It is easier said than done.When we were young we had a lot of dreams,after growing up we found them difficult to achieve,and some dreams have gone, some we are still struggling to achieve. As time goes by,we got no results. Is it that we are not capable,or we are only daydreaming about the future?
If you have ideas but don't do anything with them,it becomes daydreaming. Maybe we have a lot of ideas, maybe we will suggest others how to do, we even called out others' mistake, but did not take action by yourself.
we have 24 hours a day for each person, 24 hours for office workers,and same with 24 hours for president of the country,different people different results anyway.
The same we are going to work and then getting off work, some people did a lot of things in a day,and some visited around the friend circle, played wechat, did daily things,then one day has passed.
If you are not satisfied with your current situation,and are not happy, want to make some changes, you must start taking action. So how can we act in effective way?
1有方向的行动 Act in certain direction
首先确立目标,明确行动方向。没有方向的行动就像无头苍蝇乱撞,已经决定了的方向就不要轻易改变,不要怀疑行动,有句英文叫Doubt will kill the dream!怀疑会摧毁梦想,或犹豫不决,或摇摆不定,到头来做了好多还是没有什么结果。
First set the target,clear the direction.Without direction people will be flying hither and thither as if their wits had failed them,do not change easily once the direction had settled,do not doubt about the action, there is so called"Doubt will kill the dream!" or hesitate, or wavering opinions, there will be no results even doing a lot of things in the end.
Some people say that I do not like this, or think that this is not good with some kind of prejudice, so this will affect the action,and make you do not want to do anything,do not do the best,and a lot of problems will come. As long as the direction was set, we must abey the rules,words must match with deeds,you must do with continuous efforts to the direction of the goal and overcome difficulties so can have good results.
2主动行动 Initiative action
In the past we may be ignorant,not fully committed to do some things,we are in a passive,simply blending in status.Now we have direction of the goal, we must giving initiative.
My cousin graduated for some time,he worked in a factory,we asked him how about work? He said just so so, every day was almost the same,worked step by step like machine,wages are not increasing at all.
Like my cousin most of the workers are doing the same of a small job like screw,complete work according to the assigned task or need, every day they are just holding a fixed salary, day after day of mechanized work. Every day they work so passively, not much initiative to do things,and not much self-growth space.
Accept the task passively,or take the initiative to do things are in big difference.
For example,another of my relative is a girl,she became a director after graduation for a year,and established her own business soon two years later,now she has achieved her financial freedom.Knowing what to do, take the initiative to it, and thus continue the development.
3持续行动Sustained action
People are lazy, it is not easy to keep sustained action.There is no easy situation in the world, there must have a process to results. So the action must be sustained,slowly changed,from quantitative change to qualitative change.
For example,you want to achieve financial freedom,you want to speak fluently in English, or you want to write in English,this will not be achieved in a night,shall spend a long period of time to study and work.
Some people may act for a while,but did not get any results,and then gave up. So sustained action is important.
4快速行动Quick action
Why do we need to act quickly?Because opportunity is fleeting,we are small as dust,perhaps there is a wave fighting over to you at a time, you have to take quick action to seize the opportunity,and dance with the waves,even toe on the waves, flying with waves together, and will have leap achievement and development.
Speed make you more efficient,faster of progress, if you do not seize this opportunity,may not have the opportunity next time.
5边学边行动 Learning by doing
When you do not know how to act keep waiting is a waste of time,you can keep learning by doing,in the middle of process you will have ideas and direction,if you do not understand you will know what to learn during practice, and then quickly applied for what you have leart,so you will be out of the previous haze and confused unconsciously, also will began to have progress.
From now on I want to start action from an ordinary people to be better in efforts with practical action,stay contact to us,and go forward with us.
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