晚上不知道写什么,在印象笔记中看到一篇投资人Naval Ravikant和采访,Naval之前比较有名的是《naval:如何不靠运气致富》, 在网络上流传的比较多。
这个采访对话的题目叫《Seek Wealth, Not Money or Status》(追求财富而不是金钱或地位),有兴趣可以点击看原文,我就试着翻译一下结论。
- Wealth is assets that earn while you sleep: businesses, products, media, robots, investments, land. Wealth is for freedom, not conspicuous consumption.
- Money is how we transfer wealth; it’s the social credits and debits of other people’s time. Money isn’t going to solve all your problems, but it’s going to solve your money problems.
- Status is your rank in a social hierarchy like politics or sports. It’s a zero-sum game: to be a winner, there must be a loser. Status is an old game that predicted survival in the hunter-gatherer days, before we had technologies for creating wealth.
- People creating wealth will always be attacked by people still playing status games.
- 财富是指你的睡后收入:商业、产品、媒体、机器人、投资、土地。财富是为了实现自由,而不是土壕般的消费
- 金钱是我们交易财富的手段。代表了社会信用、以及对其他人的时间的借贷。金钱不能解决所有问题,但能解决缺钱的问题
- 地位(Status)是代表了你在社会阶层中的等级,如政治或者体育运动。这是一个零和游戏:要不赢,要不然就一定是个失败者。地位是一个过时的游戏,主要是在过去依靠狩猎和集采的时代,在我们能够用技术创造财富之前。
- 创造财富的人们,总是被还在玩地位游戏的人攻击