life is like a box of chocolates,you never know what you will get!
出席得最多的是周二的Meet Me,虽然要组织活动,并没有花很多精力和时间,接手以来至今已有十多余次,服务于朋友让我们乐此不疲,交流想法让我们更感恩,感谢George 老师的支持,付出与宽容。希望有更多的朋友得益于老师的帮助。
还有Jounny 的活动形式有创意,这个年轻的大男孩说着貌似不着边的话,但他每一步都去践行了,包括出书....敬佩...服务于别人是一种幸福!stay hungry,stay foolish!
还有William 的活动感受意犹未尽,把写字的宣纸都拿回来写了,还写了个sci,尽管中国文化博大精深,我们了解甚微,楷体人如其字,是为人处事的根本,小篆给人带来无限想象,草书象征着freedom,还有人说秀色可餐,行书是我喜欢的,给人舒适惬意的艺术感。
Today I have attended an English corner and the homework is to write what I feel in English.
Now I want to recommend this activity to you.if you are an English lover and welcome to join this club!
Recently this club is committed to creating a warmly and friendly traditional culture learning environment to courage people practicing English and understanding Chinese traditional culture! It's totally free.
Even though people are from various ways but we have same goals for serving other people!
I am glad to know your guys and to learn Chinese calligraphy!
I can't thank you guys enough!