,而非线性可塑性值没有这样的规律。
5.表型均值与线性可塑性值的候选基因是不同的: 在 1158 个 SNP 中,只有 33 个与一种表型的多种测量方式显著相关。
Fig. 4 | Candidate genes for mean phenotypes and plasticity are structurally and functionally distinct. a, The number of candidate genes (n = 1,158)
identified for the mean phenotype values and a plasticity measure. The asterisk indicates enrichment at the α = 0.05 level (two-sided Fisher’s exact test).
b, The number of overlapping candidate genes and total candidate genes at different window sizes. The total genes are those falling within a window
of the given size centred on each significant SNP. Overlapping genes are those candidate genes that fall within a window for a mean phenotype value and
a window for a plasticity measure of the same phenotype. c, The number of GO terms (n = 230) enriched for pools of candidate genes at a 1% FDR
threshold (two-sided hypergeometric test).
6.GO 富集分析: 对候选基因进行 GO 注释, 230 个注释中,只有 52 个富集在表型的多种测量方式中, 线性可塑性候选基因包括脱落酸等激素的生物合成、茎尖分生组织和花器官特性的维持、花形态发生和正向向地性。 这些基因也同时在表型均值中被挖掘,且与 DNA 甲基化相关, H3K9 甲基化具有丰富的线性可塑性,表明可塑性存在表观遗传标记。
7.蛋白互作网络: 为可塑性反应可能影响表型表达的不同生物学机制提供了更深刻的见解,证明相互作用的子网络和调控层的存在,在这些子网络和调控层中,环境反应被整合起来影响信号蛋白的表达以及产生表型的代谢和分解代谢途径的活动。
1.将宏观环境引起的变化映射到基因组中, 不再聚焦于微环境引起的微变化。
2.利用多 GWAS 模型,多可塑性值计算方法, 对已报道过的 QTL 进行验证。