1 megahit的安装
megahit的安装相对比较简单,可以通过以下三种方式,大家可以根据自己的实际情况选择。软件的github链接为 https://github.com/voutcn/megahit。
a conda install -c bioconda megahit
a wget https://github.com/voutcn/megahit/releases/download/v1.2.9/MEGAHIT-1.2.9-Linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz
b tar zvxf MEGAHIT-1.2.9-Linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz
c cd MEGAHIT-1.2.9-Linux-x86_64-static/bin/
d ./megahit --test # run on a toy dataset
e ./megahit -1 MY_PE_READ_1.fq.gz -2 MY_PE_READ_2.fq.gz -o MY_OUTPUT_DIR
为了保证成功安装,需要安装了以下软件:zlib, cmake >= 2.8, g++ >= 4.8.4, 运行的时候需要使用gzip和bzip2两个软件,用于压缩和解压。
a git clone https://github.com/voutcn/megahit.git
b cd megahit
c git submodule update --init
d mkdir build && cd build
e cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=MY_PREF IX if needed
f make -j4
g make simple_test # will test MEGAHIT with a toy dataset
h # make install if needed
2 基本使用方法
a megahit -1 pe_1.fq -2 pe_2.fq -o out # 1 paired-end library
b megahit --12 interleaved.fq -o out # one paired & interleaved paired-end library
c megahit -1 a1.fq,b1.fq,c1.fq -2 a2.fq,b2.fq,c2.fq -r se1.fq,se2.fq -o out # 3 paired-end libraries +2 SE libraries
d megahit_core contig2fastg 119 out/intermediate_contigs/k119.contig.fa > k119.fastg # get FASTG from the intermediate contigs of k=119
3 参数说明
a #必须输入参数
b -1 #read1的序列文件
c -2 #read2的序列文件
d --12 交错的双端PE序列
e -r # 单端SE的序列文件
f #基本参数:
g --min -countminimum multiplicity for filtering (k_min+1)-mers [2] #过滤的最小重合bp数
h --k-listcomma-separated list of kmer size #设定固定的kmer迭代列表。逗号分隔,必须为奇数
i #另一种kmer迭代列表设置方式 --k-minminimum kmer size (<= 255), must be odd number [21] #设置最小的kmer size,应小于255,必须为奇数 --k-maxmaximum kmer size (<= 255), must be odd number [141] #设置最大的kmer size,应小于255,必须为奇数 --k-stepincrement of kmer size of each iteration (<= 28), must be even number [12] #间隔大小,应小于等于28,必须为偶数
j #高级参数 --no-mercy do not add mercy kmers --bubble-levelintensity of bubble merging (0-2), 0 to disable [2] #bubble融合强度 --merge-levelmerge complex bubbles of length <= l*kmer_size and similarity >= s [20,0.95] # 合并长度<= l*kmer_size和相似度>= s的复杂bubble --prune-levelstrength of low depth pruning (0-3) [2] # 低深度区域的修剪强度 --prune-depthremove unitigs with avg kmer depth less than this value [2]# 如果kmer平均深度低于该值则移除该unitigs --disconnect-ratiodisconnect unitigs if its depth is less than this ratio times #如果深度小于这个比率乘以其深度则断开unitigs --low-local-ratioremove unitigs if its depth is less than this ratio times # 如果深度小于这个比率乘以相邻unitigs的平均深度则移除unitigs --max-tip-lenremove tips less than this value [2*k] #移除小于该值的tips --cleaning-roundsnumber of rounds for graph cleanning [5] # --no-local disable local assembly #禁止局部组装
k #硬件参数 -m/--memorymax memory in byte to be used in SdBG construction # 设定内存大小,单位为byte,如果小于1则为机器最大内存的比例 -t/--num-cpu-threadsnumber of CPU threads #线程数
l #输出参数 -o/--out-diroutput directory [./megahit_out] #输出目录 --out-prefixoutput prefix (the contig file will be OUT_DIR/OUT_PREFIX.contigs.fa) #输出结果文件的前缀 --min-contig-lenminimum length of contigs to output [200] #设定输出contig最小值 --keep-tmp-files keep all temporary files #保留所有中间文件 --tmp-dirset temp directory # 设定临时目录