UK /ˈdʒiː.ni.əl/ US /ˈdʒiː.ni.əl/
adj, friendly and happy. 亲切的,和蔼的,友好的
1. Like many people who get generally, even inexplicably, friendly media coverage, the genial Mr. Ruddy is always willing to talk to the press.(New York Times)
2. Mr. Rynard, 34, is a genial former Democratic operative who left his job in 2015 to try his hand at journalism.(New York Times)
3. Perhaps in the 1920s, Democrats were confused that the market rose under Harding — a genial mouther of platitudes and not much else.(Washington Post)
4. Predictable moments would surely follow — funny anecdotes from the set; genial platitudes about its relevance to the modern political era.(Washington Post)
5. The book contains lavish colour pictures of people in genial communion with nature.(The Guardian)
6. Ray Gandolf, a genial sportscaster for CBS who went on to become co-anchor of the acclaimed but short-lived historical series “Our World” for ABC, died on Wednesday at his home in Manhattan.(New York Times)
7. He is upbeat, funny, and unfailingly genial, and his brow is seldom furrowed.(Time)
8. There’s not much of an overarching narrative for Mr. Hindy to relate of these early years, so he offers a genial walking tour of the players and their playthings.(New York Times)
9. “I’ve witnessed 34 of these,” said Ross McNutt, the genial president of Persistent Surveillance Systems, which collected the images of the killing in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, from a specially outfitted Cessna.(Washington Post)
10. Sitting onstage with Akerson, asking him questions in her genial Michigander accent, is Mary Barra, his top product officer and the person to whom most people at the Tech Center report.(BusinessWeek)
11. Bezos, who is expected to close the deal for The Post in about a month, maintained a genial, inquisitive manner punctuated by occasional outbursts of laughter.(Washington Post)
12.But contrasts seem to be par for the course for Watanabe who despite his martial arts background is described as gentle and genial.(Reuters)
genial host, smile
geniality, genialize, genially
1560s, "pertaining to marriage," from Latin genialis "pleasant, festive," originally "pertaining to marriage rites," from genius "guardian spirit," with here perhaps a special sense of "tutelary deity of a married couple," from PIE *gen(e)-yo-, from root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups. Originally used in English in the Latin literal sense; meaning "cheerful, friendly" first recorded 1746.
affable, kind, friendly, mild, gentle, agreeable, amiable, good-natured, good-tempered, gracious, mellow, nice, pleasant, sweet, cordial, gracious, hospitable, sociable
disagreeable, ill-natured, ill-tempered, unamiable, ungenial, ungracious, unpleasant antagonistic, hostile, unfriendly, inhospitable, ungenial, ungracious, unsociable, harsh, inclement, intemperate, severe