5.1.9版本: Reference Doc.
5.1.9版本:API Doc.
The Spring Framework provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model for modern Java-based enterprise applications - on any kind of deployment platform.
Spring Framework为基于java的企业级应用提供了一个跨平台的全面综合的编程和配置模型。
A key element of Spring is infrastructural support at the application level: Spring focuses on the "plumbing" of enterprise applications so that teams can focus on application-level business logic, without unnecessary ties to specific deployment environments.
Support Policy and Migration(支持策略和迁移)
For information about minimum requirements, guidance on upgrading from earlier versions and support policies, please check out the official Spring Framework wiki page
有关早期版本和支持策略的最低要求的信息,请查看the official Spring Framework wiki page
Core technologies: dependency injection, events, resources, i18n, validation, data binding, type conversion, SpEL, AOP.
Testing: mock objects, TestContext framework, Spring MVC Test,
测试:模拟对象、TestContext框架、Spring MVC测试、WebTestClient。
Data Access: transactions, DAO support, JDBC, ORM, Marshalling XML.
Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux web frameworks.
Spring MVC和Spring WebFlux 两个web框架
WebFlux,简而言之,是一套Spring Team认为未来需要代替Spring MVC体系的web框架,其构建于响应式编程规范之上,提供流式非阻塞具体实现在官网提供的各种资料中,目前我们可以认为Spring MVC和Spring WebFlux是两套平行的架构体系。在Spring Boot2.0.0版本以及后续中,我们通过Spring Initializer引入对应的web模块或者web reactive 模块,即可发现其分别对应着Spring MVC和Spring WebFlux
Integration: remoting, JMS, JCA, JMX, email, tasks, scheduling, cache.
Languages: Kotlin, Groovy, dynamic languages.
SpringOnePlatform 2017 talks(2017年SpringOne Platform会谈)
~Spring Framework 5.0 on JDK 8 & 9
~Servlet or Reactive Stacks: The Choice is Yours. Oh No… The Choice is Mine!
~New in Spring Framework 5.0: Functional Web Framework
~Why Spring Loves Kotlin
Spring Framework 5.4可以在JDK8和9上运行。
Servlet或反应式技术栈(Spring 5提供了Servlet和反应式这两种Web技术栈):你来选。不...我来选。
Quick start
Bootstrap your application with Spring Initializr.
用Spring Initializr启动应用程序。