The Psychological Solution-11
Without these Ideas—these generalizations, regularities and ideals—the world would be to us as it must seem to the first-opened eyes of the child, a mass of unclassified and unmeaning particulars of sensation;
for meaning can be given to things only by classifying and generalizing them, by finding the laws of their beings, and the purposes and goals of their activity.
Or the world without Ideas would be a heap of book-titles fallen haphazard out of the catalogue, as compared to the same titles arranged in order according to their classes, their sequences and their purposes;
it would be the shadows in a cave as compared with the sunlit realities without, which cast those fantastic and deceptive shadows within.
Therefore the essence of a higher education is the search for Ideas: for generalizations, laws of sequence, and ideals of development;
behind things we must discover their relation and meaning, their mode and law of operation, the function and ideal they serve or adumbrate;
we must classify and coördinate our sense experience in terms of law and purpose;
only for lack of this does the mind of the imbecile differ from the mind of Caesar.
[ 01’00” ] City of God (该书作者奥古斯丁区分了所谓“上帝之城”和“世人之城”,多次借用柏拉图的思想做为依据来支持其观点。在神学的框架内阐述了一整套政治哲学,从理论上总结了基督教政治价值观。)
[ 03’55” ] a heap of (一堆)
[ 04’00” ] haphazard (随意的)
[ 06’01” ] cave allegory (洞穴喻)
[ 08’38” ] adumbrate (勾勒)
[ 09’11” ] imbecile (愚蠢的人)
[ 09’19” ] Caesar (恺撒大帝,是罗马共和国末期杰出的军事统帅、政治家,罗马帝国的奠基者。)
08:28左右的 adumbrate 和09:01左右的 imbecile,读音应为 /ˈædəmbreɪt/ 和/ˈɪmbəsɪl/