1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:to do something that makes something bad or unpleasant more likely to happen
例句:Your reckless acts will invite nothing but ridicule.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇) 我们都熟悉“invite”是“邀请”的意思,不过它其实也可以引申为“招致” “诱发”。当我们想表示一件事情会招致麻烦、批评时,就可以用得上它。 比如,我们想提醒一位鲁莽的朋友,做事情要考虑一下自己行为的后果:
Your reckless behavior will invite nothing but ridicule.
Some actors’ astronomical pay has invited widespread public criticism.
根据上面的例句我们可以发现,invite 后面常接消极意义的名词,比如 ridicule, criticism, trouble。这种用法也是《经济学人》中的常客,最新一期的《经济学人》中就出现了 invite 的这种用法:
Voiced by a lifelong Democrat, that suggestion would invite eye-rolling.
(因为缺失上下文,这句话并不需要理解,主要了解这里的 “invite eye-rolling”表示“招致白眼”即可,另外注意这里的 voice 被用作动词,意思是“表达观点”。)
3. 从认识到会用(作业) 1)翻译下面的句子: 崔永元的激进行为和大胆评论招致了不少麻烦。
(参考翻译:Cui Yongyuan’s aggressive acts and bold comments have invited much trouble.)
场景: 生活
造句: The journalist's sharp tongue has invited disastrous consequence.
His careless remark on the issue has invited furious attacks from the general public.