

  1. 可以将随机的写IO变成append,极大的提高写磁盘速度;
  2. 防止在节点宕机导致内存数据丢失,造成数据丢失。


The log file contents are a sequence of 32KB blocks.  The only
exception is that the tail of the file may contain a partial block.

Each block consists of a sequence of records:
   block := record* trailer?
   record :=
    checksum: uint32    // crc32c of type and data[] ; little-endian
    length: uint16      // little-endian
    type: uint8     // One of FULL, FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST
    data: uint8[length]

A record never starts within the last six bytes of a block (since it
won't fit).  Any leftover bytes here form the trailer, which must
consist entirely of zero bytes and must be skipped by readers.

| CRC(4 byte) | Length(2 byte) | type(1 byte) | data |


  • FULL: 说明该log record包含一个完整的user record;
  • FIRST,说明是user record的第一条log record
  • MIDDLE,说明是user record中间的log record
  • LAST,说明是user record最后的一条log record


Example: consider a sequence of user records:
   A: length 1000
   B: length 97270
   C: length 8000
A will be stored as a FULL record in the first block.

B will be split into three fragments: first fragment occupies the rest
of the first block, second fragment occupies the entirety of the
second block, and the third fragment occupies a prefix of the third
block.  This will leave six bytes free in the third block, which will
be left empty as the trailer.

C will be stored as a FULL record in the fourth block.

Note: 由于一条logrecord长度最短为7,如果一个block的剩余空间小于7byte,那么将被填充为空字符串,另外长度为7的logrecord是不包括任何用户数据的。


namespace leveldb {
namespace log {
enum RecordType {
  // Zero is reserved for preallocated files
  kZeroType = 0,
  kFullType = 1,
  // For fragments
  kFirstType = 2,
  kMiddleType = 3,
  kLastType = 4
static const int kMaxRecordType = kLastType;
static const int kBlockSize = 32768;
// Header is checksum (4 bytes), length (2 bytes), type (1 byte).
static const int kHeaderSize = 4 + 2 + 1;
}  // namespace log
}  // namespace leveldb



class Writer {
  // Create a writer that will append data to "*dest".
  // "*dest" must be initially empty.
  // "*dest" must remain live while this Writer is in use.
  explicit Writer(WritableFile* dest);

  // Create a writer that will append data to "*dest".
  // "*dest" must have initial length "dest_length".
  // "*dest" must remain live while this Writer is in use.
  Writer(WritableFile* dest, uint64_t dest_length);


  Status AddRecord(const Slice& slice);

  WritableFile* dest_;
  int block_offset_;       // Current offset in block

  // crc32c values for all supported record types.  These are
  // pre-computed to reduce the overhead of computing the crc of the
  // record type stored in the header.
  uint32_t type_crc_[kMaxRecordType + 1];

  Status EmitPhysicalRecord(RecordType type, const char* ptr, size_t length);

  // No copying allowed
  Writer(const Writer&);
  void operator=(const Writer&);




const char* ptr = slice.data();
size_t left = slice.size();
bool begin = true;


  • 检查当前block的大小是否小于kHeaderSize,如果小于则先将,剩余的部份补0,然后重制块位移
const int leftover = kBlockSize - block_offset_;
    assert(leftover >= 0);
    if (leftover < kHeaderSize) {
      // Switch to a new block
      if (leftover > 0) {
        // Fill the trailer (literal below relies on kHeaderSize being 7)
        assert(kHeaderSize == 7);
        dest_->Append(Slice("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", leftover));
      block_offset_ = 0;
  • 计算block剩余大小,本次可写入长度
const size_t avail = kBlockSize - block_offset_ - kHeaderSize;
const size_t fragment_length = (left < avail) ? left : avail;
  • 判断logType
RecordType type;
    const bool end = (left == fragment_length);
    if (begin && end) {
      type = kFullType;
    } else if (begin) {
      type = kFirstType;
    } else if (end) {
      type = kLastType;
    } else {
      type = kMiddleType;
  • 调用EmitPhysicalRecord函数,append日志;并更新指针、剩余长度和begin标记。
s = EmitPhysicalRecord(type, ptr, fragment_length);
ptr += fragment_length;
left -= fragment_length;
begin = false;



  • 首先计算head,并append到log中
  // Format the header
  char buf[kHeaderSize];
  buf[4] = static_cast<char>(n & 0xff);
  buf[5] = static_cast<char>(n >> 8);
  buf[6] = static_cast<char>(t);

  // Compute the crc of the record type and the payload.
  uint32_t crc = crc32c::Extend(type_crc_[t], ptr, n);
  crc = crc32c::Mask(crc);                 // Adjust for storage
  EncodeFixed32(buf, crc);
  // Write the header and the payload
  Status s = dest_->Append(Slice(buf, kHeaderSize));
  • 写入,并Flush,更新block的当前偏移
if (s.ok()) {
    s = dest_->Append(Slice(ptr, n));
    if (s.ok()) {
      s = dest_->Flush();
  block_offset_ += kHeaderSize + n;



  SequentialFile* const file_;
  Reporter* const reporter_;
  bool const checksum_;
  char* const backing_store_;
  Slice buffer_;
  bool eof_;   // Last Read() indicated EOF by returning < kBlockSize

  // Offset of the last record returned by ReadRecord.
  uint64_t last_record_offset_;
  // Offset of the first location past the end of buffer_.
  uint64_t end_of_buffer_offset_;

  // Offset at which to start looking for the first record to return
  uint64_t const initial_offset_;

  // True if we are resynchronizing after a seek (initial_offset_ > 0). In
  // particular, a run of kMiddleType and kLastType records can be silently
  // skipped in this mode
  bool resyncing_;
  // Extend record types with the following special values
  enum {
    kEof = kMaxRecordType + 1,
    // Returned whenever we find an invalid physical record.
    // Currently there are three situations in which this happens:
    // * The record has an invalid CRC (ReadPhysicalRecord reports a drop)
    // * The record is a 0-length record (No drop is reported)
    // * The record is below constructor's initial_offset (No drop is reported)
    kBadRecord = kMaxRecordType + 2


Reporter : 用来记录错误的产生
SequentialFile: 用来从log文件中读取数据


  • 根据initialoffset跳转到调用者指定的位置,开始读取日志文件。跳转就是直接调用SequentialFile的Seek接口。另外,需要先调整调用者传入的initialoffset参数,调整和跳转逻辑在SkipToInitialBlock函数中。
 if (last_record_offset_ < initial_offset_) {
    if (!SkipToInitialBlock()) {
      return false;


bool Reader::SkipToInitialBlock() {
  // 计算在block内的偏移位置,并圆整到开始读取block的起始位置
  size_t offset_in_block = initial_offset_ % kBlockSize;
  uint64_t block_start_location = initial_offset_ - offset_in_block;
  // 如果偏移在最后的6byte里,肯定不是一条完整的记录,跳到下一个block
  if (offset_in_block > kBlockSize - 6) {
    offset_in_block = 0;
    block_start_location += kBlockSize;
 // 设置读取偏移
  end_of_buffer_offset_ = block_start_location;
  // Skip to start of first block that can contain the initial record
  if (block_start_location > 0) {
    Status skip_status = file_->Skip(block_start_location);
    if (!skip_status.ok()) {
      ReportDrop(block_start_location, skip_status);
      return false;
  return true;
  • 进入while循环之前进行一些标记
  bool in_fragmented_record = false;// 是否遇到FIRST类型的type
  // Record offset of the logical record that we're reading
  // 0 is a dummy value to make compilers happy
  uint64_t prospective_record_offset = 0;//正在读取的逻辑record的偏移
  • 进入到while(true)循环,直到读取到KLastType或者KFullType的record,或者到了文件结尾。读取出现错误时,并不会退出循环,而是汇报错误,继续执行,直到成功读取一条user record,或者遇到文件结尾。
    • 首先读取一个record采用的是ReadPhysicalRecord函数
unsigned int Reader::ReadPhysicalRecord(Slice* result) {
  while (true) {
    if (buffer_.size() < kHeaderSize) {
      // 如果未到达文件结尾,清空buffer,读取数据
      if (!eof_) {
        Status status = file_->Read(kBlockSize, &buffer_, backing_store_);
        end_of_buffer_offset_ += buffer_.size();
        if (!status.ok()) {
          ReportDrop(kBlockSize, status);
          eof_ = true;
          return kEof;
        } else if (buffer_.size() < kBlockSize) {  // 实际读取字节<指定(Block Size),表明到了文件结尾
          eof_ = true;
      } else {
        return kEof;
    // 解析record头
    const char* header = buffer_.data();
    const uint32_t a = static_cast<uint32_t>(header[4]) & 0xff;
    const uint32_t b = static_cast<uint32_t>(header[5]) & 0xff;
    const unsigned int type = header[6];
    const uint32_t length = a | (b << 8);
    // 长度超出,汇报错误
    if (kHeaderSize + length > buffer_.size()) {
      size_t drop_size = buffer_.size();
      if (!eof_) {
        ReportCorruption(drop_size, "bad record length");
        return kBadRecord;
      return kEof;
    if (type == kZeroType && length == 0) { // 对于Zero Type类型处理
      return kBadRecord;

    // 检查crc
    if (checksum_) {
      uint32_t expected_crc = crc32c::Unmask(DecodeFixed32(header));
      uint32_t actual_crc = crc32c::Value(header + 6, 1 + length);
      if (actual_crc != expected_crc) {  // 如果出错,汇报错误
        size_t drop_size = buffer_.size();
        ReportCorruption(drop_size, "checksum mismatch");
        return kBadRecord;

    buffer_.remove_prefix(kHeaderSize + length);

    if (end_of_buffer_offset_ - buffer_.size() - kHeaderSize - length <
        initial_offset_) {
      return kBadRecord;
    *result = Slice(header + kHeaderSize, length);
    return type;
  • 接下来,对所读取的record进行判断
    • 如果一开始就读到kMiddleType, kLastType的record显然是不正确(完整)的,所以简单的抛弃,继续读后面的。
if (resyncing_) {
      if (record_type == kMiddleType) {
      } else if (record_type == kLastType) {
        resyncing_ = false;
      } else {
        resyncing_ = false;
  • 根据类型采取相应动作(逻辑非常简单)
switch (record_type) {
      case kFullType:
        if (in_fragmented_record) {
          if (scratch->empty()) {
            in_fragmented_record = false;
          } else {
            ReportCorruption(scratch->size(), "partial record without end(1)");
        prospective_record_offset = physical_record_offset;
        *record = fragment;
        last_record_offset_ = prospective_record_offset;
        return true;

      case kFirstType:
        if (in_fragmented_record) {
          if (scratch->empty()) {
            in_fragmented_record = false;
          } else {
            ReportCorruption(scratch->size(), "partial record without end(2)");
        prospective_record_offset = physical_record_offset;
        scratch->assign(fragment.data(), fragment.size());
        in_fragmented_record = true;

      case kMiddleType:
        if (!in_fragmented_record) {
                           "missing start of fragmented record(1)");
        } else {
          scratch->append(fragment.data(), fragment.size());

      case kLastType:
        if (!in_fragmented_record) {
                           "missing start of fragmented record(2)");
        } else {
          scratch->append(fragment.data(), fragment.size());
          *record = Slice(*scratch);
          last_record_offset_ = prospective_record_offset;
          return true;

      case kEof:
        if (in_fragmented_record) {
        return false;

      case kBadRecord:
        if (in_fragmented_record) {
          ReportCorruption(scratch->size(), "error in middle of record");
          in_fragmented_record = false;

      default: {
        char buf[40];
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "unknown record type %u", record_type);
            (fragment.size() + (in_fragmented_record ? scratch->size() : 0)),
        in_fragmented_record = false;
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