The weekend was a very nice time for training where the attendance of players was very good .
In the morning we did exercise that involved dribbling around marked place to get familiarized with the ball we did that as the warm up.
Then we did another exercise for passing between 2 players and from different places to increase passing between players
After we did 1vs1 to improve the quality of players the results was good the players had a commitment of defending and attacking.
Then we played a game passing, defending and attacking was on a good level and the team works as well
The second class we did same things.
The warm up involved juggling the ball and the dribble slowly and the we divided the players into 2 teams where I stayed with U7 .
The coordination exercise involved passing the ball and dribbling between the players by using the inner foot then the outer foot as well
then they players played 3vs3 then after we did a stretching as one team.