写短句子(尤其是对于初学者)。比如DNA结构的发现,“We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA)”,仅仅用了14个单词就足够介绍文章中的进步以及两个下文中需要的技术点。
连续的长句再科学写作中通常会confusing。Sometimes you can make a point in one longish sentence instead of two shorter ones, and use fewer words in the process. Variety can add interest, but mostly keep sentences short.用有力度的(punchy)主题句开始段落。
段落结尾句总结本段重要的内容并set up what follows.避免用很长的从句作为开始。否则读者需要读几遍才能理解。
避免以漫长的概括(lengthy generalizations)开始。
无力的加强词(weak intensifiers)always hurt you.
避免使用“very, interestingly, strikingly, new, novel, excitingly...”。仅仅内容本身可以是“interesting, striking,or novel”。 自己尽量使得内容有趣/新颖,但是要让读者去评价它的有趣性以及新颖性。一些词总是可有可无的
从你的文章中删除“fundamentally, certainly, basically”这些可有可无的词。仔细检查文章,去掉那些可以被删除的词。注意动词的时态,比如结果部分通常是过去时,因为这些实验你已经做了,结论用现在时,因为这些结论is ongoing. Be consistent!
什么时候把数字拼写出来?小于10 的数字以及在句首的数字。如果句首数字比较长,rearrange。
文章中要写出必要的信息,从而让读者能很好的follow your points. 同样要用短句子。It is fine to use an occasional sentence as a road map, telling the reader what follows and why. Be a generous guide, while keeping your prose spare and effective.
- Accuracy: get the facts straight and convey them without distortion.
- Clarity: your style should facilitate understanding of your meaning, not interfere.
- Brevity (简洁): don't waste your reader's time and patience with wasted words. however, if brevity 妨碍clarity,优先clear statement of meaning
- Elegance: 让你的文章容易阅读,有趣。避免 死气沉沉的动词,陈词滥调以及段落的单调。(怎么做到??)
Good writing comes from good thinking.
Improving your thinking on a subject will improve your writing about it
Conversely, the process of writing usually helps writers to improve their thinking (at least about the subject of their prose)
Good writing is the product of good re-writing.
What matters most about the first draft is that it gets written.
Your writing will be judged by the quality of the final draft.
Good writing comes from understanding your work from the reader's perspective. A good writer chooses words that are apt and places them in a structure (using word order, grammar and punctuation) that conveys meaning clearly to reader.
To let your reader to understand your meaning with a minimum of confusion and wasted effort.
Part 1: 单词的选择和句子结构
- 写好句子的six tips
- 仔细的选择主语跟合适的动词来表达你的中心思想
尽量寻找is, has, dose之外的动词来真实的描述the action. "effect" 有点空洞,尽量用能展现出具体影响的词来表达。
常用词 | 替代词 |
affect | involve, entail, require, imply, necessitate, shape, form, mold, manipulate, model, change, alter, modify, vary, transform, adjust, influence, have an impact on, have a bearing on, impinge on |
increase | add to, augment, boost, amplify, enhance, improve, enlarge, raise, swell(膨胀), multiply |
decrease (vt) | reduce, cut, diminish, deplete(耗尽), drain, lower, exhaust, tire out, wear out, fatigue(使疲劳), weaken, consume, use up |
decrease(vi) | decline, dwindle(减小), shrink, drop off, fall, wear out, fail |
injure | damage, harm, hurt, break, wound(使受伤), impair, destroy, devastate(毁灭), hinder |
help | promote, encourage, advance, foster, assist, improve, aid, facilitate, support, serve, relieve, sustain, maintain, preserve, retain, save, care for, amend(改善) |
- 省略掉不需要的单词和空洞的短语
- 使用definite, specific, and concrete language,避免使用抽象的和技术性的语言(包括缩写)。
- 尽可能使用主动语态和active constructions.
- 保持相关的词在一块,主语应该跟它的动词很接近,修饰词应该和它的被修饰对象很接近。
- Express coordinated ideas in a similar form. 结构上的并列可以加强内容上的并列。
Writing tips for peer-reviewed journal articles
Getting started
- 同时writing and revising does not work!
科学论文有四个要素:relevance, structure, style, and accuracy. 前两个通过集体讨论以及建立大纲来实现;后两个在revising时做。
1. Relevance
- What is relevant?
- 你真的考虑过你的结果并和共同作者讨论过吗?
- 你的假设是什么?
- 你的结果对已有的知识有什么贡献?
- the broader implications 是什么?
头脑风暴是写好文章关键的一步。简单的写出方法和结果还不够,你的“value-added benefit”在你从你结果中得出的结论。期刊编辑想知道你的文章给科学领域带来什么新知。
Brainstorming Your paper
- 每篇文章应该始于讨论一个科学问题。找到文献中的gap是什么,为什么解决这个gap很重要,why does it matter?
- 假设要清晰的阐明;
- 每个结果应该和一个结论捆绑起来。这防止你展示不相关的数据。(prevent you from irrelevant data)
- 每个结论都应该被讨论。再次提醒:不要展示不切题的,不相干的材料或者讨论。
- 问自己,我的结论回答了最初的假说吗?这是结论部分的基石。文章应该形成闭环,向读者展示你在引言中提到的问题已经被回答了。
- 文章最后应该以有启发的讨论结尾,不要范范的说“more research needs to be done on this problem”。
2. Structure
- 不要mix up sections. 比如结果不应该在讨论之后。
- 不要在不同的部分简单重复信息,比如不要简单的在文章中重复图表的信息。
3. Style
- 用一般现在时描述已经发出来的结果
- 用一般过去时归属科学发现到一个特定的研究者或者课题组
- 用一般过去时描述你做了什么
- 用一般现在时引用文章中表格、图片和推导出的公式。
- 用一般将来时描述将要做什么。
4. Accuracy
- 检查significant digits
- 检查所有的数字都是正确的,比如小数的位数和单位文中保持统一;
- 检查任何统计量是正确显著的;
Write right first time (Action Learning)
Action learning→写作(闭环不断refine的过程)
doing some writing, reading and thinking about what has been written, reviewing it to see which
parts work and which parts don't, deciding what needs to be changed, and then repeating the cycle by
making a new draft.
it is important to understand that action learning is about taking action in the real world. The real world is the world of others and, when action learning comes to writing, it does so as a group process so that the written
words are tested in the real world of readers. It is that external testing that forces a clarity and rigour on the written word that can otherwise be elusive.
Many of us think that we learn from our actions but, in reality, we just oscillate between "plan" and "act". Action learning helps writers both to get out of the starting blocks quicker and to stumble less often, so read on.
Ten simple rules for structuring papers (20170928)
Rules 1- 4: Principles
1. Rule 1: 文章关注一个central contribution,也就是写在题目中的内容
- 只传达一个中心的信息,注意是一个!一个!不要贪多。
- 早点想好题目,不断的返回来看它,不仅仅有助于文章的写作,也有助于设计实验或者开发理论。
2. Rule2: Write for flesh-and-blood human beings who do not know your work
- 像设计师一样思考,对文章中每个要素思考你想让读者看了有什么样的效果,并努力去实现它;
- 读者通常只能记得很少的items,对开始和结束的部分比中间的部分印象深刻。尽力减少读者在同一时刻需要记住的条目数量。
3. Stick to the context-content-conclusion (C-C-C) scheme
- 在whole paper scale,引言建立了context,结果是content,讨论带来了结论
- 在paragraph scale,第一个句子定义了context,中间提出供读者考虑的content,最后一句提供了需要记住的结论。
4. Optimize your logical flow by avoiding zig-zag and using parallelism
- 避免zig-zag. 仅仅中心思想应该被多次提到,其它每个主题只在一个地方出现,最小化主题的变化。相关的句子和段落应该放在一起,不要被不相关的材料打断。
- 使用parallelism。平行的内容应该以平行的形式传达,eg:如果有三个独立的原因为什么我们更偏向于对结果的A理解而不是B理解,用相同的格式表达这三条原因,从而让读者专注于内容(读者对格式已经了解)。不要用不同的单词来指代相同的内容。
Rules 5-8: 一篇文章的要素
5. Tell a complete story in the abstract
Context 必须传达给读者本文将填充什么样的gap。第一句通过引入本研究适合什么样的领域来让读者确定方向;然后context is narrowed直到它到达本研究将要回答的开放性问题。成功的Contex部分会通过传达已有的文献的gap和为什么补这个gap重要来突出本文的重要性。
Content 首先描述用于填补gap所用的方法,然后present the meat---your executive summary of the results.
Conclusion 解释results来回答context部分末尾提出的问题。通常还有一句来突出这个conclusion如何推动领域前进了一步。
这个结构避免了常犯的错误:在读者准备理解结果前就谈论结果。好的摘要通常要refine很多次来确保结果fill the gap就像a key fits its lock.
6. Communicate why the paper matters in the introduction
- 引言突出当前方法存在的gap以及为什么其重要。通常通过一系列连续的段落以一种清晰的方式说明what is lacking,随后是一个段落总结本文做了什么来fill the gap.
- 以gaps的前进作为一个例子:第一段写细胞分化是一个重要的主题,但是目前没有弄清什么会触发分化。第二段写对于一个特定的细胞类型,比如星形细胞,解释关于分化什么是不知道的(a subfield gap)。第三段提供线索一个特定的基因可能导致星形细胞分化,并说明这个假设未经过验证。gap statement 设置好了读者对本文要讲什么的期望。
- 引言的每一段都服务于developing the gap的目的。每一段首先让读者确立主题方向(a context sentence of two)随后解释相关文献(content)中已经知道的,最后写关键的“unknown”部分(conclusion)。
- 引言不应该包含beyond the motivation of the paper的文献综述。这个关注gap的结构让读者更容易评价文章潜在的重要性,仅仅需要评价the claimed gap的重要性即可。
- 引言的最后一段比较特别,它紧凑的总结了结果,填充了你刚刚建立的gap。跟摘要有如下的不同:不需要展示context,it is somewhat more specific about the results,并且仅仅简要的previews the conclusion of the paper.
7. Deliver the results as a sequence of statements, supported by figures, that connect logically to support the central contribution
- 结果部分需要让读者相信本文中心的claim是受数据和逻辑的支持的。
- 在文章大纲准备阶段,审视逻辑结构:你的结果如何支持你的claim,并convert this into a sequence of declarative statements that become the headers of subsections within the results section (and/or the titles of figures).
- Figure的titles, legends特别重要。Figure的名字应该传达分析的结论,图例应该解释how is was done.
- Results部分的第一段比较特别,通常总结解决问题的整个方法, along with any key innovative methods that were developed.
- 随后的每一段starts with 一两句话,建立起这一段要回答的问题。比如:“To verify that there are no artifacts。。。”,“We next tested whether A is work”; 段落的中间展示数据和logic that pertain to the question, 最后一句解答问题。比如“it may conclude that none of the artifacts were detected.”
8. Discuss how the gap was filled, the limitations of the interpretation, and the relevance to the field
- 讨论部分解释文章的结果如何filled the gap,描述文章如何推动了领域的前进。这通常通过概括结果、讨论limitations,揭示本文central contribution可能促进将来的进步。讨论部分的第一段比较特别,因为大部分读者会略过results的大部分,因此这一段至少让读者知道那部分的主旨。
- 讨论部分的每一段通常start by describing an area of weakness or strength of the paper. 通常跟相关文献的方法对比来评价方法的好坏。Discussion paragraphs often conclude by describing a clever, informal way of perceiving the contribution。
Rules 9-10: Process
文章的一些方面影响要更大一些,因此花时间要多一些。此外,多听听周围人对文章的意见来不断的refine文章。选择正确的方式makes writing papers easier and more effective.
9. Allocate time where it matters: Title, abstract, figures, and outlining
- a scientific claim潜在的central logic是最重要的。 it is useful to formalize the logic of ongoing experimental efforts (e.g., during lab meetings) into an evolving document of some sort that will ultimately steer the outline of the paper。
- 根据每部分的重要性分配时间:title, abstract and figures 是被看的最多的地方,而methods部分是被看的最少的地方。
- 做一个大纲。by planning text before producing it 可以更有效的利用时间。对每个planned paragraph 写一个informal sentence。It is often useful to start the process around descriptions of each result—these may become the section headers in the results section.
10. Get feedback to reduce, reuse, and recycle the story
- 不要过分拘泥于写作,在大部分情况下,不要整个段落以及重新写要比不断的修改能更快的产生好的文章。
- 有很多迹象能说明文章写的不够好(如下表)。比如作者不能在几分钟内给读者描述文章整个的大纲,那么你需要进一步distill your story.
- 多让同事读读你的文章,给你反馈。积极的接受反馈,尤其是别人指出逻辑上的不足。
- 先写outline,给introduction,materials and methods, results, discussion and Figure legends通过小标题列出要表达的重点。要注意整篇文章想表达的内容。每部分要有所体现。
- 逐步建立图表的final versions. 避免用红色和绿色。
- 写materials and methods。完成这部分后,文章的experimental部分应该就清晰了。
- 写results。对每个figure依次讨论,并以简要的总结结尾,同时留下detailed interpretation for the Discussion section.
- 写discussion。第一段通常是对文章主要发现的总结,另外的段落expand on the interpretation and 跟之前工作的关系。不要仅仅重复结果部分,而是要关注类似如下的问题:
what can we do now that we have this new data?
what gap in previous knowledge is now filled?
what surprises did we encounter? - 返回去写introduction。保持相对简短,解释为什么本文的研究的问题是重要的。同时把参考文献加上。可以用endnote,给每篇文章建立一个单独的数据库。
- 给导师或者同行看,直到文章变得很容易阅读以及要点清晰明了。
文章中的内容必须要统一,审稿人很在意这点,比如“Fig.”, “Fig” and “Figure”在一篇文章中要保持一致。参考文献格式要一致。
Theory. 当你说theory的时候,听众可能听成guess,即使它有实验的验证。尝试说explanation or our best understanding or a tried and tested way of making sense of the facts。
Significant. 当你说一个significiant result的时候,听众将认为你说的是important。尝试说it's very unlike this result could just be chance, or we are confident of these findings.
risk. 当你说risk的时候,听众可能理解为danger or bad thing,根据你想表达的从chance or possibility or potential中选择。
determine. 当你说something determines something else, 你可能mean 这是很多影响因素中的一个,但是人们会认为你在谈论complete control. 更安全的说法是influence or affect.
predict. 当你说something predicts something else,听众会假设this means forecasting the future, 但你可能仅仅是想表达a correlation regardless of time. 更安全的说法是**the first thing tells us about or suggests or implies the other
basic. 可以删去就删去
briefly. 写的简短就行,不要特地写个briefly说明
certainly. 这是在invite skepticism(怀疑),删去!
concurrent means overlapping in time, while simultaneous means at the same instant.
fundamentally 删去这类可有可无的词。
impact. 不必要的新词,推荐influence
utilize. 有毒的词。跟use比没任何特别。
very. 典型的weak intensifier. 见到就删。
Empty phrase | Equivalent |
a majority of | most |
a number of | many |
as a consequence of | because |
due to the fact that | because |
in view of the fact that | because |
for the reason that | because |
on account of | because |
on the basis of | because |
owing to the fact that | because |
are the same opinion | agree |
at the present (moment) | now |
despite the fact that | although |
during the course of | during, while |
fewer in number | fewer |
for the purpose of | for |
has the capability of | can |
in all case | always, invariably |
in connection with | about, concerning |
in my opinion it is not an unjustifiable assumption that | I think |
in order to | to |
it is clear that | clearly |
it is often the case that | often |
it is worth pointing out that | note that |
it may, however, be noted that | but |
lacked the ability to | could not |
large numbers of | many |
prior to | before |