IBM 宣布将会把Watson 部署到各种云上!听起来,怎么这么奇怪。。。并且这篇新战略竟然是由做IBM AI+Data的GM Rob Thomas 来给大家宣布,意味深长。【实际上,理论上应该是David Kenny来宣布的,但是他2018年年底从IBM Watson & Cloud Platform的SVP位置离职,而这个职位也不存在了。这样看来,IBM之前的Watson和Public Cloud的整套策略严重受挫,或许也不再是战略重点了】
话说当年,也是Rob牵头在IBM Analytics部门,从上至下,从里到外,大力推广Apache Spark,本人才有幸开始接触Apache Spark。。。分享一下,Rob当年参加Spark Summit的照片:
再回到Rob的这篇宣告blog “Watson Anywhere”,开门就罗列了美好的前景。算是无限看好AI的未来。
A recent PwC study indicated that AI has the potential to add close to $16 trillion to the global economy by 2030, yet the technology has had an adoption rate of only 4%, according to other research reports. There seems to be no debate on the strategic value of AI to a business, so how does one reconcile the hype and the opportunity with the slow adoption?
做为IBM核心软件的掌门人,Rob开始准备要把Watson部署到各个cloud的平台。从做软件的角度来说,这绝对是正确的决定!【绑死在自己的public cloud,绝对是死路一条,何况他又不负责public cloud】至于,最后执行得如何,产品做得如何,能不能拼过其它产品,这个真的很难说了。。。当然,做为当年满世界在推销Spark的Rob,他的Watson Studio【DSX的新名字】肯定少不了Spark的身影:
附送pwc的原文: Sizing the prize What’s the real value of AI for your business and how can you capitalise?