伴随着Startups Toastmaster第7期活动的收尾,我完成了AC7演讲,终于离AC10不远了这一次是英文的演讲,我为了呈现一次更有料有自信的表现,提前作了一些准备。
√ 购买了手机版罗塞德石APP,没事练一练
√ 学英语这件事在我的生命中来回摇摆,拿起、放弃、拿起、放弃了无数次,这一次,从内心和自己保证,再也不反弹了
√ 把过去曾经在学英语上的投资都列个清单,结果吓了我一大跳,过去到底是有多少无效劳动,浪费了多少时间呀,都这样了居然还不能把英文作为我的优势擅长之一,这项投资的产出比也太低了吧,真的挺不服气的。为了过去的沉默成本,很想博一把,就不信了,有那么难的吗?真的再也不想出门旅行的时候用磕磕绊绊的单词、短语和外国人交流了。很想用流畅的英文轻松表达自己的真实感受。
1、新概念第一册 学完
2、新概念第二册 ing
3、新概念第三册 1、2课
4、step by step 1、2册,高中的时候 特训班
5、Listen to this 初级 学完
6、外教 某教材 一半
7、中国老师 某教材 学完
8、某外教 王府井 学完
9、中学国家教材 学完
10、大学国家教材 学的不怎么样
11、赖世雄教英语初级 学完
12、赖世雄教英语中级 学完
13、破冰英语 初级 学完
14、破冰英语 中级 ing
15、走遍美国 初级 没学明白
16、许国璋英语 初级 没学明白
即使讲过不少课,每当站在土马演讲台上,仍然紧张万分。为了缓解压力,第一个举手参与了即兴演讲环节,完全属于故作镇定,居然还混上个奖O(∩_∩)O~~Best Table Topics。
演讲后:很幸运,听众给予了我肯定的评价,收获了Best speaker。
小鼓励=小动力,今后我要想把英文说的和中文一样好,still long way to go.
Pay for knowledge or not.
One day last year, a stranger who was a gril came and chat with me via Wechat, she told me: Miss Yuan I tell you, my boss hasn't raised my salary for 5 years, I'm really in a hurry, how can I be like you, how can I be a trainer, what should I do to become a trainer like you?
I replied, dear, I really want to help you, but your question is not that simple that I can tell you within 1 minute, it should be a consulting, we could find a Starbucks and sit down to chat for 1 or 2 hours. You can make a appointment via Zai Hang APP with me.
The girl opened the link I gave to her, she was surprised, What? I should pay 500RMB to meet and chat with you? Why you charge me? Why don't you help young people?
I answered, Yes, I'd like to help you, but my time is limited. If you're still hesitating, you can think about it and come to me later.
The story is a common one, but it told the truth, no pain no gain. If the girl doesn't think the help I will give her is valuable, how can she believe after she become a trainer, what she give to people is valuable? if you don't respect my time value, I don't have to answer your question.
When you are interested in something,to deal with some problems, you can use two resource, one is money to buy lessons, or invite an expert to chat with one by one,the other one is time, you can learn by yourself.But will you prefer money or time? This is a question itself.
My point is, life is short, if I'm still in my 20's, I can do everything to prove my thought, and see if it's right or wrong, but I don't have that much time anymore. Next year January, I'll be 35 years old. For me, I cherish everyday and I'd rather use money to buy time.
Let's imagine, if you have 100 books, 99 are downloaded from net for free, one 1 is bought. Which one you will like to read first? I think most of you will choose the book you have paid for. Every book represents a writer's 30 year wisdom, if you read one book, you will gain 30 years wisdom, if you read 100 books a year, you will gain 3000 years wisdom. If you want to learn something, pay for a lesson will be the best choice, every lesson represents a teacher's at least 5 years wisdom, so never hesitate to pay for all those wisdom. Knowledge is like a mountain, some people who have paid a lot of money, time and effort to come to the top, you are still an the mountain foot, the best choice is, pay for it, it always the fasted way to get to the point.
Next time, when you want to solve some problem or learn something you really like, ask yourself, you want to pay money or time for it? Trust me, money is your better choice.
Thank you for your listening.