Chefs can make sure their food is sustainably sourced and organic through blockchain technology. How to make sure of that? IBM thinks the solution lies in Blockchain. IBM is connecting all players in the global supply chain from farmers, producers, suppliers, manufactures in a secure shared platform---blockchain.
Blockchain is a decentralized ledger where activities throughout the whole food supply chain are recorded, verified, and become immutable at each step. This technology applies to any numbers of vegetables from fresh to packaged.
It has three advantages:
Consumers can scan the code on the package to check where the food comes from and whether it is genuinely fresh etc.
It can remove the distributor in the middle.
Traceablity (one of the functions of blockchain) can help spot the problematic food instead of decimating the whole farm in case of a food-born outbreak
2. 因为每一步交易和信息都是公开透明的,所以供应链上的信任度增加,可以去掉农户和采购之间的中间方代理。
3. 因为信息可追溯,所以如果某种食品引发了群体中毒/疾病传播,便可以精准找到问题食品,减少对其他健康食品的误杀。
In the fantasy world 在理想世界里/幻想中
Immutable 不可篡改的
Cryptography 密码学
Hashing哈希: information is connected with each other. If you change the information, it changes the hashing so that you know it has been compromised.
Scallops 扇贝
Sustainably sourced 来源可持续的(in selecting suppliers, social, ethical, environmental factors are considered)
Engender 产生
Food distribution 食品配送
Food born outbreak 由食物引发的疾病爆发
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