SQL 是用于访问和处理数据库的标准的计算机语言。
什么是 SQL?
SQL 指结构化查询语言
SQL 使我们有能力访问数据库
SQL 是一种 ANSI 的标准计算机语言
show databases;
drop database if exists test_mysql;
create database test_mysql;
drop database test_mysql;
use test_mysql;
show tables;
drop table if exists student;
create table student(
id int auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(50),
sex varchar(20),
date varchar(50),
)default charset=utf8;
drop table student;
describe student; #可以简写为desc student;
insert into student values(null,'test','2018-10-2');
select * from student;
select id,name from student;
update student set name='jack' where id=4;
delete from student where id=8;
# and 且
select * from student where date>'2018-1-2' and date<'2018-12-1';
# or 或
select * from student where date<'2018-11-2' or date>'2018-12-1';
select * from student where date between '2018-1-2' and '2018-12-1';
#in 查询制定集合内的数据
select * from student where id in (1,3,5);
#排序 asc 升序 desc 降序
select * from student order by id asc;
#分组查询 #聚合函数
select max(id),name,sex from student group by sex;
select min(date) from student;
select avg(id) as 'Avg' from student;
select count(*) from student; #统计表中总数
select count(sex) from student; #统计表中性别总数 若有一条数据中sex为空的话,就不予以统计~
select sum(id) from student;
select * from student limit 2,5; #显示3-5条数据
update student set name='test' where id=2;
update student set name='花花',sex='女' where id=2
delete from student where id=2;
#格式:alter table tbl_name rename to new_name
alter table student rename to test_1;
#格式:alter table tablename add columnname type;/alter table tablename add(columnname type);
alter table student add age varchar(20) set default '1'; #set default 设置默认值
alter table tablename change columnname newcolumnname type; #修改一个表的字段名
alter table student change name test_name varchar(50);
alter table student alter age drop default;
alter table student drop column age;
alter table student drop primary key;
#alter table add primary key (column1,column2,....,column)
alter table student add primary key (student_id);
load data local infile "D:/mysql.txt" into table MYTABLE;
source d:/mysql.sql; #或者 /. d:/mysql.sql;