- 每个顾客有一定的需求(
- 每个设备有不同的满足顾客需求的容量(
- 每个设备有不同的开启费用(
opening cost
- 不同顾客分配到不同设备会有不同的分配费用(
assignment cost
现在所要达成的目的是要满足所有顾客的要求,同时使opening cost
和assignment cost
的总和(total cost
- 最终哪些设备要开启?
- 对所有顾客的最终分配方案是怎么样的?
m个顾客会有n中不同的选择,如果我们要穷尽所有的可能,时间复杂度将会是 O(n^m)
int main(){
for(int testCase = 1; testCase <= 71; testCase ++){
// Data declaration
int n, m; // n facilities, m customers
int* d; // demands of customers
int* c; // capacities of facilities
int* o; // opening cost of facilities
int** a; // assignment cost for each (cus, fac)
bool* open_state; // result: open state of facilities
int* assign_state; // result: assignment of cus->fac
// Load files
ifstream infile;
char filename[32];
sprintf_s(filename, "Instances\\p%d", testCase);
infile.open(filename, ios::in);
if(!infile.is_open ()){
cout << "Open file failure: " << filename << endl;
infile >> n >> m;
c = new int[n];
o = new int[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
infile >> c[i] >> o[i];
d = new int[m];
a = new int*[m];
for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i){
a[i] = new int[n];
infile >> d[i];
for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i){
for(int e = 0; e < n; ++e){
infile >> a[i][e];
open_state = new bool[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) open_state[i] = false;
assign_state = new int[m];
// Calculate
int result = Algorithm(n,m,d,c,o,a,open_state,assign_state);
// Output Results
sprintf_s(filename, "results\\greedy\\p%d", testCase);
ofstream outfile(filename);
if(result == -1){
outfile << "No result" << endl;
outfile << result << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
outfile << open_state[i] << ' ';
outfile << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
outfile << assign_state[i] << ' ';
outfile << endl;
// Release space
for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i){
delete[] a[i];
delete[] c, o, open_state, assign_state;
- 无需重新分配新的设备,花费总额为
- 分配新的设备,花费总额为
#include <iostream>
#include "greedy.hpp"
using namespace std;
int Greedy(int n, int m, int *d, int *c, int *o, int **a, bool *os, int* as){
int tc = 0;
for(int curCus = 0; curCus != m; ++curCus){
int minCost = INT32_MAX;
int curChoice = -1;
for(int curFac = 0; curFac != n; curFac++){
if(d[curCus] <= c[curFac]){
int tempCost = a[curCus][curFac];
tempCost += os[curFac] ? 0 : o[curFac];
if(tempCost < minCost){
minCost = tempCost;
curChoice = curFac;
if(curChoice == -1)
return -1;
os[curChoice] = true;
as[curCus] = curChoice;
c[curChoice] -= d[curCus];
tc += minCost;
return tc;
problem | totalCost | time |
p1 | 18076 | 0 |
p2 | 12899 | 0 |
p3 | 18441 | 0 |
p4 | 22698 | 0 |
p5 | 17665 | 0 |
p6 | 12930 | 0 |
p7 | 20782 | 0 |
p8 | 23191 | 0 |
p9 | 15685 | 0 |
p10 | 11172 | 0 |
p11 | 20501 | 0 |
p12 | 21717 | 0 |
p13 | 15862 | 0 |
p14 | 12419 | 0 |
p15 | 16778 | 0 |
p16 | 23752 | 0 |
p17 | 15009 | 0 |
p18 | 12005 | 0 |
p19 | 18851 | 0 |
p20 | 22479 | 0 |
p21 | 15252 | 0 |
p22 | 11524 | 0 |
p23 | 17018 | 0 |
p24 | 22259 | 0 |
p25 | 16138 | 0 |
p26 | 17971 | 0 |
p27 | 18773 | 0 |
p28 | 25728 | 0 |
p29 | 19800 | 0 |
p30 | 17967 | 0 |
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 8 1 9 8 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 8 3 3 2 2 6
// 删去这行
tempCost += os[curFac] ? 0 : o[curFac];
// 增加这个
minCost += o[curChoice];
os[curChoice] = true;
problem | totalCost | time |
p1 | 10355 | 0 |
p2 | 9041 | 0 |
p3 | 11041 | 0 |
p4 | 13041 | 0 |
p5 | 10827 | 0 |
p6 | 9513 | 0 |
p7 | 11513 | 0 |
p8 | 13513 | 0 |
p9 | 10355 | 0 |
p10 | 9041 | 0 |
p11 | 11041 | 0 |
p12 | 13041 | 0 |
p13 | 11915 | 0 |
p14 | 9426 | 0 |
p15 | 13026 | 0 |
p16 | 16626 | 0 |
p17 | 11915 | 0 |
p18 | 9426 | 0 |
p19 | 13026 | 0 |
p20 | 16626 | 0 |
p21 | 11915 | 0 |
p22 | 9426 | 0 |
p23 | 13026 | 0 |
p24 | 16626 | 0 |
p25 | 16655 | 0 |
p26 | 14125 | 0 |
p27 | 18925 | 0 |
p28 | 23725 | 0 |
p29 | 17487 | 0 |
p30 | 14750 | 0 |