It has announced "youthquake", referring to the rallying of young people by Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party during the 2017 General Election, as its word of the year.
日前牛津词典宣布“青年震荡”被评为年度词汇(as its word of the year.作为年度词汇)。“青年震荡”指的是2017英国大选期间杰里米•科尔宾领导的工党拉拢年轻人(rallying)的行为。
The word saw a 400 percent increase in usage between 2016 and 2017, and "highlights the increased awareness of young people’s capacity to influence, and even drive, political change," it said.
牛津词典称,该词在2016年至2017年间的使用率(increase in usage )增加了400%,而且“凸显出(highlights)人们更多地意识到年轻人影响甚至驱动政治变化的能力”。
Casper Grathwohl, president of Oxford Dictionaries, said youthquake had taken the top spot because it was a "rare political word that sounds a hopeful note”.
牛津词典总裁卡斯帕•格拉斯沃说,‘青年震荡’居首(taken the top spot 处于第一位)是因为这是“罕见(rare)的一个让人燃起希望(sounds a hopeful 拥有希望)的政治词汇”。
"Sometimes you pick a word as the Word of the Year because you recognize that it has arrived, but other times you pick one that is knocking at the door and you want to help usher in," he said.
他说:“有时候你将某个词选为年度词汇是因为你意识到它已经到来,但有些时候你选择某个词汇则是因为它虽然尚在门口(knocking at the door 在敲门),但你想把它迎进来(help usher in帮助进入)。”
Corbyn engaged with the UK's foremost grime artists and spoke about topics such as housing and social justice in an attempt to woo younger voters - previously disengaged in politics - into voting for him.
英国工党领袖科尔宾(Corbyn)和英国一流的伦敦地下音乐人( foremost grime artists )交谈,讨论有关住房和社会公平等话题,试图赢得那些先前不参与政治(woo younger voters)的年轻人的选票。
This demographic overwhelming backed Corbyn, leading to seat gains such as Canterbury - a town with a large student group, but which had a 185-year period of always electing Conservative-allied MPs.
这部分人群(demographic 愿意指人群)一边倒(overwhelming 势不可挡地)地支持(backed !!!back指支持啊啊啊!我还以为反对呢)科尔宾,最终助他赢得了坎特伯雷等选区的席位(seat gains)。拥有庞大学生群体的坎特伯雷在过去长达185年的时间里选举出的一直都是保守党一方的议员(Conservative-allied MPs.)。
Another, "Milkshake Duck", is something which "initially inspires delight on social media but is soon revealed to have a distasteful or repugnant past".
另一个代表性词汇“奶昔鸭(Milkshake Duck)”指的是某人或某物“最初在社交媒体上讨人喜欢(delight受人喜欢有点怪哈哈,讨人喜欢是中文常用的词汇)但很快被发现(revealed to )有不堪(distasteful令人不快)或令人厌恶的过往”。
"Kompromat", a Russian word originally based on the English phrase "compromising material", means material used to blackmail or manipulate someone for political purposes.
“污点材料”(Kompromat败坏他人名声的材料)这个俄罗斯词语源于英文短语compromising material,意思是出于政治目的(for 这个for翻译成出于真的太棒啦,出于……目的political purposes.)用于敲诈或操控某人(manipulate someone)的材料。
Others were more light-hearted. "Gorpcore", meaning the trend for wearing functional, outdoorsy clothing, also made the list, alongside "unicorn", referring to the trend for dousing anything from lattes to bagels in rainbow colours and glitter.
其他一些代表词就轻松一些(light-hearted. )。“户外运动风(Gorpcore)”指的是穿着功能性户外服装的潮流,“独角兽风”指的是把所有东西,从拿铁咖啡(lattes)到百吉面包圈(bagels),都装饰得(dousing )五颜六色亮晶晶(rainbow colours and glitter.)。