画更加复杂的图之前,先一步一步的添加元素,首先我们添加刻度(ticks),和刻度标签(ticks labels)。既然要添加元素,那么我们需要在原始的主配置文件里添加<ticks>block,并且要扩展<ideogram> block。但是tick和ideogram将储存在另外的文件里(不在主配置文件中),并且要在主配置文件里用 <<include>>来导入这些参数。
karyotype = data/karyotype/karyotype.human.txt #指定核型
chromosomes_units = 1000000 #染色体单位
<<include ideogram.conf>> #导入ideogram配置文件
<<include ticks.conf>> #导入ticks参数配置文件
<<include etc/image.conf>>
<<include etc/colors_fonts_patterns.conf>>
<<include etc/housekeeping.conf>>
default = 0.005r #文字与染色体骨架之间的距离
# Ideogram位置,填充,轮廓
radius = 0.90r
thickness = 20p
fill = yes
stroke_color = dgrey #轮廓颜色深灰色
stroke_thickness = 2p #轮廓粗细
# ideogram标签的定义
show_label = yes
# 标签的字体
label_font = default
label_radius = dims(image,radius)-60p
label_size = 30
label_parallel = yes
show_ticks = yes #显示刻度
show_tick_labels = yes #显示刻度标签
radius = 1r
color = black
thickness = 2p
multiplier = 1e-6 #10的6次方
# %d - 整数
# %f - 浮点
# %.1f - 带一位小数的浮点
# %.2f - 带两位小数的浮点
# for other formats, see http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/sprintf.html
format = %d #printf的类型,%d代表是整数
<tick> #这里画的是染色体上的小锯齿一样的单位刻度(见下图)
spacing = 5u #每个ticks之间的空间,一般用染色体的单位u来表示,也就是5Mb(5*10^6)处做一个标记
size = 10p #tick线的长度,也就是“锯齿”里短的那些是多长
spacing = 25u #(25Mb)#每5个小“锯齿”,就有一个长“锯齿”
size = 15p #“锯齿”里较长的那些刻度的长度
show_label = yes
label_size = 20p #文字的大小
label_offset = 10p #最外面一圈染色体的编号往外面偏移10p的距离,避免和内部一圈的数字重叠
format = %d
##格式:circos -conf 主配置文件路径 -outputdir 输出文件夹 -outputfile 输出文件名
$ circos -conf ./circos.conf -outputdir ./ -outputfile 11_15_run_practice.png
debuggroup summary 0.36s welcome to circos v0.69-8 15 Jun 2019 on Perl 5.026002
debuggroup summary 0.40s current working directory /home/yanfang/circos/circos-tutorials-0.67/tutorials/1/2
debuggroup summary 0.40s command /home/yanfang/anaconda3/bin/circos -conf ./circos.conf -outputdir ./ -outputfile 11_15_run_practice.png
debuggroup summary 0.40s loading configuration from file ./circos.conf
debuggroup summary 0.40s found conf file ./circos.conf
debuggroup summary 0.53s debug will appear for these features: output,summary
debuggroup summary 0.53s bitmap output image ./11_15_run_practice.png
debuggroup summary 0.54s SVG output image ./11_15_run_practice.svg
debuggroup summary 0.54s parsing karyotype and organizing ideograms
debuggroup summary 0.62s karyotype has 24 chromosomes of total size 3,095,677,436
debuggroup summary 0.63s applying global and local scaling
debuggroup summary 0.64s allocating image, colors and brushes
debuggroup summary 2.26s drawing 24 ideograms of total size 3,095,677,436
debuggroup summary 2.26s drawing highlights and ideograms
debuggroup output 2.69s generating output
debuggroup output 3.09s created PNG image ./11_15_run_practice.png (272 kb)
debuggroup output 3.09s created SVG image ./11_15_run_practice.svg (122 kb)
$ xdg-open 11_15_run_practice.png