public enum State {
* Thread state for a thread which has not yet started.
* Thread state for a runnable thread. A thread in the runnable
* state is executing in the Java virtual machine but it may
* be waiting for other resources from the operating system
* such as processor.
* Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock.
* A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock
* to enter a synchronized block/method or
* reenter a synchronized block/method after calling
* {@link Object#wait() Object.wait}.
* Thread state for a waiting thread.
* A thread is in the waiting state due to calling one of the
* following methods:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Object#wait() Object.wait} with no timeout</li>
* <li>{@link #join() Thread.join} with no timeout</li>
* <li>{@link LockSupport#park() LockSupport.park}</li>
* </ul>
* <p>A thread in the waiting state is waiting for another thread to
* perform a particular action.
* For example, a thread that has called <tt>Object.wait()</tt>
* on an object is waiting for another thread to call
* <tt>Object.notify()</tt> or <tt>Object.notifyAll()</tt> on
* that object. A thread that has called <tt>Thread.join()</tt>
* is waiting for a specified thread to terminate.
* Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time.
* A thread is in the timed waiting state due to calling one of
* the following methods with a specified positive waiting time:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #sleep Thread.sleep}</li>
* <li>{@link Object#wait(long) Object.wait} with timeout</li>
* <li>{@link #join(long) Thread.join} with timeout</li>
* <li>{@link LockSupport#parkNanos LockSupport.parkNanos}</li>
* <li>{@link LockSupport#parkUntil LockSupport.parkUntil}</li>
* </ul>
* Thread state for a terminated thread.
* The thread has completed execution.
- Object的wait/notifyAll最终调用JVM_MonitorWait/JVM_MonitorNotify
调用ObjectMonitor::wait,最终调用ParkEvent::park () - join调用wait
- sleep调用JVM_Sleep,进而调用os::sleep,最终调用ParkEvent::park ()
- LockSupport的park/unpark调用Parker::park/unpark
- ParkEvent -> os::PlatformEvent -> CHeapObj<mtInternal>
Parker -> os::PlatformParker -> CHeapObj<mtInternal> - 其阻塞都是通过pthread_cond_t实现的
2.1 ParkEvent
class ParkEvent : public os::PlatformEvent {
ParkEvent * FreeNext ;
// Current association
Thread * AssociatedWith ;
intptr_t RawThreadIdentity ; // LWPID etc
volatile int Incarnation ;
// diagnostic : keep track of last thread to wake this thread.
// this is useful for construction of dependency graphs.
void * LastWaker ;
// MCS-CLH list linkage and Native Mutex/Monitor
ParkEvent * volatile ListNext ;
ParkEvent * volatile ListPrev ;
volatile intptr_t OnList ;
volatile int TState ;
volatile int Notified ; // for native monitor construct
volatile int IsWaiting ; // Enqueued on WaitSet
static ParkEvent * volatile FreeList ;
static volatile int ListLock ;
// It's prudent to mark the dtor as "private"
// ensuring that it's not visible outside the package.
// Unfortunately gcc warns about such usage, so
// we revert to the less desirable "protected" visibility.
// The other compilers accept private dtors.
protected: // Ensure dtor is never invoked
~ParkEvent() { guarantee (0, "invariant") ; }
ParkEvent() : PlatformEvent() {
AssociatedWith = NULL ;
FreeNext = NULL ;
ListNext = NULL ;
ListPrev = NULL ;
OnList = 0 ;
TState = 0 ;
Notified = 0 ;
IsWaiting = 0 ;
// We use placement-new to force ParkEvent instances to be
// aligned on 256-byte address boundaries. This ensures that the least
// significant byte of a ParkEvent address is always 0.
void * operator new (size_t sz) throw();
void operator delete (void * a) ;
static ParkEvent * Allocate (Thread * t) ;
static void Release (ParkEvent * e) ;
} ;
class PlatformEvent : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
double CachePad [4] ; // increase odds that _mutex is sole occupant of cache line
volatile int _Event ;
volatile int _nParked ;
pthread_mutex_t _mutex [1] ;
pthread_cond_t _cond [1] ;
double PostPad [2] ;
Thread * _Assoc ;
public: // TODO-FIXME: make dtor private
~PlatformEvent() { guarantee (0, "invariant") ; }
PlatformEvent() {
int status;
status = pthread_cond_init (_cond, os::Linux::condAttr());
assert_status(status == 0, status, "cond_init");
status = pthread_mutex_init (_mutex, NULL);
assert_status(status == 0, status, "mutex_init");
_Event = 0 ;
_nParked = 0 ;
_Assoc = NULL ;
// Use caution with reset() and fired() -- they may require MEMBARs
void reset() { _Event = 0 ; }
int fired() { return _Event; }
void park () ;
void unpark () ;
int TryPark () ;
int park (jlong millis) ; // relative timed-wait only
void SetAssociation (Thread * a) { _Assoc = a ; }
} ;
2.2 Parker
class Parker : public os::PlatformParker {
volatile int _counter ; //计数
Parker * FreeNext ; //指向下一个Parker
JavaThread * AssociatedWith ; // 指向parker所属的线程。
Parker() : PlatformParker() {
_counter = 0 ; //初始化为0
FreeNext = NULL ;
AssociatedWith = NULL ;
~Parker() { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
// For simplicity of interface with Java, all forms of park (indefinite,
// relative, and absolute) are multiplexed into one call.
void park(bool isAbsolute, jlong time);
void unpark();
// Lifecycle operators
static Parker * Allocate (JavaThread * t) ;
static void Release (Parker * e) ;
static Parker * volatile FreeList ;
static volatile int ListLock ;
class PlatformParker : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
enum {
int _cur_index; // 条件变量数组下标,which cond is in use: -1, 0, 1
pthread_mutex_t _mutex [1] ; //pthread互斥锁
pthread_cond_t _cond [2] ; // pthread条件变量数组,一个用于相对时间,一个用于绝对时间。
public: // TODO-FIXME: make dtor private
~PlatformParker() { guarantee (0, "invariant") ; }
PlatformParker() {
int status;
status = pthread_cond_init (&_cond[REL_INDEX], os::Linux::condAttr());
assert_status(status == 0, status, "cond_init rel");
status = pthread_cond_init (&_cond[ABS_INDEX], NULL);
assert_status(status == 0, status, "cond_init abs");
status = pthread_mutex_init (_mutex, NULL);
assert_status(status == 0, status, "mutex_init");
_cur_index = -1; // mark as unused
- Object的wait、join、sleep当检测到中断时,会返回,并清除中断标志位
- LockSupport.park检测到中断时也会返回,但不会清除中断标志位
3.1 Object的wait和join
void ObjectMonitor::wait(jlong millis, bool interruptible, TRAPS) {
Thread * const Self = THREAD ;
assert(Self->is_Java_thread(), "Must be Java thread!");
JavaThread *jt = (JavaThread *)THREAD;
DeferredInitialize () ;
// Throw IMSX or IEX.
EventJavaMonitorWait event;
// check for a pending interrupt
if (interruptible && Thread::is_interrupted(Self, true) && !HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
// post monitor waited event. Note that this is past-tense, we are done waiting.
if (JvmtiExport::should_post_monitor_waited()) {
// Note: 'false' parameter is passed here because the
// wait was not timed out due to thread interrupt.
JvmtiExport::post_monitor_waited(jt, this, false);
// In this short circuit of the monitor wait protocol, the
// current thread never drops ownership of the monitor and
// never gets added to the wait queue so the current thread
// cannot be made the successor. This means that the
// JVMTI_EVENT_MONITOR_WAITED event handler cannot accidentally
// consume an unpark() meant for the ParkEvent associated with
// this ObjectMonitor.
if (event.should_commit()) {
post_monitor_wait_event(&event, 0, millis, false);
TEVENT (Wait - Throw IEX) ;
return ;
3.2 sleep
JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_Sleep(JNIEnv* env, jclass threadClass, jlong millis))
if (millis < 0) {
THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "timeout value is negative");
if (Thread::is_interrupted (THREAD, true) && !HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_InterruptedException(), "sleep interrupted");
// Save current thread state and restore it at the end of this block.
// And set new thread state to SLEEPING.
JavaThreadSleepState jtss(thread);
3.3 LockSupport.park
void Parker::park(bool isAbsolute, jlong time) {
// Ideally we'd do something useful while spinning, such
// as calling unpackTime().
// Optional fast-path check:
// Return immediately if a permit is available.
// We depend on Atomic::xchg() having full barrier semantics
// since we are doing a lock-free update to _counter.
if (Atomic::xchg(0, &_counter) > 0) return;
Thread* thread = Thread::current();
assert(thread->is_Java_thread(), "Must be JavaThread");
JavaThread *jt = (JavaThread *)thread;
// Optional optimization -- avoid state transitions if there's an interrupt pending.
// Check interrupt before trying to wait
if (Thread::is_interrupted(thread, false)) {