

1、Stroll [stroʊl]  - 行走、漫步(指悠闲的步行)   - My husband and I like to stroll in the park every evening(我和我丈夫喜欢每天晚上在公园散步。)

2、March [mɑːrtʃ]  - 行进、行军(通常指齐步走)   - The soldiers marched in perfect formation(士兵们高度整齐地行进。)

3、Hike [haɪk]  - 远足、徒步旅行   - We love to hike in the mountains during the summer(夏天我们喜欢去山里远足。)

4、Wander [ˈwɑːndər]  - 漫游、徘徊(指随意或迷失地走)   - He wandered through the streets of the old town, taking in the sights(他漫游在老城的街道上,欣赏风景。)

5、Saunter [ˈsɔːntər]  - 闲逛、漫步(指漫不经心或悠闲地行走)   - We decided to saunter along the beach and enjoy the sunset(我们决定沿着海滩悠闲地散步,欣赏日落。)

6、Trot [trɒt]  - 小跑、慢跑   - The child trotted after the dog, trying to keep up(小孩小跑着追在狗后面,尽力跟上去。)

7、Step [stɛp]  - 走、踏步(强调脚的动作,通常用于正式场合)   - She stepped gracefully onto the stage and began her performance(她优雅地踩上舞台,开始了她的表演。)

8、Stride [straɪd]  - 大步行走、阔步行走(通常表示自信或权威)   - He strode across the room, demanding everyone's attention(他迈着大步走过房间,要求大家的注意。)

9、Amble [ˈæmbəl]  - 悠闲地漫步、缓步行走(指漫不经心地、放松地走)   - We decided to amble along the riverbank and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere(我们决定沿着河岸缓慢地漫步,享受宁静的氛围。)

10、Trek [trɛk]  - 长途跋涉、徒步旅行(通常指长时间的艰苦旅行)   - They embarked on a grueling trek through the dense jungle(他们开始了一次穿越茂密丛林的艰苦旅行。)

11、Ramble [ˈræmbəl]  - 闲逛、漫步(通常指随意地、没有明确目的地行走)   - We spent the afternoon rambling around the city, exploring its hidden corners(我们下午四处闲逛,探索城市的隐藏角落。)

12、Tread [trɛd]  - 踩、践踏(表示脚下的动作)   - Be careful not to tread on the freshly planted flowers(小心别踩到新种的花朵。)

13、Roam [roʊm]  - 漫游、闲逛(指自由自在地四处移动)   - The children were allowed to roam around the park, exploring its various attractions(孩子们被允许在公园里四处漫游,探索各种景点。)

14、Parade [pəˈreɪd]  - 游行、行进(通常指有组织、庄重地行走)   - The soldiers paraded through the city streets, showcasing their military precision(士兵们在市区的街道上游行,展示他们的军事精确度。)

15、Sashay [sæˈʃeɪ]  - 优雅地行走、摇曳行走(表示自信、吸引人的行走方式)   - She sashayed down the runway with confidence, captivating the audience(她优雅地走上T台,自信地吸引着观众的目光。)

16、Hobble [ˈhɑːbl]  - 跛行、蹒跚行走(通常指因伤或残疾而行走困难)   - The old man hobbled across the room with the help of his cane(那位老人扶着拐杖蹒跚地穿过房间。)

17、Plod [plɑːd]  - 沉重地行走、步履沉重   - We plodded through the muddy field, trying to reach our destination(我们沉重地在泥泞的田野上行走,试图到达目的地。)

18、Prowl [praʊl]  - 潜行、徘徊(常用于描述动物或行为类似于猎食的行为)   - The tiger prowled silently through the jungle, searching for its next meal(老虎悄无声息地在丛林中潜行,寻找下一顿食物。)

19、Skip [skɪp]  - 蹦蹦跳跳地走、略过(表示欢快、轻松的行走方式)   - The children skipped along the path, laughing and holding hands(孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地沿着小路走去,笑着手牵手。)

20、Tramp [træmp]  - 沉重地行走、跋涉(通常指长时间、艰辛地行走)   - The hikers tramped through the snow-covered mountains, carrying heavy backpacks(徒步旅行者们在铺满雪的山脉中艰辛地行走,背着沉重的背包。)

21、Tiptoe [ˈtɪptoʊ]  - 踮起脚尖走、轻步行走(表示小心或悄悄行走)   - She tiptoed into the room, trying not to wake the sleeping baby(她踮起脚尖走进房间,尽量不要吵醒正在睡觉的宝宝。)

22、Shuffle [ˈʃʌfəl]  - 拖着脚行走、拖步走(指缓慢、无精打采地行走)   - The old man shuffled down the hallway, his slippers dragging along the floor(老人拖着脚在走廊里走着,他的拖鞋在地板上拖着。)

23、Tread [trɛd]  - 踩、踏、行走(表示脚下的动作)   - Be careful not to tread on the wet floor(小心别踩到湿滑的地板上。)

24、Meander [miˈændər]  - 弯弯曲曲地行走、漫游(指随意或曲折地行走)   - We took a leisurely stroll along the river, meandering through the picturesque landscape(我们沿着河流悠闲地漫步,穿过风景如画的景色。)

25、Traverse [trəˈvɜːrs]  - 穿过、横渡(表示横跨或穿越某个地方)   - They had to traverse a narrow bridge to reach the other side of the canyon(为了到达峡谷的另一边,他们必须穿过一座狭窄的桥。)

26、Limp [lɪmp]  - 跛行、蹒跚行走(通常指因腿部或脚部的伤痛而行走困难)   - He limped across the room, nursing his injured ankle(他跛行穿过房间,小心照顾着受伤的脚踝。)

27、Schlep [ʃlɛp]  - 拖、拖拉(表示费力、吃力地行走)   - I had to schlep my heavy suitcase up three flights of stairs(我不得不费力地把我的重箱子拖到三楼。)

28、Waddle [ˈwɑːdl]  - 摇摆行走、笨拙地行走(通常用于描述像鸭子、企鹅等动物的行走方式)   - The penguin waddled awkwardly on the ice, trying to keep its balance(企鹅在冰上摇摆地行走,努力保持平衡。)

29、Trudge [trʌdʒ]  - 缓慢艰难地行走、跋涉(表示辛苦地、沉重地行走)   - The hikers trudged up the steep mountain slope, their backpacks weighing them down(徒步旅行者们辛苦地爬上陡峭的山坡,背着沉重的背包。)

30、Promenade [ˌprɑːməˈneɪd]  - 散步、沿着人行道行走(通常用于指在特定地点或场合散步)   - Couples strolled hand in hand along the promenade, enjoying the sunset view(情侣们手牵手沿着人行道散步,享受日落美景。)

31、 Amble [ˈæmb(ə)l] - 缓步行走、漫步(表示悠闲、随意地行走)   - The couple ambled along the beach, enjoying the calming sound of the waves(夫妻俩漫步在沙滩上,享受着平静的海浪声。)

32、File [faɪl]  - 排队行走、列队行进(指按照顺序排列、有规律地行进)   - The students filed into the classroom, ready for their morning lesson(学生们排队进入教室,准备上早课。)

33、Gallop [ˈɡæləp]  - 飞奔、疾驰(指四足动物或人以快速而有力的步伐前进)   - The horse galloped across the open field, its mane fluttering in the wind(马在开阔的田野上飞奔而过,鬃毛在风中飘扬。)

34、Slouch [slaʊtʃ]  - 懒散地行走、驮着肩走(指带有懒散、不积极的姿势行走)   - The teenager slouched his way into the room, not bothering to straighten his posture(那个十几岁的青少年懒散地走进房间,不在意调整姿势。)

35、Linger [ˈlɪŋɡər]  - 徘徊、逗留(表示在某个地方停留或慢慢行走)   - She lingered near the display, admiring the artwork for a few more moments(她在陈列品附近逗留,再欣赏艺术品几分钟。)

36、Slog [slɒɡ]  - 艰难行走、跋涉(指在艰苦的条件下努力地行走)   - The climbers slogged through the snowstorm, determined to reach the mountaintop(攀登者们在暴风雪中努力前行,决心要到达山顶。)

37、Perambulate [pəˈræmbjəleɪt]  - 巡游、漫游(表示缓慢地、有目的地行走)   - The sightseers perambulated through the historic district, taking in the architectural beauty(观光者们在历史街区漫游,欣赏建筑美景。)

38、Plod [plɒd]  - 踏实地行走、艰难地行走(表示缓慢、沉重或乏味的行走)   - He plodded along the muddy path, his feet sinking with each step(他在泥泞的小路上艰难地行走,每迈一步都沉重地踩下去。)

39、Foot it [ˈfʊt ɪt]  - 步行、徒步(俚语表达)   - We decided to foot it to the restaurant since it was just a few blocks away(我们决定步行去餐厅,因为离这儿只有几个街区的距离。)

40、Racewalk [ˈreɪs wɔːk]  - 快走、竞速行走(是一种走姿特殊的快速竞走项目)   - The athletes trained hard to perfect their technique in racewalking for the upcoming competition(运动员们努力训练,为即将到来的比赛完善他们的竞速行走技术。)

41、Saunter [ˈsɔːntər]  - 闲逛、漫步(表示悠闲、无忧无虑地行走)   - The couple sauntered through the park, enjoying the beautiful weather(夫妻俩闲逛在公园中,享受着美好的天气。)

42、Traipse [treɪps]  - 走来走去、闲逛(通常带有一种无特定方向的游荡或闲逛)   - The kids traipsed around the mall, looking for something interesting to do(孩子们在商场里走来走去,寻找一些有趣的事情做。)

43、Gallivant [ˈɡæləvænt]  - 闲逛、到处浪荡(通常指快乐、奔放地四处活动)   - After finishing their exam, the students gallivanted around the city, enjoying their newfound freedom(考完试后,学生们在城市里随意闲逛,享受他们新获得的自由。)

44、Steer [stɪr]  - 引导行走、带领(表示引导或控制行进的方向)   - The tour guide steered the group through the narrow streets of the old town(导游引领着团队穿过古镇的狭窄街道。)

45、Clip [klɪp]  - 快速行走、快步行走(表示快速的步行)   - She clipped along the path, as she was running late for her appointment(她快步走在路上,因为她迟到了约会。)

46、Ramble [ˈræmbəl]  - 闲逛、漫步(表示随意、放任自己行走)   - On weekends, I enjoy rambling through the countryside, exploring new paths and hidden spots(周末的时候,我喜欢在乡间漫步,探索新的小路和隐蔽的地方。)

47、Waddle [ˈwɑːdl]  - 摇摆行走、蹒跚而行(通常用于形容动物特别是鸭子或企鹅的行走方式)   - The penguin waddled across the icy terrain, with its plump body and short legs(企鹅摇摆着穿过冰冷的地形,它的身材饱满,腿短。)

48、Stagger [ˈstæɡər]  - 蹒跚、踉跄行走(表示摇摇晃晃、步履蹒跚)   - After a long night of partying, he staggered home, struggling to maintain his balance(经过一个漫长的狂欢之夜,他蹒跚地回家,努力保持平衡。)

49、Stride [straɪd]  - 大步行走、阔步行进(表示迅速、自信地行走)   - He strode across the room, exuding confidence and purpose(他大步走过房间,散发着自信和决心。)

50、Mosey [ˈmoʊzi]  - 慢吞吞地走、磨蹭行走(表示悠闲、无忧无虑地漫步)   - Let's mosey down to the cafe and grab a cup of coffee(我们一起悠闲地走到咖啡馆,喝杯咖啡吧。)

51、Scamper [ˈskæmpər]  - 奔跑、蹦蹦跳跳地行走(表示轻快、活泼地行走)   - The children scampered around the playground, chasing each other with laughter(孩子们在操场上蹦蹦跳跳地奔跑,笑声四溢地追逐着彼此。)

52、Pace [peɪs]  - 步行、缓步行走(通常指有规律、有节奏的行走)   - She paced back and forth in the waiting room, anxious for her turn to see the doctor(她在候诊室里来回走动,焦急地等待着轮到她看医生。)

53、Shuffle [ˈʃʌfəl]  - 拖着脚行走、蹒跚行走(表示疲惫、无精打采地行走)   - The tired hiker shuffled along the trail, dragging his feet with each step(疲惫的徒步旅行者拖着脚沿着小径行走,每迈一步脚都很沉重。)

54、Trek [trɛk]  - 徒步旅行、艰难跋涉(指长距离、艰苦条件下的徒步旅行)   - They embarked on a long trek through the dense forest, carrying all their supplies on their backs(他们开始了一段穿越茂密森林的长途艰苦徒步旅行,背着所有的装备。)

55、Roam [roʊm]  - 漫游、闲逛(表示自由地、无拘无束地四处走动)   - They decided to roam the city streets, exploring its vibrant neighborhoods(他们决定漫游在城市的街道上,探索其充满活力的街区。)

56、Lurch [lɜːrtʃ]  - 蹒跚、摇晃地行走(表示不稳定或突然的行走方式)   - The ship lurched in the rough seas, causing the passengers to stumble and lurch along the deck(船在汹涌的海面上晃动,导致乘客们在甲板上蹒跚而行。)

57、Glide [ɡlaɪd]  - 滑行、滑动(表示平稳、轻盈地行走)   - The figure skater glided gracefully across the ice, performing elegant spins and jumps(花样滑冰者在冰面上优雅地滑行,进行着优美的旋转和跳跃动作。)

58、Lilt [lɪlt]  - 轻盈地行走、蹦蹦跳跳地行走(表示快乐、活泼地行走)   - She walked down the street with a lilt in her step, humming a cheerful tune(她轻快地走在街上,脚步有力,哼着愉快的曲调。)

59、Gallivant [ˈɡæləvænt]  - 闲逛、到处漫游(表示快乐、奔放地四处游荡)   - After finishing their work, they decided to gallivant around town, exploring new shops and cafes(完成工作后,他们决定闲逛在城市里,探索新的商店和咖啡馆。)

60、Hike [haɪk]  - 远足、徒步旅行(通常指在自然环境中进行的长途徒步旅行)   - They planned a weekend hike in the mountains to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery(他们计划在山区进行一次周末徒步旅行,享受清新的空气和美丽的风景。)

61、Strut [strʌt]  - 昂首阔步、趾高气昂地行走(表示傲慢、自负地行走)   - He strutted down the runway, exuding confidence and style as a professional model(他趾高气昂地走过T型台,作为一名专业模特,散发出自信和风格。)

62、Prance [præns]  - 跳跃、腾跃行走(表示轻盈、欢快地行走)   - The excited horse pranced in the field, kicking up its heels and neighing happily(兴奋的马在田野里腾跃,踢起蹄子,欢快地嘶鸣。)

63、Coast [koʊst]  - 沿海行走、滑行(指轻松、缓慢地行走,轻松地滑下坡)   - They decided to coast along the beach, feeling the warm sand beneath their feet and listening to the sound of the waves(他们决定沿着海滩漫步,感受脚下的温暖沙滩,聆听海浪的声音。)

64、Stalk [stɔːk]  - 跟踪、偷偷接近(通常指潜行地行走,努力保持隐蔽)   - The predator silently stalked its prey, blending into the surroundings as it moved closer for the attack(捕食者悄无声息地追踪着猎物,在接近并发动攻击之前融入周围的环境中。)

65、Traipse [treɪps]  - 跋涉、步行(表示费力、漫无目的地行走)   - We had to traipse through the muddy field to get to the concert venue(我们必须穿越泥泞的地势才能到达音乐会的场地。)

66、Trudge [trʌdʒ]  - 艰难地走、沉重地行走(表示吃力、步履艰难地行走)   - After a long day at work, he trudged home, exhausted and longing for rest(工作了一整天后,他疲惫不堪地步行回家,渴望休息。)

67、Scuttle [ˈskʌtl]  - 小步快走、疾走(表示急速、快步行走)   - She scuttled down the hallway, trying to catch the elevator before it closed(她迅速地走过走廊,试图在电梯门关闭前赶上去。)

68、Swagger [ˈswæɡər]  - 昂首阔步、趾高气扬地行走(表示自信、傲慢地行走)   - The confident model swaggered down the runway, commanding attention with every step(自信的模特儿在T型台上大摇大摆地走着,每迈一步都吸引着人们的注意。)

69、Tiptoe [ˈtɪptoʊ]  - 踮着脚尖走、轻轻地行走(表示轻盈、小心翼翼地行走)   - She tiptoed into the room, trying not to wake up her sleeping baby(她踮着脚尖走进房间,尽量不想吵醒正在睡觉的宝宝。)

70、March [mɑːrtʃ]  - 行进、阅兵(表示有序地、统一步调地行走)   - The soldiers marched in perfect synchronization, their boots hitting the ground in unison(士兵们以完美的同步步调行进,靴子齐鸣地踏着地面。)

71、Treadmill [ˈtrɛdˌmɪl]  - 跑步机、步行机(表示在运动设备上进行步行运动)   - She walks on the treadmill for 30 minutes each day to maintain her fitness(她每天在步行机上走30分钟,以保持健康和锻炼身体。)

72、Duckwalk [ˈdʌkˌwɔːk]  - 鸭子走路姿势(带着蹲下姿势行走,通常是作为表演、舞蹈动作)   - The rock guitarist performed a duckwalk across the stage, showcasing his energetic and playful style(摇滚吉他手在舞台上表演鸭子走路姿势,展示出他充满活力和俏皮风格。)

73、Hobble [ˈhɑːbl]  - 跛行、一拐一拐地行走(表示行走受限或受伤)   - After spraining his ankle, he had to hobble around with the help of crutches(扭伤脚踝后,他不得不依靠拐杖一拐一拐地行走。)

74、Meander [miˈændər]  - 漫步、曲曲折折地行走(表示缓慢、漫不经心地行走)   - They meandered along the riverbank, enjoying the tranquil scenery and the sound of flowing water(他们沿着河岸漫步,享受宁静的风景和流水的声音。)

75、Sidle [ˈsaɪdl]  - 悄悄地横行、侧身走(表示偷偷、不引人注意地行走)   - He sidled along the wall, trying to blend into the crowd without being noticed(他悄悄地沿着墙走,试图融入人群中而不被注意到。)

76、Gait [ɡeɪt]  - 步态、行走方式(表示行走时身体的姿势、步调)   - She walked with a steady and confident gait, exuding grace and poise(她以稳定而自信的步态行走,散发着优雅和风度。)

77、Lumber [ˈlʌmbər]  - 慢慢地笨拙地行走、沉重地走(表示缓慢、笨拙地行走)   - The lumbering bear lumbered through the forest, knocking over trees in its path(笨拙的熊在森林里缓慢地行走,把路上的树都撞倒了。)

78、Traverse [trəˈvɜːrs]  - 穿过、横穿(表示横跨或穿越某个地区)   - They traversed the rugged mountain range, facing challenges and enjoying breathtaking views along the way(他们横跨崎岖的山脉,面临挑战,一路欣赏着令人惊叹的景色。)

79、Walkabout [ˈwɔːkəˌbaʊt]  - 徒步漫游、游牧(通常指澳大利亚原住民的传统习俗,走遍自然环境)   - He went on a spiritual walkabout in the Australian Outback, seeking a deeper connection with nature(他在澳大利亚的内陆地区进行了一次精神上的徒步漫游,寻求与大自然更深入的联系。)

80、Pad [pæd]  - 轻步走、徐徐行走(表示轻盈、安静地行走)   - The cat padded across the room, its soft paws making almost no sound on the floor(猫徐徐走过房间,它柔软的爪子在地板上几乎没有发出声音。)

81、Tramp [træmp]  - 脚步重重地行走、跋涉(表示步履沉重、努力地行走)   - The weary traveler tramped up the steep hill, his backpack weighing him down(疲惫不堪的旅行者沉重地走上陡峭的山坡,背包使他感到沉重。)

82、Trot [trɒt]  - 快步行走(表示有节奏地、有力地快速行走)   - The horse trotted along the trail, its hooves rhythmically hitting the ground(马沿着小道快步行走,马蹄有规律地踏击着地面。)

83、Rove [roʊv]  - 流浪、漫游(表示漫无目的地、长时间地行走)   - The adventurer loved to rove through the wilderness, seeking out new landscapes and experiences(冒险家喜欢流浪于荒野之中,寻找新的风景和经历。)

84、Strut [strʌt]  - 昂首阔步走、趾高气昂地行走(表示高傲、自信地行走)   - The model strutted down the catwalk, showcasing the latest fashion trends with confidence(模特趾高气昂地走在T型台上,自信地展示最新的时尚潮流。)

85、Lope [loʊp]  - 轻快地跑、悠闲地走(表示轻快、舒适地行走)   - The cheetah gracefully loped across the grassland, its long strides covering ground effortlessly(猎豹优雅地跑过草原,长长的步伐毫不费力地行进。)

86、Step [stɛp]  - 踏、(小心翼翼地)行走(表示踩下或小心地行走)   - She took tentative steps towards the edge of the cliff, carefully watching her footing(她小心翼翼地走向悬崖的边缘,小心地观察着脚下的位置。)

87、Go for a walk [ɡoʊ fɔːr ə wɔːk]  - 出去散步(表示外出散步)   - After dinner, they went for a walk in the neighborhood to enjoy the evening breeze(晚饭后,他们出去在附近散步,享受夜晚的微风。)

88、Clomp [klɑːmp]  - 重脚步行走(表示重重地、笨拙地行走)   - The horse clomped along the path, its hooves making a loud clattering sound on the rocky ground(马在小径上重重地行走,它的蹄子在崎岖的地面上发出响亮的声音。)

89、Prowl [praʊl]  - 潜行、巡游(表示悄悄地徘徊或巡逻)   - The prowling lion silently moved through the grass, searching for its next prey(漫步中的狮子静静地穿过草地,寻找下一只猎物。)

90、Trample [ˈtræmpəl]  - 践踏、蹂躏(表示重重地踩踏、踩过)   - The crowd trampled the grass as they rushed towards the stage to catch a glimpse of their favorite singer(人群冲向舞台,踩踏着草地,想要瞥见他们最喜欢的歌手。)

91、Walk briskly [wɔːk ˈbrɪskli]  - 快步走、轻快地行走(表示快速、有活力地行走)   - She walked briskly to catch the bus, not wanting to be late for her appointment(她快步走去赶公交车,不想迟到约会。)

92、Slog [slɒɡ]  - 艰难地行走、艰苦地努力前进(表示费力地行走)   - They slogged through the muddy path, their shoes getting stuck in the thick muck with every step(他们费力地走在泥泞的小路上,每迈一步都感觉鞋子被黏稠泥浆所困住。)

93、Lumber [ˈlʌmbər]  - 迟钝地行走、笨拙地行走(表示笨重、缓慢地行走)   - The heavy-laden man lumbered down the street, struggling with the weight of his belongings(背着沉重行李的男子笨拙地走在街道上,辛苦应对着行李的重量。)

94、Canter [ˈkæntər]  - 慢跑、小跑(马匹的动作)(表示轻松、稳定地行走或跑步)   - The horse cantered along the trail, its rhythmical gait providing a smooth and comfortable ride(马匹在小路上慢跑,它有规律的步态提供了平稳舒适的骑行体验。)

95、Jog [dʒɑːɡ]  - 慢跑、慢慢地跑(表示慢速、均匀地跑步)   - She enjoyed jogging around the park every morning to stay fit and energized(她每天早上喜欢绕着公园慢跑,保持身体健康和精力充沛。)

96、Promenade [ˌprɑːməˈneɪd]  - 散步、漫步(通常指在公共场所特定的行走区域中行走)   - The couple strolled arm in arm along the promenade, enjoying the scenic view of the ocean(夫妇俩手挽手沿着海滨长廊漫步,享受着美丽的海景。)

97、Pitter-patter [ˌpɪtərˈpætər]  - 小碎步走(表示轻快、连续地步行)   - I could hear the pitter-patter of her footsteps as she walked across the room(她走过房间时,我能听到她轻快而连续的步伐声。)

98、Limp [lɪmp] - 跛行、一瘸一拐地走(表示带有体力或肢体上的局限性地行走)   - He walked with a limp due to his injured leg, but it didn't dampen his enthusiasm for life(由于受伤的腿,他一瘸一拐地走,但这并没有减弱他对生活的热情。)

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