import pymysql
from game_store_service.config import Config
class Store:
def __init__(self):
host = Config.DATA_MYSQL_HOST
port = Config.DATA_MYSQL_PORT
user = Config.DATA_MYSQL_USER
pwd = Config.DATA_MYSQL_PWD
db_name = Config.DATA_MYSQL_DB_NAME
self.con = pymysql.connect(host=host, port=port, user=user, password=pwd, db=db_name)
def insert_data(self, table, fields, d):
sql = f'insert into {table} ({",".join(fields)}) values ({",".join(["%s" for i in fields])})'
with self.con.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.executemany(sql, d)
print('insert success!')
def update_data(self, table, fields, str_fields, data, where_field, where_val):
# 判断更新活动时间是否为空 如果为空 取消更新
fields = fields[:]
items = ''
for index, i in enumerate(fields):
if i in str_fields:
items += f' {i}="{data[index]}"'
items += f' {i}={data[index]}'
if index < len(fields) - 1:
items += ','
sql = f'update {table} set{items} where {where_field}="{where_val}"'
with self.con.cursor() as cursor:
print('update success!')
def query_data_by_field(self, table, field, val):
sql = f'select * from {table} where {field}="{val}"'
with self.con.cursor() as cursor:
d = cursor.fetchone()
return d
def query_data_by_game_id_order_by_add_time_desc(self, table, field, val):
sql = f'select * from {table} where {field}="{val}" order by add_time desc'
with self.con.cursor() as cursor:
d = cursor.fetchone()
return d
def query_many_filter(self, table, fields, data):
if len(data) != len(fields):
return 'len not equal'
filters = ""
for index, i in enumerate(fields):
filters += f' {i}="{data[index]} "'
if index < len(fields) - 1:
filters += 'and'
sql = f'select * from {table} where{filters}'
with self.con.cursor() as cursor:
d = cursor.fetchone()
return d
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = Store()