Swift — String的索引、遍历
let randomString = "hello everybody"
for (i, char) in randomString.enumerated() {
print("The results of the ergodic\(i): \(char)")
The results of the ergodic0: h
The results of the ergodic1: e
The results of the ergodic2: l
The results of the ergodic3: l
The results of the ergodic4: o
The results of the ergodic5:
The results of the ergodic6: e
The results of the ergodic7: v
The results of the ergodic8: e
The results of the ergodic9: r
The results of the ergodic10: y
The results of the ergodic11: b
The results of the ergodic12: o
The results of the ergodic13: d
The results of the ergodic14: y
二、for in
let randomString = "hello everybody"
for char in randomString{
print("The results of the ergodic:\(char)")
The results of the ergodic:h
The results of the ergodic:e
The results of the ergodic:l
The results of the ergodic:l
The results of the ergodic:o
The results of the ergodic:
The results of the ergodic:e
The results of the ergodic:v
The results of the ergodic:e
The results of the ergodic:r
The results of the ergodic:y
The results of the ergodic:b
The results of the ergodic:o
The results of the ergodic:d
The results of the ergodic:y*/
三、for in
let randomString = "hello everybody"
var index = randomString.count
for char in randomString.reversed() {
index -= 1
print("The results of the ergodic:\(index)=\(char)")
The results of the ergodic:14=y
The results of the ergodic:13=d
The results of the ergodic:12=o
The results of the ergodic:11=b
The results of the ergodic:10=y
The results of the ergodic:9=r
The results of the ergodic:8=e
The results of the ergodic:7=v
The results of the ergodic:6=e
The results of the ergodic:5=
The results of the ergodic:4=o
The results of the ergodic:3=l
The results of the ergodic:2=l
The results of the ergodic:1=e
The results of the ergodic:0=h
在讲解String基于索引的遍历前先扩展一下 字符串的索引,那么在提到字符串的索引前就要先认识一下
1.可扩展的字符群集可以组成一个或者多个 Unicode 标量。这意味着
。所以 Swift 中的字符在一个字符串中并不一定占用相同的内存空间数量。因此在没有获取字符串的可扩展的字符群的范围时候,就不能计算出字符串的字符数量
。如果您正在处理一个长字符串,需要注意characters属性必须遍历全部的 Unicode 标量,来确定字符串的字符数量
NSString的length属性是利用 UTF-16 表示的十六位代码单元数字,而不是 Unicode 可扩展的字符群集
要知道Character的确定位置,就必须从String开头遍历每一个 Unicode 标量直到结尾
。因此,Swift 的字符串不能用整数(integer)做索引
let dollarSign = "\u{24}" // $, Unicode 标量 U+0024
let blackHeart = "\u{2665}" // ♥, Unicode 标量 U+2665
let sparklingHeart = "\u{1F496}" // 💖, Unicode 标量 U+1F496
print(dollarSign,blackHeart,sparklingHeart)//打印 $ ♥ 💖
let eAcute: Character = "\u{E9}" // é
let combinedEAcute: Character = "\u{65}\u{301}" // e 后面加上 ́
// eAcute 是 é, combinedEAcute 是 é
print("eAcuteValue:\(eAcute),combinedEAcuteValue:\(combinedEAcute)")//打印 eAcuteValue:é,combinedEAcuteValue:é
。2.通过调用 String 的
方法,可以立即得到前面或后面的一个索引。您还可以通过调用index(_:offsetBy:) 方法来获取对应偏移量的索引
,这种方式可以避免多次调用 index(before:) 或 index(after:) 方法
let stringIndexStr = "hello word!"
//获取字符串第一个索引的 字符
let starIndexC = stringIndexStr[stringIndexStr.startIndex]//获取字符串第一个索引的 字符
print("startIndexValue:\(stringIndexStr.startIndex)")//打印: startIndexValue:Index(_base: Swift.String.UnicodeScalarView.Index(_position: 0), _countUTF16: 1)
//获取字符串最后一个索引的 字符
//let endIndexC = stringIndexStr[stringIndexStr.endIndex]//试图获取越界索引对应的 Character,将引发一个运行时错误。
let endIndexC = stringIndexStr[stringIndexStr.index(before: stringIndexStr.endIndex)]//试图获取越界索引对应的 Character,将引发一个运行时错误。
//获取字符串 第二个索引的字符(第一个索引后面的一个索引值)
let afterIndexC = stringIndexStr[stringIndexStr.index(after: stringIndexStr.startIndex)]//获取字符串 第二个索引的字符(第一个索引后面的一个索引值)
let beforeIndexC = stringIndexStr[stringIndexStr.index(before: stringIndexStr.endIndex)]//获取字符串末尾的一个字符(最后一个索引前面的一个索引,使用endIndex属性可以获取最后一个Character的后一个位置的索引,endIndex属性不能作为一个字符串的有效下标)
print("获取字符串末尾的一个字符:\(beforeIndexC)")//打印:获取字符串末尾的一个字符: !
let offSetByIndex = stringIndexStr.index(stringIndexStr.startIndex, offsetBy: 4)//第一个索引4个偏移量之后的一个索引
print(offSetByIndex,stringIndexStr[offSetByIndex])//打印:Index(_base: Swift.String.UnicodeScalarView.Index(_position: 4), _countUTF16: 1) o
let randomString = "hello everybody"
for i in 0..<randomString.count {
let char: Character = randomString[randomString.index(randomString.startIndex, offsetBy: i)]
print("swift-string ergodic\(i): \(char)")
swift-string ergodic0: h
swift-string ergodic1: e
swift-string ergodic2: l
swift-string ergodic3: l
swift-string ergodic4: o
swift-string ergodic5:
swift-string ergodic6: e
swift-string ergodic7: v
swift-string ergodic8: e
swift-string ergodic9: r
swift-string ergodic10: y
swift-string ergodic11: b
swift-string ergodic12: o
swift-string ergodic13: d
swift-string ergodic14: y
let randomString = "hello everybody"
for i in stride(from: randomString.count - 1, through: 0, by: -1) {
let char: Character = randomString[randomString.index(randomString.startIndex, offsetBy: i)]
print("swift-string ergodic\(i): \(char)")
swift-string ergodic14: y
swift-string ergodic13: d
swift-string ergodic12: o
swift-string ergodic11: b
swift-string ergodic10: y
swift-string ergodic9: r
swift-string ergodic8: e
swift-string ergodic7: v
swift-string ergodic6: e
swift-string ergodic5:
swift-string ergodic4: o
swift-string ergodic3: l
swift-string ergodic2: l
swift-string ergodic1: e
swift-string ergodic0: h