先摘抄一段“Mindful Parenting”的定义:
Definition of Mindful Parenting:
“Mindful parenting is an ongoing creative process, not an end point. It involves intentionally bringing non-judgmental awareness, as best we can, to each moment. This includes being aware of the inner landscape of our own thoughts emotions and body sensations, and the outer landscape of our children our family, our home, and the broader culture we inhabit. It is an on-goingpractice that can grow to include
(1) greater awareness of a child's unique nature, feelings and needs;
(2) a greater ability to be present and listen with full attention;
(3) recognizing and accepting things as they are in each moment, whether pleasant or unpleasant;
(4) recognizing one's own reactive impulses and learning to respond more appropriately and, imaginatively with greater clarity and kindness.
From “Mindful Parenting” (Susan Bögels, Kathleen Restifo 2014)
1) 对孩子独特的天性,感觉和需求更灵敏地觉察
2) 提升活在当下和全神聆听的能力
3) 在每一个时刻认出和接纳事物的本相,无论其带来愉悦或不愉悦的感受
4) 更清晰和慈悲地看到自己无意识的反应模式,学习更恰如其分和充满想象地对当下作出反应
1)”Child as Raisin”, 趁孩子不注意的时候,在一旁全神观察他/她,以第一次见到他/她的眼光好好看看他/她,或把自己当成刚从火星降落,以前从没见过眼前这毛孩。