1unrestrained[Anr'strend] adj.不受抑制的,无拘束的,不受控制的;
[例句] There was unrestrained joy on the faces
of the people 人们的脸上洋溢着无尽的欢乐。
Unrestrained 释义unchecked unbridled, uncontrolled;
2unfettered[An'fetad] adj.被除去脚镣的; 不受限制的,不受约束的;
[例句] Unfettered by the bounds of reality,my
imagination flourished.
Unfettered英文释义not bound by shackles and chains
3territories n.领土[例句] They just want to return
to their familiesin the occupied territories 他们只是想回到在占领区的家人身边。
territory释义land that is under the control of a particular country or ruler
4toiI vi.长时间或辛苦地工作; 艰难缓慢地移动; 跋
涉;[例句Arnold had hishead down,gasping as he
toiled up the hill.阿诺德垂着头,一边费劲地往山上爬一边气喘吁吁。
toil释义to work very hard and/or for a long time
/nouJn/ 。n.观念; 概念; 观点; 看法; 例句Many Chinese have thenot ionthat all French men
are romantic.
释义: an idea, belief or opinion in one's mind
2illustration/Ila'strerjn/ 插图,举例,例证n.例句
The book'sillustr ationsof fruits help me to recognize them.这本书里的水果插画帮我认出那些水果。
释义:a picture to go with the words of a book, speaker, etc.
3estate/'stert/ 房地产,财产,遗产,庄园,状态n.例句
Myest ateincludes my house and part of the forest.
释义:money and property that a personowns,especially everything that is left
Many responsibilities come withparenthood; raising
a child is hard!为人父母会承担很多的责任,养大一个孩子好难啊!
释义:the state of being a parent;
He went fromragsto riche sinonly three years.
释义:(from) rags to richesfrom being extremely poor to being
但是梦很容易变成噩梦。每一个希望成功的美国人都知道失败的恐惧,因为成功的梦必然地表明一些关于富人与穷人,名人与普通人之间的比较。在梦想的压力下,我们享受一种身份的象征:我们努力去生活在一个好的环境,穿合适的衣服,吃健康的食物。这些优秀的标志向我们和其他人保证了我们所有人坚信的平等,努力奋斗然后我们就可以从我们同伴中脱颖而出。 1.nightmare I nartmer/a dream that is very frightening or unpleasantn.n.噩梦,可怕的情景
释义Seeing the bear gave her night mares.
2.myth /mr0/释义:something that many people believe
His exploration of the myth brings insight into the American psyche.
3.inevitable /In'evrtabl/
释义:as is certain to happen
lt is inevitable for people to get old.
4.anonymous /e' na:nimes/
释义:without any unusual or interesting features
adj.匿名的; 无名的; 无个性特征
I received an anonymous letter.I did not know who wrote it.
5.indulge /rn'dxldz/
释义:to satisfy a particular desire ,interest
V.沉迷于; 放纵; 满足
He should be working,but instead he indulges.
6.distinction /di'stnkJn/
释义:the quality of being sth that is special
I completed my final year exam with distinction.
7.strive /strarv/
释义:to try very hard to achieve sth or to defeat sth
He will strive for what he wants.
1.success第一段第一行“they will say success”
2.Benjamin Franklin. 第二段第二行
3.since …Hemisphere.第一段第二行后半部分
4.anyone…hard work.第一段第五行
5. comparsion 第三段第二行
[主题句]:全文主题句:Ask most people how they define the American Dream and chances are they'll say,Success.
1The reason for the success of American dream美国梦成功的缘由
2Our national mythology is full of illustration of the American success story.
3But dreams easily turn into nightmares.
[文章读后感]:“美国梦”是美国人最为珍惜的信仰。早在几个世纪以前美国人开赴工业市场,以成功为梦想,追求个人价值和自由以及机遇的发展。the dream of success will make you go inevitablely ,and nothing is impossible ,the idea from American so that they create the mythology.
在梦想的压力之下,我们享受这样一个身份的象征。我们渴望自由平等,努力奋斗,通过自己的价值在人群中脱颖而出,使我们的价值得以升华。我们通过实现自己的梦想从而实现更多人的梦想,成功的梦想让我们成为更优秀的自己,成功的神话渗透到我们生活的方方面面。To have a dream of success,are you ready?