1. 把愿望渗透到潜意识,愿望必定能实现。
2. 将努力变为持续的力量,就能让你这个平凡的人变为非凡的人,你就会具有强大的力量。这种持续的力量才是事业成功最重要的基石。长年坚持这种努力,那么杰出的技能和优秀的人格也会变成你的特质。
3. 让每一天都有所创新,就会天天前进,天天获得积累,每天都比昨天更进一步。
4. 人的能力有无限伸展的可能,相信这一点,面向未来就会实现自己人生的理想。
5. 把不可能变成可能。已经不行了的时候,才是真正的开始,永不放弃。
6. 苦难是考验,更是机会。得意时不要忘形,失意时不要消沉,每天勤奋工作这比什么都重要。
First, your dream will definitely be reached, if it is embedded in your subconsciousness.
Second, continuous hard work will help facilitate your transition from an ordinary person to an extraordinary one, and you will be empowered to become sucessful and gain many necessary skills and an outstanding personality to be successful.
Third, be innovative to make a little progress everyday.
Fourth, believe that your abilities can be stretched dramatically, which will help to fulfill your dream.
Fifth, make the impossible become possible. When it looks impossible, it's the real start of new opportunities, so never ever give up.
Sixth, hard times are like tests and they are actually opportunities. Don't be condescending when everything goes well, and don't be depressed during tough times. The most crucial is to be devoted to your work, everything will change for the better.