If we may judge from the bust that has come down to us as part of the ruins of ancient sculpture, Socrates was as far from being handsome as even a philosopher can be.
Socrates was as far from being handsome as even a philosopher can be.
A bald head, a great round face, deep-set staring eyes, a broad and flowery nose that gave vivid testimony to many a Symposium —it was rather the head of a porter than that of the most famous of philosophers.
But if we look again we see, through the crudity of the stone, something of that human kindliness and unassuming simplicity which made this homely thinker a teacher beloved of the finest youths in Athens.
[ 01’07” ] If we may (如果我们能……,为缓和语气)
[ 01’32” ] bust (半身像)
[ 02’17” ] far from (远非,离……差的远)
[ 02’28” ] even (甚至)
[ 04’22” ] a bald head (秃顶)
[ 04’27” ] a great round face (moon face,大圆脸)
[ 04’38” ] deep-set staring eyes (深陷的眼眶里目光如炬)
[ 04’58” ] a flowery nose (形容鼻孔很大,像一朵花一样。)
[ 05’28” ] testimony (证明)
[ 05’41” ] many a (大量的,许多的,后跟可数名词单数。)
[ 05’53” ] Symposium (古希腊时期的一种习俗:会饮。柏拉图曾著《会饮篇》;现在 Symposium 指学术会议。)
[ 08’55” ] the head of a porter (门房的领班)
[ 10’17” ] crudity (粗糙;简陋;词根为 crud)
[ 10’21” ] crude (粗糙的;天然的,未加工的;词根为 crud)
[ 10’35” ] kindliness (和善,友好)
[ 10’39” ] unassuming simplicity (毫无矫揉造作的简单性,朴拙)
[ 13’19” ] homely (朴实无华的)