I: Read for fun
honest adj ['ɔnist] 诚实的;正直的
brave adj [breiv]勇敢的
loyal adj ['lɔiəl] 忠诚的;忠心的
wise adj [waiz]英明的;明智的;聪明的
handsome adj ['hænsəm]英俊的;大方的;美观的
smart adj [smɑ:t]聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的
argue vt ['ɑɡju:]争论;辩论
solution n[sə'lju:ʃən]解答;解决办法;解决方案
classical adj ['klæsikəl]古典的;古典文学的
fond adj [fɔnd]喜爱的;多情的;喜欢的
fond of 喜欢;爱好
Journey to the West is a well-known classical masterpiece and the best-known fantasy novel with four main characters.
Tang monk, handsome but not wise; Sun Wukong, brave and smart; Zhu Bajie ,not loyal; Monk Sha, honest.
They are always fond of arguing with each other about the solution to getting the Buddhist Scriptures.
1.西游记Journeyto the West; Pilgrimage To The West
The four main characters in this novel are“唐僧”,“孙悟空”,“猪八戒” and“沙和尚”.“唐僧” is the master of the rest
three apprentices. “唐僧” in English is
“Tang Monk”.“孙悟空” may be the
most familiar to you. That is the “Monkey King”. “猪八戒” is the Pigsy and“沙和尚” means the “Sha Monk”. All
these four characters are the pilgrims in the journey to the west for the
Buddhist scriptures. On their way to the west, there were a lot of unexpected
obstacles and difficulties. They needed to fight against all the barriers with
their wit and courage. All the three apprentices have the supematural power
and“孙悟空” is the mostpowerful one. He was said to be one of the Chinese hero for his infinite power.
3.唐僧Tang Monk; Monk Tang; MonkXuanzang
Tang Monk is the leader of Western Buddhism and a devout Buddhist. InBuddhist legends, Tang Monk is a perfect saint.
However, Wu Cheng’en did not write him as a saint monk, but an ordinary manwith many shortcomings. The greatest weakness of Tang Monk in the book istimidity, cowardice and incompetence. When he encountered dangerous mountainsand rivers on his way, he was terrified; when he met demons and monsters, hefell on his knees and cried out to the king to spare his life. He was at a lossin any difficulty.
4.孙悟空name of a monkey withsupernatural powers in the novel
孙悟空是中国著名的神话角色之一,出自四大名著之《西游记》。相传他由开天辟地以来的仙石孕育而生,因带领群猴进入水帘洞而成为众猴之王,号称为 “美猴王”。 由此,才引出了孙悟空大闹天空,以致后来收服悟空,让他帮助唐僧去西天取经的故事。
Monkey King is one of the most famous mythological roles in China, whichoriginated from Journey to the West, one of the four famous works. It is saidthat he was bred by the fairy stone since the founding of heaven and earth. Hebecame the king of monkeys by leading the monkeys into the water curtain cave,known as the "Monkey King".
Later, many things happened because of this monkey: it raised havoc in theHeavenly Palace, and was subdued and asked to assist Tang Priest to fetchscriptures from the Western Heaven.
Zhu Bajie is a character in the classical novel Journey to the West. Hisname isZhu Wuneng. He was the
Tianpeng marshal. He was exiledbecause of sin, and he was born by mistake. He is strong and able to work. Buthe is fond of eating and lazy, covetous of women, fond of gossip, and like toget some benefit from things by small means.
Sun Wukong accompanies his master to Gaolaozhuang village, he changes intoZhu Wuneng's wife and subdues Zhu and takes him as Tang Sanzang's disciple andgives him a nickname by Bajie.
7.沙僧Sha Wujing; Monk Sha
In Journey to the West, Monk Sha was the third apprentice of the Tang monk,who was driven to the Liusha River in the earth for breaking the glazed dishesof the Heavenly Palace. After he was accepted as the third apprentice by theTang monk, he was renamed Sha Wujing, commonly known as Monk Sha. Monk Sha isthe most common one of the four characters.
8.佛经the Buddhist Scriptures
9.解决办法solution (toa problem)
Journey to the West西游记,作者吴承恩
There are有
monk僧侣; 修道士
fond of爱好
arguing争论; 争吵; 争辩; 论证; 说理; 证明; 表明; argue的现在分词; argument争论; 争吵; 争辩
each other 彼此
Journey to the West is a well-known classical masterpiece and the best-known fantasy novel with four main characters.
Tang monk, handsome but not wise; Sun Wukong, brave and smart; Zhu Bajie ,not loyal; Monk Sha, honest.
They are always fond of arguing with each other about the solution to getting the Buddhist Scriptures.