说话特点 | 单词 |
1. silence, unresponsiveness | taciturn |
2. economy, brevity, meaningfulness | laconic |
3. awkwardness, sputtering, incoherence | inarticulate |
4. rambling chatter | garrulous |
5. hackneyed, unoriginal phraseology | banal |
6. wordiness, repetitiousness | verbose |
7. fluency, rapidity | voluble |
8. logic, clarity, persuasiveness | cogent |
9. noise, vehemence | vociferous |
10. talkativeness | loquacious |
单词 | 发音 |
1. taciturn | TAS′-Ə-turn |
2. laconic | lƏ-KON′-ik |
3. inarticulate | in′-ahr-TIK′-yƏ-lƏt |
4. garrulous | GAIR′-Ə-lƏs |
5. banal | BAY′-nƏl |
6. verbose | vƏr-BŌS′ |
7. voluble | VOL′-yƏ-bƏl |
8. cogent | KŌ′-jƏnt |
9. vociferous | vō-SIF′-Ər-Əs |
10. loquacious | lō-KWAY′-shƏso |
单词 | 发音 |
1. taciturnity | tas-Ə-TURN′-Ə-tee |
2. tacit | TAS′-it |
3. tacitness | TAS′-Ət-nƏs |
4. reticent | RET′-Ə-sƏnt |
5. reticence | RET′-Ə-sƏns |
6. reticency | RET′-Ə-sƏn-see |
7. loquaciousness | lō-KWAY′-shƏs-nƏs |
8. loquacity | lō-KWAS′-Ə-tee |
9. soliloquy | sƏ-LIL′-Ə-kwee |
10. soliloquist | sƏ-LIL′-Ə-kwist |
11. soliloquize | sƏ-LIL′-Ə-kwīz′ |
12. ventriloquist | ven′-TRIL′-Ə-kwist |
13. ventriloquism | ven-TRIL′-Ə-kwiz-Əm |
14. ventriloquistic | ven-tril′-Ə-KWIS′-tik |
15. ventriloquize | ven-TRIL′-Ə-kwīz′ |
16. colloquial | kƏ-LŌ′-kwee-Əl |
17. colloquialism | kƏ-LŌ′-kwee-Ə-liz-Əm |
18. circumlocution | sur′-kƏm-lō-KY′-shƏn |
19. circumlocutory | sur′-kƏm-LOK′-yƏ-tawr′-ee |
单词 | 发音 |
1. laconicity | lak′-Ə-NIS′-Ə-tee |
2. laconism | LAK′-Ə-niz-Əm |
3. laconicism | lƏ-KON′-Ə-siz-Əm |
4. eloquent | EL′-Ə-kwƏnt |
5. eloquence | EL′-Ə-kwƏns |
6. magniloquent | mag-NIL′-Ə-kwƏnt |
7. magniloquence | mag-NIL′-Ə-kwƏns |
8. grandiloquent | gran-DIL′-Ə-kwƏnt |
9. grandiloquence | gran-DIL′-Ə-kwƏns |
10. verbosity | vƏr-BOS′-Ə-tee |
11. volubility | vol′-yƏ-BIL′-Ə-tee |
12. garrulity | gƏ-R′-lƏ-tee |
13. cogency | KŌ′-jƏn-see |
单词 | 发音 |
1. magnanimous | mag-NAN′-Ə-mƏs |
2. magnate | MAG′-nayt |
3. magnum opus MAG′-nƏm | Ō′-pƏs |
4. verbatim | vƏr-BAY′-tim |
5. verbal | VUR′-bƏl |
6. verbalize | VUR′-bƏ-līz′ |
7. verbiage | VUR′-bee-Əj |
8. revolve | rƏ-VOLV′ |
9. revolution | rev′-Ə-L′-shƏn |
10. revolutionary | rev′-Ə-L′-shƏ-nair′-ee |
11. evolve | Ə-VOLV′ |
12. evolution | ev′-Ə-LOO′-shƏn |
13. evolutionary | ev′-Ə-L′-shƏ-nair′-ee |
单词 | 发音 |
1. ventral | VEN′-trƏl |
2. ventricle | VEN′-trƏ-kƏl |
3. auricle | AWR′-Ə-kƏl |
4. ventricular | ven-TRIK′-yƏ-lƏr |
5. auricular | aw-RIK′-yƏ-lƏr |
6. avuncular | Ə-VUNG′-kyƏ-lƏr |
7. dorsal | DAWR′-sƏl |
8. endorse | en-DAWRS′ |
9. endorsement | en-DAWRS′-mƏnt |
10. vociferousness | vō-SIF′-Ə-rƏs-nƏs |
11. vociferate | vō-SIF′-Ə-rayt′ |
12. vociferation | vō-sif′-Ə-RAY′-shƏn |
单词 | 发音 |
1. somniferous | som-NIF′-Ər-Əs |
2. insomnia | in-SOM′-nee-Ə |
3. insomniac | in-SOM′-nee-ak′ |
4. insomnious | in-SOM′-nee-Əs |
5. somnolent | SOM′-nƏ-lƏnt |
6. somnolence | SOM′-nƏ-lƏns |
7. somnolency | SOM′-nƏ-lƏn-see |
8. somnambulism | som-NAM′-byƏ-liz-Əm |
9. somnambulist | som-NAM′-byƏ-list |
10. somnambulistic | som-nam′-byƏ-LIST′-ik |
单词 | 发音 |
1. ambulatory | AM′-byƏ-lƏ-tawr′-ee |
2. perambulator | pƏ-RAM′-byƏ-lay′-tƏr |
3. perambulate | pƏ-RAM′-byƏ-layt′ |
4. perambulation | pƏ-ram′-byƏ-LAY′-shƏn |
5. amble | AM′-bƏl |
6. preamble | PREE′-am-bƏl |
7. soporific | sop-Ə-RIF′-ik |
8. inarticulateness | in′-ahr-TIK′-yƏ-lƏt-nƏs |
9. articulate | ahr-TIK′-yƏ-lƏt |
10. banality | bƏ-NAL′-Ə-tee |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. taceo | to be silent |
2. -ity | noun suffix |
3. -ness | noun suffix |
4. -ent | adjective suffix |
5. -ence, -ency | noun suffix |
6. re- | again |
7. loquor | to speak |
8. solus | alone |
9. -ist | one who |
10. -ize | verb suffix |
11. venter, | ventris belly |
12. -ic | adjective suffix |
13. -ous | adjective suffix |
14. con-, col-, com-, cor- | with, together |
15. -al | adjective suffix |
16. -ism | noun suffix |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. Laconia | Sparta |
2. -ness | noun suffix |
3. -ism | noun suffix |
4. -ity | noun suffix |
5. e- (ex-) | out |
6. -ent | adjective suffix |
7. -ence | noun suffix |
8. magnus | big |
9. grandis | grand |
10. verbum | word |
11. volvo, volutus | to roll |
12. garrio | to chatter |
13. animus | mind |
14. -fy | to make |
15. -tude | noun suffix |
16. opus | work |
17. opero | to work |
18. -al | adjective suffix |
19. -ize | verb suffix |
20. re- | again, back |
21. -ary | adjective suffix |
22. in- | in |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. venter, | ventris belly |
2. loquor | to speak |
3. auris | ear |
4. avunculus | uncle |
5. dorsum | back |
6. vox, | vocis voice |
7. fero | to carry, bear |
8. somnus | sleep |
9. -ous | adjective suffix |
10. in- | negative suffix |
11. ambulo | to walk |
12. -ory | adjective suffix |
13. per- | through |
14. pre- | before, beforehand |
15. sopor | sleep |
16. fic- (facio) | to make or do |
17. -ness | noun suffix |
18. -ity | noun suffix |
19. -ion (-ation) | noun suffix attached to verbs |
20. -ent | adjective suffix |
21. -ence, -ency | noun suffix |