->I don’t think it is all that fun.
->It can be a lot of fun. It’s important to ride safely. There are things you can do to help keep yourself safe.
->Like What?
->You start by making sure you have a right bicycle.
->What’s wrong with this one?
->It‘s too big for you. That’s why you are having trouble riding it. When you sit on the bike like that, you should touch the ground with both feet. If you can’t…
->I almost can
->Almost doesn’t count.
-> If you can’t touch the ground, you need a smaller bike.
->That’s better. What else?
->Well, what your wear is important.
->You mean we have to wear special bike clothes?
->No, but you want something bright. It makes it easier for driver to see you. And being seen as a big part of being safe. It is also why reflectors like these are important.
->That’s cool
->But probably the most important thing you should wear is helmet.
->Because it protects your head if you crash
->But I won’t crash. I am a good rider.
->Even a good rider might crash. What if a dog ran out in front of you all of the sudden?
->Oh, yeah. I didn’t think of that.
->Wear it this way. Not this way or this way
->It should fit snug on your head and sit low on your forehead like this, so you can see the edge of the helmet when you look up. It should always be buckled.
->Ok, Can I ride the bike now?
->If you remember to do one more thing
->If there is something wrong with your bike? Like maybe the tires don’t have enough air or the brakes don’t work very well. Be sure to tell the adult. Tell them before you ride it. Okay?
->Good. Now, let’s talk about the rules for safe riding.
->Oh, man. Are there a lot?
->No, just a few. But they are very important. The first one is ride with an adult, like your parents for example, or with older brother or sister.
->I do that with my sister. She is in high school. She helps me decide where we should ride.
->Where is that?
->We like to ride in the park. Where there are not many cars.
->We ride on roads where there is not much traffic.
->Good! Those are both good ideas.
->Do you ride on the right side of the road or the left?
->On the right. In the same direction the cars are going.
->Yes, and here is an easy way to remember that. Ride right.
->Ride right! What else?
->Road signs and traffic signals. You have to do what they say. So if you see a stop sign or red signal.
->You have to stop.
->Yes and a green signal.
->Means you can go
->It does.
->But you still need your eyes and ears. Look and listen what’s around you. Just because you see other people doesn’t mean they see you, even if you have on a bright shirt. Sometimes people get distracted and forget to look for each other. Don’t be waving back and forth like that. Because then the drivers won’t know what you are doing.
->and we might get a hit.
->If you are riding on a trail or a sidewalk. You need to watch out for the people walking there. And move out of their way. And if you need to pass someone. Let them know before you do it.
->All right.
->This might be the most important one of all. When you are crossing a street or path, or driveway or an alley or any place a car could pull out, you should stop and look left then right then left again. Make sure there isn’t a car coming before you go on.
->So, any place a car could be coming?
->Any place. If no car is coming, then you can go.
->But what if there are lots of cars coming.
->If there is a lot of traffic or you are not comfortable riding across the street for any reason. You could get off your bikes and walk them to the other side in a crosswalk.
->Sometimes my sister and I do that.
->Can we ride our bikes now?
->Almost. First tell me one important thing you just learned.
->Always ride with an adult. Or an older brother od sister. Wear your helmet. When you come to an intersection or a driveway or anything like that, you should stop and look left, right and left again to make sure no car is coming.
->Yes, very good. Well done. Have a good ride.