分享 Kevin Boller如何利用一些非常有用的在线资源,Yahoo Finance API
(需要解决,并且可能需要替换未来的数据源)和Jupyter notebook
,以在很大程度上自动跟踪和衡量股票投资组合相关情况 。
过去,作者从雅虎财经(Yahoo Finance)下载历史价格数据,并使用EXCEL中的指数和匹配函数来计算每个头寸与标准普尔500指数的相对持有期表现。虽然这是实现这一目标的一种不错的方式,但使用Jupyter notebook
资源:作者现在是DataCamp的订阅者(未来的帖子将在DataCamp上发布),他说这个关于Python for Finance的社区教程非常棒。
如果你想看到完整的交互式版本(因为jupyter <←>> gihub集成非常棒),你可以在这里使用nbviewer查看。https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/kdboller/pythonsp500/blob/b45eb79daf15d3c3032a8f398c207c9d2721ac19/Investment%20Portfolio%20Python%20Notebook_03_2018_blog%20example.ipynb
Data Import和Dataframe操作
从导入必要的Python库开始,导入Plotly offline模块,然后读入我们的示例项目组合DataFrame。
# Import initial libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly.graph_objs as go
%matplotlib inline
# Imports in order to be able to use Plotly offline.
from plotly import __version__
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
print(__version__) # requires version >= 1.9.0
# Import the Sample worksheet with acquisition dates and initial cost basis:
portfolio_df = pd.read_excel('Sample stocks acquisition dates_costs.xlsx', sheet_name='Sample')
2020410订正:sheetname 改为 sheet_name
# Date Ranges for SP 500 and for all tickers
# Modify these date ranges each week.
# The below will pull back stock prices from the start date until end date specified.
start_sp = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1)
end_sp = datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 9)
# This variable is used for YTD performance.
end_of_last_year = datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 29)
# These are separate if for some reason want different date range than SP.
stocks_start = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1)
stocks_end = datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 9)
正如Python Finance培训帖子中所提到的,pandas-datareader
包使我们能够读取来自Google, Yahoo! Finance and the World Bank。在这里,作者将重点介绍雅虎金融(Yahoo! Finance),虽然他已经与Quantopian
作为数据源进行研究。正如DataCamp帖子中也提到的,Yahoo API端点最近发生了更改,这需要安装临时修复程序才能支持Yahoo! Finance投入到工作中去。作者已经在下面的代码中做了需要的细微调整。作者注意到一些小的数据问题,数据并不总是像预期的那样读入,或者有时会错过最后一个交易日。虽然这些问题相对较少发生,但他正在继续关注Yahoo! Finance并且认为将是未来最好和最可靠的数据来源。
# Leveraged from the helpful Datacamp Python Finance trading blog post.
from pandas_datareader import data as pdr
import fix_yahoo_finance as yf
yf.pdr_override() # <== that's all it takes :-)
sp500 = pdr.get_data_yahoo('^GSPC',
*** `fix_yahoo_finance` was renamed to `yfinance`. ***
Please install and use `yfinance` directly using `pip install yfinance -U`
More information: https://github.com/ranaroussi/yfinance
加载标准普尔500数据后,您将看到作者检查了dataframe的头部和尾部,并将数据压缩为只包括Adj Close列。Adjusted Close与Close columns之间的区别在于,Adjusted Close会反映红利(请参阅下面的未来开发区域)。当一家公司发放股息时,股价会减去每股股息的大小,因为公司正在分配公司收益的一部分。出于此分析的目的,您只需要分析此列。作者还创建了一个dataframe,其中只包括标准普尔指数在2017年最后一天(2018年初)adjusted close;这是为了运行单个股票相对于标准普尔500指数表现的YTD比较。
# Generate a dynamic list of tickers to pull from Yahoo Finance API based on the imported file with tickers.
tickers = portfolio_df['Ticker'].unique()
# Stock comparison code
def get(tickers, startdate, enddate):
def data(ticker):
return (pdr.get_data_yahoo(ticker, start=startdate, end=enddate))
datas = map(data, tickers)
return(pd.concat(datas, keys=tickers, names=['Ticker', 'Date']))
all_data = get(tickers, stocks_start, stocks_end)
dataframe,它只包含所有股票代码的Adj Closecolumn
# Also only pulling the ticker, date and adj. close columns for our tickers.
adj_close = all_data[['Adj Close']].reset_index()
# Grabbing the ticker close from the end of last year
adj_close_start = adj_close[adj_close['Date']==end_of_last_year]
# Grab the latest stock close price
adj_close_latest = adj_close[adj_close['Date']==stocks_end]
adj_close_latest.set_index('Ticker', inplace=True)
# Set portfolio index prior to merging with the adj close latest.
portfolio_df.set_index(['Ticker'], inplace=True)
# Merge the portfolio dataframe with the adj close dataframe; they are being joined by their indexes.
merged_portfolio = pd.merge(portfolio_df, adj_close_latest, left_index=True, right_index=True)
# The below creates a new column which is the ticker return; takes the latest adjusted close for each position
# and divides that by the initial share cost.
merged_portfolio['ticker return'] = merged_portfolio['Adj Close'] / merged_portfolio['Unit Cost'] - 1
- The overall approach you are taking is an example of split-apply-combine (note this downloads a PDF).
- The
all_data[['Adj Close']]
line creates a new dataframe with only the columns provided in the list; hereAdj Close
is the only item provided in the list. - Using this line of code,
, you are filtering theadj_close
dataframe to only the row where the data’sDate
column equals the date which you earlier specified in theend_of_last_year
variable (2017, 12, 29). - You also set the index of the
dataframes. I did this because this is how you’ll merge the two dataframes. Themerge
function, very similar to SQL joins, is an extremely useful function which I use very often. - Within the
function, you specify the left dataframe (portfolio_df
) and our right dataframe (adj_close_latest
). By specifyingleft_index
equal True, you are stating that the two dataframes share a common index and you will join both on this. - Last, you create a new column called
'ticker return'
. This calculates the percent return for each stock position by dividing theAdj Close
by theUnit Cost
(initial purchase price for stock) and subtracting 1. This is similar to calculating a formula in excel and carrying it down, but inpandas
this is accomplished with one-line of code.
你已经获得了标准普尔500指数和个股的单个数据框,你开始开发一个‘master’ dataframe,我们将使用它来进行计算、可视化和任何进一步的分析。接下来,将继续在这个‘master’ dataframe上构建,并进一步使用pandas merge 函数。下面,将重置当前dataframe的索引,并开始将较小的dataframe与‘master’ dataframe连接起来。下面的代码块再次在Jupyter notebook中进一步展开;在这里,作者采取与前面类似的方法,将共享下面的代码,然后分解代码块下面的关键标注。
# Here we are merging the new dataframe with the sp500 adjusted closes since the sp start price based on
# each ticker's acquisition date and sp500 close date.
merged_portfolio_sp = pd.merge(merged_portfolio, sp_500_adj_close, left_on='Acquisition Date', right_on='Date')
# .set_index('Ticker')
# We will delete the additional date column which is created from this merge.
# We then rename columns to Latest Date and then reflect Ticker Adj Close and SP 500 Initial Close.
del merged_portfolio_sp['Date_y']
merged_portfolio_sp.rename(columns={'Date_x': 'Latest Date', 'Adj Close_x': 'Ticker Adj Close'
, 'Adj Close_y': 'SP 500 Initial Close'}, inplace=True)
# This new column determines what SP 500 equivalent purchase would have been at purchase date of stock.
merged_portfolio_sp['Equiv SP Shares'] = merged_portfolio_sp['Cost Basis'] / merged_portfolio_sp['SP 500 Initial Close']
# We are joining the developing dataframe with the sp500 closes again, this time with the latest close for SP.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest = pd.merge(merged_portfolio_sp, sp_500_adj_close, left_on='Latest Date', right_on='Date')
# Once again need to delete the new Date column added as it's redundant to Latest Date.
# Modify Adj Close from the sp dataframe to distinguish it by calling it the SP 500 Latest Close.
del merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Date']
merged_portfolio_sp_latest.rename(columns={'Adj Close': 'SP 500 Latest Close'}, inplace=True)
- 可以在
,以便扁平化主数据框并连接较小的数据框的相关列。 - 在
行中,您可以将当前主数据框(merged_portfolio)与sp_500_adj_close合并;这样做是为了使标准普尔在每个position的采购日期的收盘价-这允许您跟踪每个position持有的同一时间期(从收购日期到最近的市场收盘日期)的标准普尔业绩。 - 这里的合并与以前略有不同,因为我们在左侧数据框的
Acquisition Date
列上连接。 - 完成此合并后,您将拥有不需要的额外列-由于我们的主数据框最终将有相当数量的列用于分析,因此在此过程中删除重复和不必要的列非常重要。
- 有几种方法可以删除不必要的列并执行各种列名清理;为简单起见,作者使用
python del
方法重命名几个列,通过重命名为Ticker Adj Close
来澄清股票代码的Adj Close
列;您可以使用SP 500 Initial Close
来区分标准普尔指数的初始调整收盘。 - 在计算
merged_portfolio_sp['Equiv SP Shares']
时,这样做是为了能够计算标准普尔500指数在收购每个股票position的当天收盘时的等价值:如果你花5,000美元购买一个新的股票position,你可以花5,000美元购买标准普尔500指数;继续这个例子,如果标准普尔500指数在购买时的交易价格是每股2,500美元,你就可以购买2股股票。稍后,如果标准普尔500指数的交易价格为每股3,000美元,你的股份将价值6,000美元(2股等值股票*每股3,000美元),在这段可比的时间段内,你将获得1,000美元的账面利润。 - 在代码块的其余部分,接下来执行类似的合并,这一次加入了标准普尔500指数的最新收盘价-这提供了计算标准普尔500指数相对于每个position持有期的可比回报所需的第二个部分:每个股票收购日的标准普尔500指数价格和标准普尔500指数的最新收盘价。
- 每个投资组合position的价格、股票和position收购日的价值,以及最新的市场收盘价。
- 每个股票的等值position收购日的等值标准普尔500指数价格、股票和价值,以及标准普尔500指数的最新收盘价。
- 在第一列
['SP Return']
中,您创建了一个列,该列计算标准普尔500指数在每个position持有期间的绝对百分比回报(注意,这是绝对回报,而不是年化回报)。在第二列(['Abs. Return Compare']
)中,您将在同一时间段内将['ticker return']
(每个位置的回报)与['SP Return']
进行比较。 - 在接下来的三栏
['Ticker Share Value'], ['SP 500 Value'] and ['Abs Value Compare']
中,我们根据我们持有的股票乘以最新调整后的收盘价来计算美元价值(市值)等值(并从股票代码中减去标准普尔回报,以计算超出/(低于)业绩)。 - 最后,
['Stock Gain / (Loss)']
和['SP 500 Gain / (Loss)']
# Percent return of SP from acquisition date of position through latest trading day.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest['SP Return'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest['SP 500 Latest Close'] / merged_portfolio_sp_latest['SP 500 Initial Close'] - 1
# This is a new column which takes the tickers return and subtracts the sp 500 equivalent range return.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Abs. Return Compare'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest['ticker return'] - merged_portfolio_sp_latest['SP Return']
# This is a new column where we calculate the ticker's share value by multiplying the original quantity by the latest close.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Ticker Share Value'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Quantity'] * merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Ticker Adj Close']
# We calculate the equivalent SP 500 Value if we take the original SP shares * the latest SP 500 share price.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest['SP 500 Value'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Equiv SP Shares'] * merged_portfolio_sp_latest['SP 500 Latest Close']
# This is a new column where we take the current market value for the shares and subtract the SP 500 value.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Abs Value Compare'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Ticker Share Value'] - merged_portfolio_sp_latest['SP 500 Value']
# This column calculates profit / loss for stock position.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Stock Gain / (Loss)'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Ticker Share Value'] - merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Cost Basis']
# This column calculates profit / loss for SP 500.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest['SP 500 Gain / (Loss)'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest['SP 500 Value'] - merged_portfolio_sp_latest['Cost Basis']
下面,作者将从YTD performance代码块开始,并在下面进一步提供有关代码的详细信息。
# Merge the overall dataframe with the adj close start of year dataframe for YTD tracking of tickers.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD = pd.merge(merged_portfolio_sp_latest, adj_close_start, on='Ticker')
# , how='outer'
# Deleting date again as it's an unnecessary column. Explaining that new column is the Ticker Start of Year Close.
del merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD['Date']
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD.rename(columns={'Adj Close': 'Ticker Start Year Close'}, inplace=True)
# Join the SP 500 start of year with current dataframe for SP 500 ytd comparisons to tickers.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp = pd.merge(merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD, sp_500_adj_close_start
, left_on='Start of Year', right_on='Date')
# Deleting another unneeded Date column.
del merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Date']
# Renaming so that it's clear this column is SP 500 start of year close.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp.rename(columns={'Adj Close': 'SP Start Year Close'}, inplace=True)
# YTD return for portfolio position.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Share YTD'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Ticker Adj Close'] / merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Ticker Start Year Close'] - 1
# YTD return for SP to run compares.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['SP 500 YTD'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['SP 500 Latest Close'] / merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['SP Start Year Close'] - 1
- 在创建
;这样做是因为YTD(年初至今)股票和指数表现是通过它来衡量的;去年的结束收盘价是下一年的结束收盘价;您这样做是因为它是衡量YTD(年初至今)股票和指数表现的方式;去年的结束收盘价就是下一年的结束收盘价;您这样做是因为它是衡量YTD(年初至今)股票和指数表现的方式;去年的结束收盘价是次年的结束日期. - 在这里,我们再次使用
方法来澄清主数据框新添加的列。 - 最后,我们提取每个Ticker(在
['Ticker Adj Close']
列中),并计算每个Ticker的YTD回报(SP 500 Latest Close
方法对‘主’数据框重新排序,然后计算累计投资组合投资(持仓成本之和),以及投资组合头寸的累计价值和理论标准普尔500指数投资的累计价值。这使你能够看到你的总投资组合(在整个时期的不同时间对头寸进行的投资)与简单地投资于指数的策略进行了整体比较。稍后,您将使用['Cum Ticker ROI Mult']
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp.sort_values(by='Ticker', ascending=True)
# Cumulative sum of original investment
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Cum Invst'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Cost Basis'].cumsum()
# Cumulative sum of Ticker Share Value (latest FMV based on initial quantity purchased).
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Cum Ticker Returns'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Ticker Share Value'].cumsum()
# Cumulative sum of SP Share Value (latest FMV driven off of initial SP equiv purchase).
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Cum SP Returns'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['SP 500 Value'].cumsum()
# Cumulative CoC multiple return for stock investments
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Cum Ticker ROI Mult'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Cum Ticker Returns'] / merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Cum Invst']
# Need to factor in that some positions were purchased much more recently than others.
# Join adj_close dataframe with portfolio in order to have acquisition date.
adj_close_acq_date = pd.merge(adj_close, portfolio_df, on='Ticker')
# delete_columns = ['Quantity', 'Unit Cost', 'Cost Basis', 'Start of Year']
del adj_close_acq_date['Quantity']
del adj_close_acq_date['Unit Cost']
del adj_close_acq_date['Cost Basis']
del adj_close_acq_date['Start of Year']
# Sort by these columns in this order in order to make it clearer where compare for each position should begin.
adj_close_acq_date.sort_values(by=['Ticker', 'Acquisition Date', 'Date'], ascending=[True, True, True], inplace=True)
# Anything less than 0 means that the stock close was prior to acquisition.
adj_close_acq_date['Date Delta'] = adj_close_acq_date['Date'] - adj_close_acq_date['Acquisition Date']
adj_close_acq_date['Date Delta'] = adj_close_acq_date[['Date Delta']].apply(pd.to_numeric)
# Modified the dataframe being evaluated to look at highest close which occurred after Acquisition Date (aka, not prior to purchase).
adj_close_acq_date_modified = adj_close_acq_date[adj_close_acq_date['Date Delta']>=0]
# This pivot table will index on the Ticker and Acquisition Date, and find the max adjusted close.
adj_close_pivot = adj_close_acq_date_modified.pivot_table(index=['Ticker', 'Acquisition Date'], values='Adj Close', aggfunc=np.max)
# Merge the adj close pivot table with the adj_close table in order to grab the date of the Adj Close High (good to know).
adj_close_pivot_merged = pd.merge(adj_close_pivot, adj_close
, on=['Ticker', 'Adj Close'])
# Merge the Adj Close pivot table with the master dataframe to have the closing high since you have owned the stock.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high = pd.merge(merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp, adj_close_pivot_merged
, on=['Ticker', 'Acquisition Date'])
# Renaming so that it's clear that the new columns are closing high and closing high date.
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high.rename(columns={'Adj Close': 'Closing High Adj Close', 'Date': 'Closing High Adj Close Date'}, inplace=True)
merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Pct off High'] = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker Adj Close'] / merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Closing High Adj Close'] - 1
# Ploty is an outstanding resource for interactive charts.
trace1 = go.Bar(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Ticker'][0:10],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Share YTD'][0:10],
name = 'Ticker YTD')
trace2 = go.Scatter(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['Ticker'][0:10],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp['SP 500 YTD'][0:10],
name = 'SP500 YTD')
data = [trace1, trace2]
layout = go.Layout(title = 'YTD Return vs S&P 500 YTD'
, barmode = 'group'
, yaxis=dict(title='Returns', tickformat=".2%")
, xaxis=dict(title='Ticker')
, legend=dict(x=.8,y=1)
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
# Current Share Price versus Closing High Since Purchased
trace1 = go.Bar(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker'][0:10],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Pct off High'][0:10],
name = 'Pct off High')
data = [trace1]
layout = go.Layout(title = 'Adj Close % off of High'
, barmode = 'group'
, yaxis=dict(title='% Below Adj Close High', tickformat=".2%")
, xaxis=dict(title='Ticker')
, legend=dict(x=.8,y=1)
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
Total Return Comparison Charts
trace1 = go.Bar(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker'][0:10],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['ticker return'][0:10],
name = 'Ticker Total Return')
trace2 = go.Scatter(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker'][0:10],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['SP Return'][0:10],
name = 'SP500 Total Return')
data = [trace1, trace2]
layout = go.Layout(title = 'Total Return vs S&P 500'
, barmode = 'group'
, yaxis=dict(title='Returns', tickformat=".2%")
, xaxis=dict(title='Ticker', tickformat=".2%")
, legend=dict(x=.8,y=1)
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
Cumulative Returns Over Time
trace1 = go.Bar(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker'][0:10],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Stock Gain / (Loss)'][0:10],
name = 'Ticker Total Return ($)')
trace2 = go.Bar(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker'][0:10],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['SP 500 Gain / (Loss)'][0:10],
name = 'SP 500 Total Return ($)')
trace3 = go.Scatter(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker'][0:10],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['ticker return'][0:10],
name = 'Ticker Total Return %',
data = [trace1, trace2, trace3]
layout = go.Layout(title = 'Gain / (Loss) Total Return vs S&P 500'
, barmode = 'group'
, yaxis=dict(title='Gain / (Loss) ($)')
, yaxis2=dict(title='Ticker Return', overlaying='y', side='right', tickformat=".2%")
, xaxis=dict(title='Ticker')
, legend=dict(x=.75,y=1)
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
trace1 = go.Bar(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker'],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Cum Invst'],
# mode = 'lines+markers',
name = 'Cum Invst')
trace2 = go.Bar(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker'],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Cum SP Returns'],
# mode = 'lines+markers',
name = 'Cum SP500 Returns')
trace3 = go.Bar(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker'],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Cum Ticker Returns'],
# mode = 'lines+markers',
name = 'Cum Ticker Returns')
trace4 = go.Scatter(
x = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Ticker'],
y = merged_portfolio_sp_latest_YTD_sp_closing_high['Cum Ticker ROI Mult'],
# mode = 'lines+markers',
name = 'Cum ROI Mult'
, yaxis='y2')
data = [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]
layout = go.Layout(title = 'Total Cumulative Investments Over Time'
, barmode = 'group'
, yaxis=dict(title='Returns')
, xaxis=dict(title='Ticker')
, legend=dict(x=.4,y=1)
, yaxis2=dict(title='Cum ROI Mult', overlaying='y', side='right')
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)