
好的用户界面-界面设计的一些技巧(  原文地:Good UIhttp://goodui.org

1 尽量使用单列而不是多列布局


2 放出礼品往往更具诱惑力


3 合并重复的功能而使界面简洁


4 客户的评价好过自吹自擂


5 频繁展示你的主旨来加深印象




6 将选项与按钮区分开来




7 给出推荐而不是让用户来选择


8 给出撤销操作来代替确定操作




9 指出产品适用人群而不是做成全年龄





10 试着直接果断而不要唯唯诺诺


感兴趣?" 或者"想要试试么?",那么你完全还可以把语气变得更坚定一些。不过万事无绝对,或许适当放松措词让用户有自行思考的余地也是可以的。

11 界面要有鲜明对比让人容易区分




12 指明产地



13 精简表单内容




14 暴露选项而不要将操作隐藏


15 把界面做得环环相扣要好过直白的排版


16 不要放太多链接分散用户注意力




17 将操作的状态或者进度呈现出来


18 不要让用户觉得是在完成任务




19 让操作直观而不是让人觉得找不到上下文


20 尽量显示全部内容而不要额外页面


21 让界面平滑显示而不要死板地呈现


22 循序渐进的引导而不要直接让用户注册


23 过多边框会让界面四分五裂


24 展示产品带来的好处而不要罗列产品特性

市场就是这样的,用户永远只关心自身利益而产品特性对他们来说倒不是那么重要。只有利益才更直观地体现出使用产品所带来的价值。Chris Guillebeau在他的著作《100美元起家》中指出,相比压力,冲突,烦心事和未知的未来,人们在乎得更多的是爱,金钱,认同感和自由支配的空闲时间。所以我相信在展示产品特性时回归到利益上是必要的。

25 考虑零数据的情况


26 默认将用户引入


27 界面设计得一致,不要增加用户的学习成本


28 使用较贴切的默认值会减少操作


29 遵从一些约定而不要去重新设计


30 让用户觉得可以避免失去而不是获得




31 具有层次的图形化展示优于直白的文字描述





32 将有关联的功能分组而不是杂乱无章


33 使用内联的验证消息而不是提交后再验证


34 放宽对用户输入的要求




35 让用户感觉需要快速做出响应而不是毫无时间观念




36 使用饥饿营销





37 让用户选择而不是重新填写




38 让点击更轻松


39 优化页面加载速度,不要让用户等太久




40 除了按扭外,快捷键也必不可少




41TryAnchoringinstead of starting with the price.

Humans come loaded with cognitive biases, and asKahneman observed, anchoring is one such bias that is hard to resist. It suggests that our decision making is affected by the first quantities which come to our attention. When we start with a larger number and roll down towards a smaller price, all of a sudden that price doesn't feel as large any longer. If I understand correctly, what many people miss however, is that the anchored number also doesn't have to be a price. It can be a number which doesn't need a dollar value. A common example of marketers exploiting the anchoring effect is showing the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price followed by a lower price.

42TryUpfront Progressinstead of starting with a blank.

There is more motivation for getting things done the closer we are to completion. For this reason, some companies give away prestamped coffee cards. Or in the virtual world, others reward the signup process as a completed item on the list of things to do. Stephen Anderson labeled this similar pattern asSet Completionin his Mental Notes, while more formally, it can be also referred to as theGoal Gradient Effect. Either way, do make people progress or feel like they are progressing sooner rather than later.

43TryProgressive Disclosureinstead of overwhelming.

Progressive Disclosureprotects the user from too much irrelevant information. It's a pattern which only shows information gradually if it makes sense to do so - often in the context of forms. Typically, progressive disclosure's gradual unveiling is also accompanied by some form ofinline expansionor slide out animation. If too many fields increase effort and scare people away, then this is another tactic of avoiding having to enter unnecessary fields. Only show/ask for what is relevant to the situation at hand.

44TrySmaller Commitmentsinstead of one big one.

Ask people to start off with a smaller upfront commitment followed by some larger ones down the road. Big commitments can scare people off. Borrowing fromRobert Cialdini’swork, using commitment is a powerful persuasion strategy which taps into people’s desire to be seen as having a consistent self image. That quest for consistency suggests that generally people can climb a series of smaller and connected actions more easily than one larger one. An application stemming from this is known as thefoot in the door techniquewhich works by “getting a small 'yes' and then getting an even bigger 'yes.'”. One example of this would be a dating site that is asking people to just look around, followed by an introduction task, followed by a couple ideas for a date, etc. This is opposite of course to asking the same users to lock into a marriage right away (nothing wrong with getting married). :) In the context of pricing, another example can be seen when we ask customers to pay a series of monthly fees instead of an annual one. A related tactic of lowering upfront commitment might also show a “no contract” messaging in order to make customers feel that they can leave anytime which further decreases the barrier to entry.

45TrySofter Promptsinstead of modal windows.

The modal window or dialog box is an attention hog, like it or not. Grabbing someone’s attention can be a good thing, but modal windows often come withsome nasty problems. First of all, modal windows can block users from performing other functions or referencing information from behind the modal. They can also be difficult to get out of for some users. Dialog boxes are also at fault for often halting the computer from completing given work which can be irritating if the user is away. Finally, modals may frustrate with interruption if someone is deep in their task and not ready to take other actions. Why not consider more subtle inline or slide out methods which might be less obtrusive and can equally capture people’s attention?

46TryMultifunctional Controlsinstead of more parts.

Simplicity is often valued in design as it somewhat correlates with ease of use. Too much clutter may burn through our limited attention pools and the more parts there are, the more room for usability issues to creep up. One way for the user interface to achieve the same with less is to make UI controls more multifunctional. That is, you take one control and you squeeze two or more functions into it. As one example, we can combine a search input field with a filtering mechanism that affects a list below right as you type. This removes the need for additional filters. We can also combine a ranking display with a rating onhover function to further avoid additional parts.Multifunctionalism isn’t all that golden though. Although it simplifies, it does so at the cost of discoverability. Functions which are less visible up front run the risk of not being found. It’s therefore probably better to reserve the multifunctional approach for repeat visitors which can deal with a slightly higher learning curve. Also, use it wisely anddon’t over do it.

47TryIcon Labelsinstead of opening for interpretation.


can be wide open to interpretation and combining them with words can

remove some of the ambiguity. Take a down arrow icon for example. Does

it mean to move something down, lower its priority, or download? Or does

an “x” icon mean to delete, disable, or close? The problem becomes

larger for light use interfaces where there isn’t much time for the

person to learn the meaning of the icons. To make the icons more

understandable, they can be augmented with textual labels. If space is

truly an issue, some user interfaces compromise by showing all of their

icon labels on a single hover (less painful than having to hover on each

individual icon).

48TryNatural Languageinstead of dry text.

Natural languageis a more informal and conversational interaction style than just short, strict and formal words. This style is often associated with computers being able to understand (or seem like they understand) humans better, forgive where necessary, and vice versa.  The expectation is two fold. First, a person types in a phrase which the computer would ideally comprehend the full meaning of. Second, the responses by the computer are also more conversational and friendly in return. Although we might not be fully there yet with the first part, there are some basic and promising examples such as: searching for “toronto weather” in Google, Ubiquity for Firefox and Siri commands. As for interfaces which display their messages as conversations there are some hints that they mightconvert just a bit better(some more testing required).

49TryCuriosityinstead of being reserved.

Stirring curiosity is a conversion tactic which tries to drive up desire for something by providing a bit of teasing information. It could be a sample chapter, a demo, a trial, or some free genuine content which leads up to a call to action sounding like “in order to see the rest, do XYZ”. Teasing your users, customers and/or leads with samples and hooks is a good way for people to want to continue on the path of action. As obvious as it sounds, another sure shot way to fail at stirring curiosity (aside of not having it at all in the first place) is of course by providing the complete range of information or offering upfront. Perhaps giving people a full trial, or all of X out of Y before they are customers, isn’t the best way to motivate them. Keep them hungry for more - at least for a bit. :)

50TryReassurancesinstead of assuming all is fine.


you’re closing a sale, drop some reassurances. Throw in a guarantee,

tell your customers that they will be satisfied, tell them that the

payment is secure, that yes shipping is free, and yes that they can pull

out at anytime without any risk. All is good and all will be fine.

Don't worry, be happy. Putting a positive spin on a close is definitely

worth a try as a conversion tactic.

51TryPrice Illusionsinstead of just plain prices.

You can let people judge the value of your product completely on their own, or you can help to do it for them. If you decide to make use of human irrationality, you can show the price in a way so that your offering becomes perceived as more valuable. In the simplest way you can start off with framing words such as "only", "affordable", or "small fee of" alongside of the price. The price then can also be broken down into a per unit price (ex: 30¢ per page rather than $30 for a book, or $1 per day instead of $30 per month for a membership). Further, the infamous prices ending in a "9" instead of having a round number can also be used. Finally, prices can be shown with fewer digits ($30, instead of $30.00) for an additional effect of illusion.

52TryThankinginstead of simply confirming completion.


people can make you, your business, product or UI feel more human as it

shows you're appreciative and you care. Thanking of course happens

during some sort of task completion and is bigger than just plain

feedback. More so, making your UI thankful can be used as a way to

induce further dialogue or action. So naturally, thank you screens are a

perfect spot to suggest the next optional action for the customer or

user to take. Thanks for reading this paragraph. :)

53TryUseful Calculationsinstead of asking to do math.


user interface can do mathematical calculations, large or small, for

users and thus remove unnecessary friction. As one example, let's say

that some application shows used up credits out of an available pool. It

might be more meaningful to calculate for users how many remaining days

that actually is before their application stops functioning. Or yet an

even simpler and more popular example when we try to understand how

recent or old multiple rows of data really are. In this case a relative

time stamp of "3 min ago" has more meaning and requires less effort to

comprehend than say an absolute one of "4:37pm, Sept 2". Take out the

pain of having to do the math.

54TryReaffirming Freedominstead of implying it.

People may be persuaded to act more often when their choice or free will is explicitly reaffirmed. There have beensome studiesdone on the "But You Are Free" technique with cases where the effect to act sometimes even doubled. The idea is to call out an action or decision, followed by a simple statement suggesting that "it's your choice", or "you are free to refuse", etc. The persuasive power of this technique seemed the strongest when the request was made face-to-face and/or the request to act and reaffirmation were closer together.

55TryVariable Rewardsinstead of predictability.

Variable rewards are great way toget users hooked. When we (or mice at least) press levers that spit out pellets unpredictably (as in sometimes not spitting out anything), then such a schedule of reinforcement has thehighest rate of responsein the shortest amount of time. If eating pellets isn't your thing however, then please consider how addictive email checking can be as we never really know when those "rewarding ones" really do appear (assuming you receive more than just the same old email from Joe everyday).

56TryAttention Grabsinstead of neglect.


worth channelling additional attention towards the most important

actions. This can be achieved in numerous ways starting with the more

obvious size increase or higher contrast of an element. Other ways for

directing attention also include: using irregular shapes, field auto

focusing, section highlights, sticky element interactions (floating), as

well as directional arrows. Surely you cannot have everything scream on

a page, but emphasizing the primary calls to action is worth the


57TryFriendly Comparisonsinstead of confusion.


interface sometimes rely on comparison between changed content (as in

diff tools) or product characteristic (as in product comparison charts).

There are a couple ways in which such comparisons can be made more

understandable and drive ease of use.

First of all, limiting the number of things to compare at one given time

to two is one simple way of alleviating such confusion. This could be

further strengthened by aligning and placing in proximity the two

compared items together. This way there is no doubt as to what is being

compared to what.

Secondly, having a clear indication of the "better" or "most recent"

version might remove some of the guess work.

Thirdly, show clearly which attributes changed and which didn’t. In

other words, show what was added (or is better), what was removed (or is

worse), and finally what stayed the same.

58TrySet Collectionsinstead of independent items.


are motivated to collect things.  Whether physical or virtual, seeing a

closed set of things to collect from establishes a goal to strive for.

Often obtaining the complete set can motivate even further by carrying

added benefits of synergistic qualities (a cake is bigger and better

than its individual ingredients). Perhaps, showing items which have been

already collected, also reinforces behavior by showing past actions as

achievement. Finally, the motivation to collect a complete set might be

stronger if the number of items is known to be finite (overlaying


59TryExpectation Settinginstead of being ignorant.


nice when people set expectations for each other. It doesn't take much

effort for a person or interface to inform someone when the next task

will be completed. You are on step 1 of X. Your choice will result in Y.

You will receive something before Z. All those little promises not only

inform but also build trust. Unhelpful interfaces on the other hand can

come off a little cold as the user is kept in the dark.

60TryHumorinstead of being so serious.

Whyshould everything always have to be so serious all the time? It doesn't. You can always lighten up by throwing in a joke or something

playful here and there. Adding humor to your UI might or might not work.

When it does work however, humor can build up a stronger human

relationship between you and your users/customers. Having an amount of

such chuckles and smiles built up and stored away for the future is

probably a nice to have. When the times get tough, people who have a

stronger and more personal relationship with you may be more prone to

forgiveness during erroneous situations.

61TryProviding Feedbackinstead of silence.


we perform an action or task, we want to know that it has been

successfully completed. Feedback provides this closure to any action. It

can be as subtle as the drying of ink on a piece of paper, or as blunt

as a dialogue message confirming that one of your emails has been

delivered. Silence on the other hand breeds uncertainty. Did it really

work? Did I hear a click? Was the button really pressed? Should I try

again? Feedback answers all these questions. It is a very valuable and

essential element for any successful interaction.

62TryAnticipating Intentinstead of shortsightedness.

Feelings of “yes this is exactly what I was looking for” may be brought on by some form of intent anticipation by the user interace. Having a UI which correctly guesses what the user is after, should in turn bring in more smiles and dollars (or at least less frowns). As one example,Amazon.com has achieved thisat the micro interaction level with their mega drop down menu. The menu essentially detects intent of the correct sub-menu to display using some interesting geometry and front-end engineering. It saves the user the pain of moving the cursor across a diagonal line towards a desired sub-menu, only to discover that the sub-menu changed to something else or disappeared altogether. Detecting the user’s intent however is a balancing act that may be easier with simpler and scripted interactions. The playing field is still wide open for more advanced intent detection which might require stronger artificial intelligence.

63TryExtra Paddinginstead of overcrowding elements.


space can definitely make content and/or data more readable. When

elements are slightly separated away from each, they begin to be allowed

to be perceived individually. This can be good for lists, tables,

paragraphs or any sets of elements on a screen. One common way of

applying white space is with extra padding all around an item. Without

adequate padding on the other hand, elements begin to blur together into

indistinguishable wholes. So when readability is concerned, padding may


64TryStorytellinginstead of listing just the facts.

Storytelling is the oldest form of communication which could be used on landing pages, applications and various UI interactions. Instead of listing out the information in bullet point form, why not give narrative a try? A basic story will have a few simple elements such as a setting, a character with intentions, and some problematic situation just around the corner. Stories elicit a more emotional response by making it feelas if the written experience was actually encountered. As a result of this, stories may also become more memorable. Long form sales letters have directly applied storytelling, which could be the reason why they are still effective to this day.

65TryAuthenticityinstead of faking it.

Most people can sniff out a liar a mile away. Aiming to be authentic may be just the cure in helping your product or screen in becoming more trustworthy. Stock images including happy people smiling just about no good reasons, may be suspect number one in undermining trust. There are a few tests out there which have hinted at thishereandthere. Another area which may often be a source of skepticism are product reviews. Having a mix of good andbad reviewsas opposed to just the shiny ones, may also help. Finally, having precise non-rounded numbers may also be perceived as more believable as well.

66TryProgressive Reductioninstead of being static.

Progressive Reduction has been discussed byLayerVault. It's a rather simple idea that as users learn to use your interface or application, the functions which where more important in the beginning, become easier or less important over time. For example, certain onboarding related calls to actions may be moved further away as room is made for other content. Or, icon labels may become hidden as the meaning of icons becomes understood. People learn to use an interface and the progressive reduction pattern respects that.

67TryPutting Others Firstinstead of self-centeredness.

Putting others’ interests ahead of yours, while building social influence as a result, isn’t a new idea at all. Reframing conversations from “I” to “You”, listening well, and being genuinely interested in others, have all been central in Dale Carnegie’sHow to Win Friends and Influence People, almost a century ago. Our level of being audience, customer or user centric expresses itself in the language and interactions we (or our products) make use of or enable. More so, apparently arguing against one’s own self-interest may be a strongsource of additional credibility, as has been observed in a social experiment. Sometimes, seeing and telling things from other people's perspective (even if it does not immediately benefit) may in fact result in a constructive action that ends benefiting everyone.

68TryExplaininginstead of assuming the obvious.

Some things which may seem obvious to us, might be less so to others. Form fields are probably the classic example of this with their open ended nature. That’s where explanations, descriptions, and hints come in. Using contextual explanations uncertainties may be removed in numerous ways by communicating: the reason for asking for information, an example of acceptable input, a requirement, or where to find the information being asked for. One thing to keep in mind when using such contextual descriptions however, isnot to use them as placeholdertext within the form field itself - as Jakob Nielson has warned.

69TryConcise Copyinstead of using unnecessary words.

Get to the point by writing shorter sentences, using simpler and fewer words. After writing the first draft, see if you can condense it. Showing the core message will convey what you intended without losing someone’s attention. Here are5 simple tips on tighter writingwhile avoiding the passive voice and meaningless words.

70TryResponsive Layoutsinstead of static ones.


is nothing worse in the world than double scroll-bars. Seriously, it’s

as cognitively taxing as looking at a map through a keyhole. Some of

these weird situations might be caused unintentionally due to static

layouts when looking at UIs on smaller devices. One way around this

problem, of course, is with responsive layouts that adjust automatically

for various screen shapes and sizes.

71TryVisual Clarityinstead of ambiguity.

"All meaning exists in the context of polarities" writes Dondis inA Primer of Visual Literacy. We come to understand darkness in the context of light, belonging in the context of isolation, order in the context of disorder, large in the context of small. Picking a stance within such polarities and expressing them clearly through visual language, helps people understand the intent. The biggest disruptor of meaning is ambiguity. When things are somewhat different, yet not really, it creates confusion as our minds try to make sense of the visual. This is why it's better to be purposeful about grouping things (or spacing them farther apart), using more diverse font sizes (or making them exactly the same), and using more diverse tones (or making them exactly the same). Trying to figure out if a visual style was by mistake or by design is stressful and taxing on the mind.

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