Great parents
do what they know
ONE OF THE keys to creating positive change in our lives is not just knowing what to do, but in actually doing what we know.
The difference between knowing and doing is a critical one. While we generally cannot “do” without first knowing how to do it, if we know but do not act on what we know, change will not happen.
All of us have experienced examples of this: We know we shouldn’t eat a whole carton of ice cream, but we do it anyway. We know we should exercise regularly, but we don’t. We know we shouldn’t yell at our kids, but we do.
Doing what we know takes both effort and practice. It is not easy to get up and go exercise when we really don’t feel like doing it. It’s definitely not easy to stop ourselves from yelling when it seems like our kids are ignoring us or being disrespectful.
We often know what is the right thing to do, but it can be difficult to bring ourselves to do it (or not to do what we want to avoid). Sometimes this is because we don’t know exactly how to do what we know, and sometimes it’s because we aren’t taking the final step into action. Sometimes it’s because we aren’t yet skilled at emotion regulation (see #32), so our feelings dictate our actions (see #11).
Ultimately, we need to know what to do, we need to know how to do it, and then we need to do what we know. This is the three-step recipe for change.
TRY THIS: If you find yourself needing to create change, whether in your parenting life or elsewhere, ask yourself these questions to pinpoint where you need to focus:
1. Knowing what and how: Is this an issue of my not knowing what to do or how to do it?
For example, if your child is refusing to brush his teeth, do you know how to address this situation (in a way that isn’t forceful—e.g., holding him down while you brush his teeth—or punitive)?
2. Doing it: Am I feeling stuck because I know what to do and how to do it, but I’m not yet putting that knowledge into practice?
This inertia often happens because we tend to be creatures of habit, so it’s difficult to change our response to familiar situations. Ask yourself: What needs to happen in order for me to translate my knowledge into action?
For example, if you know how to get your children to be responsive without nagging or yelling (this book will show you how), are you putting these ideas into practice or are you still responding with old patterns of behavior?
To paraphrase Henry Ford: If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. To create change in your life, you must do something differently.