1. 科研成果呈现的通用逻辑是什么?针对你感兴趣的话题和研究对象,从科研和学术的角度,你打算怎样呈现相应的2W+H?
The general logic are the following 4 points:
1.What? Your research content and findings
2.Why? Your incentives
3.How? Your methodology and research process
4.Research significance
2. 对于科研至关重要的文献综述,应遵循怎样的逻辑范式进行?根据你熟悉的领域,确定一个有意义的研究课题,并基于以往相关研究阐释其必要性和价值(用“漏斗”式故事思维,逐曾深入,直至指出research / literature gap及相应研究的必要性和价值)
Literature Review:
1. Start from the most cited paper
2. Find the related articles
3. Select some of the papers related to your topic and find the relationship
4. From general to specific 由广到深
5. Find the literature gap
Test the granger causality between economic growth, carbon emission, and energy used
Analysis energy consumption, carbon emissions, and economic growth in China
Xing-Ping Zhang , Xiao-Mei Cheng
There seems to be basically three research strands in literature on the relationship between economic growth and environmental pollutants. The first strand focuses on the environmental pollutants and economic growth nexus. It is closely related to testing the validity of the so-called environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis, which postulates an inverted U-shaped relationship between the level of environmental degradation and income growth. That is to say, environmental degradation increases with per capita income during the early stages of economic growth, and then declines with per capita income after arriving at a threshold. Ever since the original empirical study of Grossman and Krueger (1991), an increasing body of literature has tested the economic growth and environmental pollution nexus.1 However, the empirical results appear to be controversial. The EKC model is severely criticized for lack of feedback from environmental pollutants to economic output as income is assumed to be an exogenous variable (see Arrow et al., 1995; Stern, 2004; Hung and Shaw, 2002; among others). Hill and Magnani (2002), Stern (2004), and Dinda (2004) provided extensive reviews of this EKC research. ——What other scholars have been done
An assessment of the existing literature indicates that most studies focus on the nexus of output-energy or output-pollution —- 别人聚焦的主题
In the first two research strands, there are even a more limited number of examples that examine the nexus between economic growth and environmental degradation in China. Song et al. (2008) investigated the relationship between environmental pollution and economic growth in China based on the EKC hypothesis using Chinese provincial data. ——研究中出现的问题/
The choice of China is also motivated by the fact that China has been the second largest energy consumer and energy-related CO2 emitter in the world. As a developing country, China is one of the highest growth economies in the world, and it has experienced a significant rise in energy consumption and carbon emissions in recent decades. ——处女地 literature gap