I have installed a new version "Ubuntu 20.1" , and try to install "Petalinux 2018.3",
however, I meet a problem that the installation is aborted with the follow error message:
ERROR: You have tools that don't meet the version requirements:
-Detected python version is less than the expected 2.7.3
I checked that "python 2.7.18" is installed. it make me confused.
I found a same issue in xilinx forums, but there are no details.
as they said"A new version of Ubuntu changed how the command 'python' is run. dpkg therefor was no longer able to find the package 'python'. Added the pseudo package 'python' in /var/lib/dpkg/status and the installation finished successfully."
1) go into the path "/var/lib/dpkg/",
2) then open "status" file in super user mode , right click in empty area > open in terminal, then type
>sudo gedit status
3) ctlr +F to search "Pacakge: python", you will find "Pacakge: python2" segment in there.
4) copy + pasta a whole "Pacakge: python2" segment , and change "python2" --> "python"
5) save it, re-install petalinux 2018.3
6) succuss!