Tell Me What You Want!
Formulating a request in action language means that we say what it is we want as opposed to what we don't want.
"Often when we think of making a request, it stems first from noticing that somebody is doing something that we don't want," says Ike Lasater, author of Words That Work In Business. For example, you and your co-worker get in an argument, and your coworker is speaking louder than you would like.
Your first response might be, "Would you please stop yelling?" Again, this is an example of what you don't want -- yelling.
In this case, what is it that you do want? Maybe your request is "Would you be willing to speak at a volume level that matches what I'm using right now?" or "Would you be willing to be silent for the next minute?"
If you notice that your request is stated in terms of what you do not want, take a minute to translate it into what you do want.
Mindful Practice for the Week
This week, notice the language of a request you make of a colleague. Is your language focused on what you do not want instead of what you do want? How might you rephrase your request in action language?
英文来自:Workplace Communication NVC Tip Series