首先我来总结一下本集的‘中心思想’, 一方面概括一下本集的大概内容,交代上下文,另一方面可以锻炼一下用自己的语言讲述故事梗概的能力。我们常说能讲出来的知识才是自己真正掌握的知识,更何况耳闻千遍不如手过一遍呢。(PS:由于是自己的总结,难免有遗漏或者错误之处,欢迎批评指正)
We know Phoebe got a boyfriend, Giri. They are very sweet, even more sweet than Monica and Chandler. In this episode, Giri wants to move in with Phoebe. When he told this to Phobe, both of them are excited about that. But the truth is It is a lot pressure for Phobe, maybe it is a little too fast to her. But she can not say no to Giri, she turns to Chandler and let him talking to Giri. Chandler did talk to Giri, but the result is opposite. He does not only failed to persuade Giri stopping moving in with Pheobe, but also ask him move in as soon as possible. Then they really live together.
Normarlly it will be sweet for couples to live together, but Phoebe is not others. She likes Giri so much, but she can not stand with someone killed a bird. Short in a word, she broke up with Giri in early morning when he shot a bird outside their window.
On the other side, Ross and Joey invent a new game. It is simple, they just stand there throwing and catching a ball, do not let the ball drop. They even kept doing that for hours. Only thing I can say is they are so boring, do not they have work? I think it only could happen in American.
Hi, we have a great news, We are moving in together.
Phoebe, can I talk to you for a minute? Please take a seat.
What do you think about this?
What movie should we see?
I like him a lot, but I do not think I am ready for moving together.
No matter what you do, do not drop that ball.
It is amazing that game last that long.
We are pretty good at this.
Is Monica here?
How much did you pay for that?
I'm really excited about this,okay? I don't care what you think. 反正我买得很兴奋 我才不管你们怎么想
I just want to be around her as much as I can. 我想要尽量多跟她在一起
I am late for work.
This cat does not like my grandmother's cat, it is not sweet, it is not lovely.
I really want this relationship to move forward.
I am worrying it is to be a big problem.
You guys bave been doing this for four hours, it is unbelievable.
What am I going to do?
Oh, such a beautiful morning.
How you doing? 你好吗?
I realise it half an hour ago, but I did want to say it.
I bought something but I am not sure she is going to like it.
What the hell is that? It is a cat.
I can not wait to move in with her.
Ok, that is all for Friends0521, let's see what will happen in Friends0522 tomorrow.