体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。
Derivation of the architectural concept
In searching for an objective, independent basis upon whichto develop a framework for information systems architecture, it seems onlylogical to look to the field of classical architecture itself. In so doing, itis possible to learn from the thousand or so years of experience that have beenaccumulated in that field. Definition of the deliverables, i.e., the workproduct, of a classical architect can lead to the specification of analogous informationsystems architectural products and, in so doing, can help to classify ourconcepts and specifications.
With this objective in mind, that is, discovering theanalogous information systems architectural representations, the following isan examination of the classical architect’s deliverables produced in theprocess of constructing a building.
Bubble charts. The firstarchitectural deliverable created by the architect is a conceptualrepresentation, a “bubble chart,” which depicts, in gross terms, the size,shape, spatial relationships, and basic intent of the final structure. Thisbubble chart results from the initial conversations between the architect andprospective owner. A sample of such an initial conversation follows:
“I’d like to build a building.”
“What kind of building do you have in mind? Do you plan tosleep in it? Eat in it? Work in it?”
“Well, I’d like to sleep in it.”
“Oh, you want to build a house?”
“Yes, I’d like a house.”
“How large a house do you have in mind?”
“Well, my lot size is 100 feet by 300 feet.”
“Then you want a house about 50 feet by 100 feet”
“Yes, that’s about right.”
“How many bedrooms do you need?”
“Well, I have two children, so I’d like three bedrooms.”
Thearchitect’s drawings are a transcription of the owner’s perceptualrequirements.
Notethat each question serves to pose a constraint (the lot size) or identify arequirement (the number of bedrooms) in order to establish the “ballpark,” orapproximate conditions, within which any design will take place. From the abovedialogue, the architect can depict what the owner has in mind in the form of aseries of “bubbles,” each bubble representing a room, its gross size, shape,spatial relationship, etc. (See Figure 1)
图1 架构师的“泡泡图”
Thearchitect prepares this bubble chart for two reasons. First, the prospectiveowner must express what he or she has in mind that will serve as a foundationor basis for the architect’s actual design work. Second, the architect mustconvince the owner that the owner’s desires are understood well enough so thatthe owner will pay for the creative work to follow, and in effect, initiate theproject.
Havingestablished a basic understanding with the prospective owner, the architectproduces the next set of architectural deliverables, which are calledarchitect’s drawings.