i feel no pressure on me ,i have been out of work for 7 month ,i stayed at home learn java by internet. i didn't know whether my skill level can matching a junior java developer job(meet the need of ). i want get a job ,i want earn a lot of money ,i want a plain sailing life.
the man siiting opposite from me is cheating in written examination,i feel like that i was a idiot 。and my workmate tell me that cheating in exam was permmited tacitly,
on september 30th night ,we couple and a classmate attend a wedding of my college roommate, and this is my first time to go to shanxi province and drive at midnight ,my planning of taking a nap before departure was not implement , i had to drink coffee to keep me stay awake
- 人们一直在换工作,我就是想找个符合自己技能树的工作,起码不要那么耗费情绪。
- 当然,人更不应该被一些自认为的条条框框限制死,还是要拥抱无限的可能性,这样才能衍生出其他的技能树
- 对待身边的亲人,还是应该向对待客户一样,让他们感觉到温暖。虽然现在我时常感觉到人们的情绪及感情,但是无奈话术储备太少,我发现我媳妇儿是天生的会拍马屁,他能说出那些话是发自内心的。但是我没有,我还没法在凭空夸人,主要还是感情不够丰富。
应该多看看电影,做做笔记 - 今天有定下了2020年的计划吧,反正希望明年能过的更好~~