一. 概述
此Demo简单集成mongodb,使用官方的 starter 实现增删改查。
二. 安装mongodb
- 下载镜像:
docker pull mongo
- 运行容器:
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongo mongo:latest
三. SpringBoot工程
3.1 依赖
3.2 application.yml
host: localhost
port: 27017
database: monge_demo
org.springframework.data.mongodb.core: debug
3.3 启动类
public class SpringBootDemoMongodbApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(SpringBootDemoMongodbApplication.class, args);
3.4 实体类: Article.java
public class Article {
* 文章id
private Long id;
* 用户ID
private Long userId;
* 文章标题
private String title;
* 文章内容
private String content;
* 创建时间
private Date createTime;
* 更新时间
private Date updateTime;
* 点赞数量
private Long thumbUp;
* 访客数量
private Long visits;
3.5 持久层: ArticleRepository.java
public interface ArticleRepository extends MongoRepository<Article, Long> {
* 根据标题模糊查询
* @param title 标题
* @return 满足条件的文章列表
List<Article> findByTitleLike(String title);
注: 可以通过关键字声明方法, 不用写实现
方法关键字 | 示例 | 等价于SQL |
And | findByLastnameAndFirstname | … where x.lastname = ?1 and x.firstname = ?2 |
Or | findByLastnameOrFirstname | … where x.lastname = ?1 or x.firstname = ?2 |
Is,Equals | findByFirstname,findByFirstnameIs,findByFirstnameEquals | … where x.firstname = ?1 |
Between | findByStartDateBetween | … where x.startDate between ?1 and ?2 |
LessThan | findByAgeLessThan | … where x.age < ?1 |
LessThanEqual | findByAgeLessThanEqual | … where x.age <= ?1 |
GreaterThan | findByAgeGreaterThan | … where x.age > ?1 |
GreaterThanEqual | findByAgeGreaterThanEqual | … where x.age >= ?1 |
After | findByStartDateAfter | … where x.startDate > ?1 |
Before | findByStartDateBefore | … where x.startDate < ?1 |
IsNull | findByAgeIsNull | … where x.age is null |
IsNotNull,NotNull | findByAge(Is)NotNull | … where x.age not null |
Like | findByFirstnameLike | … where x.firstname like ?1 |
NotLike | findByFirstnameNotLike | … where x.firstname not like ?1 |
StartingWith | findByFirstnameStartingWith | … where x.firstname like ?1(参数绑定附加%) |
EndingWith | findByFirstnameEndingWith | … where x.firstname like ?1(参数与预先绑定%) |
Containing | findByFirstnameContaining | … where x.firstname like ?1(参数绑定%) |
OrderBy | findByAgeOrderByLastnameDesc | … where x.age = ?1 order by x.lastname desc |
Not | findByLastnameNot | … where x.lastname <> ?1 |
In | findByAgeIn(Collection ages) | … where x.age in ?1 |
NotIn | findByAgeNotIn(Collection ages) | … where x.age not in ?1 |
True | findByActiveTrue() | … where x.active = true |
False | findByActiveFalse() | … where x.active = false |
IgnoreCase | findByFirstnameIgnoreCase | … where UPPER(x.firstame) = UPPER(?1) |
3.6 简单的CURD
public class ArticleRepositoryTest {
private ArticleRepository articleRepo;
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
private static Snowflake snowflake = IdUtil.createSnowflake(1, 1);
* 测试新增
public void testSave() {
Article article = new Article(1L, RandomUtil.randomString(20), RandomUtil.randomString(150), DateUtil.date(), DateUtil.date(), 0L, 0L);
// 更具ID属性进行新增或更新
log.info("【article】= {}", JSONUtil.toJsonStr(article));
* 测试批量新增列表
public void testSaveList() {
List<Article> articles = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
articles.add(new Article(snowflake.nextId(), RandomUtil.randomString(20), RandomUtil.randomString(150), DateUtil.date(), DateUtil.date(), 0L, 0L));
log.info("【articles】= {}", JSONUtil.toJsonStr(articles.stream().map(Article::getId).collect(Collectors.toList())));
* 测试更新
public void testUpdate() {
articleRepo.findById(1L).ifPresent(article -> {
article.setTitle(article.getTitle() + "更新之后的标题");
log.info("【article】= {}", JSONUtil.toJsonStr(article));
* 测试删除
public void testDelete() {
// 根据主键删除
// 全部删除
* 测试分页排序查询
public void testQuery() {
Sort sort = Sort.by("thumbUp", "updateTime").descending();
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(0, 5, sort);
Page<Article> all = articleRepo.findAll(pageRequest);
log.info("【总页数】= {}", all.getTotalPages());
log.info("【总条数】= {}", all.getTotalElements());
log.info("【当前页数据】= {}", JSONUtil.toJsonStr(all.getContent().stream().map(article -> "文章标题:" + article.getTitle() + "点赞数:" + article.getThumbUp() + "更新时间:" + article.getUpdateTime()).collect(Collectors.toList())));
3.7 更新
public class ArticleRepositoryTest {
private ArticleRepository articleRepo;
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
* 测试点赞数、访客数,使用save方式更新点赞、访客
public void testThumbUp() {
articleRepo.findById(1L).ifPresent(article -> {
article.setThumbUp(article.getThumbUp() + 1);
article.setVisits(article.getVisits() + 1);
log.info("【标题】= {}【点赞数】= {}【访客数】= {}", article.getTitle(), article.getThumbUp(), article.getVisits());
* 测试点赞数、访客数,使用更优雅/高效的方式更新点赞、访客
public void testThumbUp2() {
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
update.inc("thumbUp", 1L);
update.inc("visits", 1L);
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, "article");
articleRepo.findById(1L).ifPresent(article -> log.info("【标题】= {}【点赞数】= {}【访客数】= {}", article.getTitle(), article.getThumbUp(), article.getVisits()));
3.8 高级查询
public class ArticleRepositoryTest {
private ArticleRepository articleRepo;
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
* 查询,条件匹配/排序/分页, 基于继承MongoRepository实现
public void testQuery1() {
* 匹配条件构造
Article article = Article.builder()
// 指定字段匹配类型
ExampleMatcher withMatcher = ExampleMatcher.matching()
// 忽略大小写
// 指定"title"为精确匹配
.withMatcher("title", ExampleMatcher.GenericPropertyMatcher::exact)
// 指定"content"为模糊匹配
.withMatcher("content", ExampleMatcher.GenericPropertyMatcher::contains);
Example<Article> example = Example.of(article,withMatcher);
* 排序规则
Sort sort = Sort.by("updateTime").descending();
* 分页
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(0, 5, sort);
* 分页查询
Page<Article> articleRepoAll = articleRepo.findAll(example, pageRequest);
* 打印
* 查询,条件匹配/排序/分页, 基于MongoTemplate实现
public void testQuery2() {
* 查询条件
Criteria criteria = Criteria
// 精确匹配
// 模糊匹配, 用正则: .*[xxx].*
// 匹配明细里的字段
// 匹配多个并行或
new Criteria().orOperator(
new Criteria().orOperator(
* 排序规则
Sort sort = Sort.by("updateTime").descending();
* 分页
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(1, 5, sort);
Query query = Query.query(criteria).with(sort).with(pageRequest);
List<Article> articles = mongoTemplate.find(query, Article.class);
PageImpl<Article> page = (PageImpl<Article>) PageableExecutionUtils.getPage(articles, pageRequest, () -> mongoTemplate.count(Query.query(criteria),Article.class));
// 打印
Optional.of(page.getContent()).ifPresent(articles1 -> {
articles1.forEach(article -> {
3.9 MongoTemplate 实现 联表/分页/排序查询
public IPage<Article> pageInfo(){
* 联表查询
* 参数1: 从表表名
* 参数2: 主表关联字段
* 参数3: 从表关联字段
* 参数4: 查出从表数据集合的别名 例如主表数据{"name":"wpr","age":18} , 关联从表后结果{"name":"wpr","age":18,"userInfo":[]}, 从表没数据则为[]
LookupOperation lookup = Aggregation.lookup("user", "userId", "userId", "userInfo");
// 子集合不能为空
Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("userInfo").not().size(0);
// 子集合条件
// 主表条件
// 条件类型转换
MatchOperation matchOperation = Aggregation.match(criteria);
* 查询总数
CountOperation countOperation = Aggregation.count().as("total");
// project: 表示结果只查询字段:total
ProjectionOperation project = Aggregation.project("total");
// 条件一定要排好先后顺序
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(lookup, matchOperation, countOperation, project);
AggregationResults<Map> aggregate = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, "article", Map.class);
List<Map> aggregateMappedResults = aggregate.getMappedResults();
// 总数
Integer total = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(aggregateMappedResults) ? 0 : (int)aggregateMappedResults.get(0).get("total");
return new Page<>();
* 分页查询
// 排序条件
SortOperation sortOperation = Aggregation.sort(Sort.by("updateTime").descending());
// 过滤前n条数据
SkipOperation skipOperation = Aggregation.skip(0L);
// 查询n条数据
LimitOperation limitOperation = Aggregation.limit(10);
Aggregation pageAggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(lookup, matchOperation, sortOperation,skipOperation,limitOperation);
AggregationResults<Article> result = mongoTemplate.aggregate(pageAggregation,"article", Article.class);
List<Article> articles = result.getMappedResults();
Page<Article> page = new Page<>();
return page;