流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 6·Unit 2·Part 3· Listening JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination

One of the most historic events of the 20th century was the assassination of US President, John Kennedy.

PS: 20世纪最具历史意义的事件之一是美国总统肯尼迪遇刺。

One of…之一

most historic历史上著名的; 可名垂青史的; 有史时期的; historic的最高级

events发生的事情; 重要事情,大事; 公开活动; 社交场合; 比赛项目; event的复数

century100年; 百年; 世纪; 100分

assassination暗杀;刺杀,行刺   英 [əˌsæsɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [əˌsæsɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]

Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States, serving as President from January 1961 until November 1963.

PS: 肯尼迪是美国第35任总统,1961年1月至1963年11月任总统。

During his time in office the US entered the space race with the Soviet Union.

PS: 在他任职期间,美国加入了与苏联的太空竞赛。

entered进来; 进去; 进入; 成为…的一员; 加入; 开始从事; 开始参加; 开始进入; 着手进行; enter的过去分词和过去式

space race太空竞赛(20世纪50和60年代美国和苏联之间为取得宇宙探索领先地位而进行的竞争)

Soviet Union苏联

during one's time in office 在某人执政期间

Kennedy pledged that the US would land a man on the moon by the end of the decade.

PS: 肯尼迪承诺,美国将在本世纪末把一个人送上月球。

pledged保证给予; 正式承诺; 使保证; 使发誓; 抵押; 典当; pledge的过去分词和过去式英 [pledʒd] 美 [pledʒd]

would(will的过去式,用于转述)将,将会; 带出想象的结果; 就会; 想要; 希望; 愿意; 喜欢; 立定志向; 决心; 决意; 立遗嘱将赠与; 立遗嘱赠与; will的过去式

land陆地; 大地; 地带,土地; 地产; 地皮; 落; 降落; 着陆; 使平稳着陆; 着陆,登陆

by the end of在…尽头


Unfortunately, he never lived to see this happen.


1. What didn't he live to see?

The landing of a man on the moon.

In October of 1962, the US and the Soviet Union came dangerously close to entering a full-scale nuclear war.


This event was known as the Cuban Missile Crisis.

PS: 这一事件被称为古巴导弹危机。

Missile英 [ˈmɪsaɪl]  美 [ˈmɪsl] 导弹;飞弹;发射物;投射;弹道导弹

Kennedy's skillful handling of the situation, along with that of his Soviet counterpart, Nikita Khrushchev, helped save the world from a nuclear catastrophe.

PS: 尼迪和苏联总统赫鲁晓夫巧妙地处理了这一局势,帮助世界免于核灾难。

skillful灵巧的; 擅长于 (at; 制作精巧的

situation情况; 状况; 形势; 局面; 地理位置,环境特点; 职业; 工作岗位

along with除某物以外; 随同…一起,跟…一起

Soviet苏联的; 苏维埃; 苏联人

counterpart职位相当的人; 对应的事物

helped帮助; 协助; 援助; 改善状况; 促进; 促使; 搀扶; 带领; help的过去分词和过去式

nuclear原子能的; 核能的; 核武器的; 核子的; 原子核的

catastrophe灾难; 灾祸; 横祸; 不幸事件; 困难

Following this event, his approval rating in the United States improved from 66% to 77%.

PS: 在这次事件之后,他在美国的支持率从66%提高到77%。

Following接着的; 下述的; 下列的; 拥护者,追随者; 下述; 下列; 如下; 在以后; 由于; 跟随; 跟着; 在…后发生,因…而发生; 在…后做; follow的现在分词

event发生的事情; 重要事情,大事; 公开活动; 社交场合; 比赛项目

approval rating支持率

To many, he was considered to be the type of leader who could build a better world.


1.What kind of war almost happen in 1962?

a full-scale nuclear war.

2.What happened to Kennedy's approval rating after the Cuban Missile Crisis?

It improved.

3.To many, he was considered to be the type of leader who could build a better world.

Repeat Sentences:

1. Kennedy pledged that the US would land a man on the moon by the end of the decade.

2. He never lived to see the landing of a man on the moon.

3. His approval rating improved to 77 percent after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

4.To many, he was considered to be the type of leader who could build a better world.

On November 22, 1963, Kennedy's presidency came to a sudden and tragic end.

PS: 1963年11月22日,肯尼迪的总统任期突然悲惨地结束。

presidency英 [ˈprezɪdənsi]  美 [ˈprezɪdənsi] n.主席的职位(或任期等);总统的职位(或任期等)

He was shot and killed while riding in a motorcade in the city of Dallas, Texas.

PS: 在德克萨斯州达拉斯市的一个车队中被枪杀。

motorcade英 [ˈməʊtəkeɪd]  美 [ˈmoʊtərkeɪd] n.(载着要人的)车队,汽车行列

Kennedy and his wife were sitting in an open car, waving to a large crowd of people when he was shot.

PS: 肯尼迪和他的妻子坐在一辆敞篷车上,向一大群人挥手致意时,他被枪杀了。

They were sitting in an open car, with no protection, because the sky was clear.

It had rained until about 10 a.m., but then the sun came out.

If the sky hadn't cleared, there would have been a bubble top, or clear roof, on the car.

PS; 如果天空没有放晴,汽车上就会有一个泡泡顶,或者说是透明的车顶。

bubble泡; 气泡; 肥皂泡; 一点感情; 起泡; 冒泡; 发出冒泡的声音; 洋溢着

top顶; 顶部; 顶端; 表面; 上面; 最高的级别; 最重要的职位; 最高的; 很好的; 极棒的; 顶呱呱的; 高于,超过; 居…之首; 为…之冠; 把放在…的上面

clear清晰易懂的; 明白清楚的; 不含混的; 明显的; 显然的; 明确的; 无疑的; 清楚的; 明白的; 移走,搬走,清除; 清理; 使人离开; 恢复畅通; 不再受阻; 离开; 不靠近; 不接触; 一直

roof顶部; 屋顶; 车顶; 有…顶的; 洞顶; 隧道顶; 给…盖顶; 盖上屋顶

This would have prevented the assassination.

Kennedy wanted it down so that he could be closer to the crowds who were there to greet him.

PS: 肯尼迪想把它放下,这样他就可以更接近那些在那里迎接他的人群。


1.What allow them to be in an open car?

the sky has cleared.

2. Why did Kennedy prefer to ride in an open car

He wanted to be closer to the crowds.

3. If the sky hadn't cleared, there would have been a bubble top, or clear roof, on the car. This would have prevented the assassination.

Another factor that contributed to the assassination was the route of the motorcade through the city.

The route was published several days earlier in the local newspapers.

The motorcade was to pass through downtown Dallas and round a sharp corner near the building where the assassin worked.

PS: 车队要经过达拉斯市中心,绕过刺客工作的大楼附近的一个急转弯。


pass through穿过; 经历; 经验; 遭受

downtown在市中心,往市中心; 市中心区; 商业区


round圆形的; 环形的; 球形的; 弧形的; 圆弧的; 整数的; 尾数是0(或5)的; 旋转; 环绕; 兜圈子; 周长; 周围; 绕一整圈; 在周围; 围绕; 绕过; 在另一侧; 在…周围; 包围; 阶段; 轮次; 比赛阶段; 局; 场; 回合; 绕行; 成圆形; 变圆; 使成为整数; 把四舍五入

sharp corner急转弯

near距离近; 不远; 不久以后; 随后; 接近; 距离不远; 在附近; 几乎; 差不多; 在…附近; 靠近; 临近; 大约,上下; 接近,靠近,临近

building建筑物; 房子; 楼房; 建筑; 建筑业; 建造; 创建; 开发; 逐渐增强; build的现在分词


worked做体力工作; 劳动; 干活; 受雇于; 从事…工作; 使工作; 使卖力干活; work的过去分

From that building, there was a clear view of the president's car.

If the route had been different, the assassination probably wouldn't have taken place.


1.if the motorcade around has been changed, the assassin would have had to change plans or give up the attempt.

2.What would have happened had the view from building not provided a clear view of the president's car?

The assassin would have to shoot from another location.

Repeat Sentences:

1.They were sitting in an open car, with no protection, because the sky was clear.

2.If the sky hadn't cleared, they couldn't have been in an open car.

3.From that building, there was a clear view of the president's car.

4. It had rained until about 10 a.m., but then the sun came out.

5. The route was published several days earlier in the local newspapers.

6. If the route had been different, the assassination probably wouldn't have taken place.

7. The motorcade passed close by the building where he worked.

The president was struck by two bullets, but it was the second one that probably killed him.

That was the fatal shot.

It opened a massive wound in his head.

ps: 它在他的头上开了一个大伤口。

opened开; 打开; 开启; open的过去分词和过去式

massive巨大的; 大而重的; 结实的; 非常严重的

wound伤,伤口; 伤; 伤,创伤; 使受伤; 伤害; 伤感情; wind的过去分词和过去式

head头; 头部; 头脑; 脑筋; 一头长,一头高; 朝行进; 领导; 主管; 位于排行之首; 排在

Sitting beside him, his wife's last words to her husband were: "Jack, Jack, can you hear me? I love you Jack."

The assassin's quick shots were incredibly accurate.



shots射击; 开枪; 枪声; 优秀射手,枪手,炮手; 铅沙弹; 开; 发射; 射杀; 射伤; shot的第三人称单数和复数

incredibly极端地; 极其; 令人难以置信

accurate正确无误的; 精确的; 准确的

If the fatal shot had been off by just a little, Kennedy might have survived.

ps: 如果那致命的一枪打偏了一点,肯尼迪可能就活下来了。

fatal致命的; 灾难性的; 毁灭性的; 导致失败的

shot射击; 开枪; 枪声; 优秀射手,枪手,炮手; 铅沙弹; 杂色的; 闪色的; 破烂不堪; 筋疲力尽; 毁坏; 开; 发射; 射杀; 射伤; shoot的过去分词和过去式

off离开; 距,离; 用以表示除去了某物; 起跑; 从落下; 离,距; 偏离; 从…去掉; 从…移开; 不新鲜; 变质; 不礼貌; 不热情; 冷淡; 不能接受; 难以容忍; 不行; 杀死

survived生存; 存活; 继续存在; 幸存; 幸免于难; 艰难度过; 比…活的时间长; 


1.The fatal shot was the one that killed the president.

Fill in the blanks:

The president was struck by two bullets, but it was the second one that probably killed him. That was the fatal shot. It opened a massive wound in his head.

So if any of these factors had been different, history would have changed.

Kennedy's death disillusioned many Americans who had been inspired by his vision for the future.


death死; 死亡; 生命的终止; 死亡状态; 永久的灭亡; 毁灭; 破灭

disillusioned大失所望的; 不再抱幻想的; 幻想破灭的; 使醒悟; 使不再抱幻想; 使理想破灭; disillusion的过去分词和过去式英 [ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒnd] 美 [ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒnd]

many许多(与复数名词及动词连用,尤用于否定句或正式用语,表示大量; 也用于疑问句以询问数字大小,并可与as、so 和 too 连用); 大多数人; 许多,大量; 许多; 多的

Americans美洲人; 花旗布

inspired品质优秀的; 能力卓越的; 借助于灵感创作的; 受…影响的; 激励; 鼓舞; 赋予灵感; 引起联想; 启发思考; 使产生; inspire的过去分词和过去式

vision视力; 视野; 想象; 幻象; 梦幻; 神示; 异象

With his death, a whole generation of Americans woke up to a reality where their dreams for a brighter future had been shattered.


woke醒; 醒来; 唤醒; 弄醒; 唤起; 使再次感觉到; wake的过去式

up to干; 到; 胜任; …的责任

reality现实; 实际情况; 事实; 实际经历; 见到的事物

dreams梦; 睡梦; 梦想; 理想; 愿望; 梦幻状态; 恍惚; 出神; 做梦; 梦见; 想象; dream的第三人称单数和复数

brighter光亮地; 明亮地; 光线充足的; 明亮的; 鲜艳夺目的; 快活而生气勃勃的; bright的比较级

shattered非常惊愕难过的; 遭受极大打击的; 筋疲力尽的; 破碎,碎裂; 粉碎,破灭; 英 [ˈʃætəd] 美 [ˈʃætərd]


1.Kennedy's death disillusioned many Americans who had been  inspired  by his vision for the future.

2.What happened to the dreams of many Americans when Kennedy was assassinated?

They were shattered.

Fill in the blanks:

So if any of these factors had been different, history would have changed. Kennedy's death disillusioned many Americans who had been inspired by his vision for the future. With his death, a whole generation of Americans woke up to a reality where their dreams for a brighter future had been shattered.

Repeat & Read Sentences:

1.So if any of these factors had been different, history would have changed.

2.If the fatal shot had been off by just a little, Kennedy might have survived.

3.The fatal shot was the one that killed the president.

4. The assassination of Kennedy shattered the dreams of many Americans.

5. In October of 1962, the US and the Soviet Union came dangerously close to entering a full-scale nuclear war.

6. Kennedy and his wife were sitting in an open car, waving to a large crowd of people when he was shot.

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