Main Topic
- Navigator area(导航区域)
此区域包含代码目录结构、类结构、搜索代码、build信息、debug断点等 - Toolbar(工具栏)
一些模拟器信息现在在这个区域 - Editor area(编辑区域)
代码、ui编辑区域 - Utility area(属性工具区域)
- AppDelegate
- 创建App window详细描述见下面
It defines your AppDelegate class. The app delegate creates the window where your app’s content is drawn and provides a place to respond to state transitions within the app. - App入口类,提供一个run loop监控用户输入
It creates the entry point to your app and a run loop that delivers input events to your app. This work is done by the UIApplicationMain attribute (@UIApplicationMain), which appears toward the top of the file.
- 创建App window详细描述见下面
- ViewController
从UIViewController继承下来的class,主要定义UI行为。- lifecycle后续补充
- Storyboard(场景)
这个文件类型,定义UI页面(类似android的xml定义ui展示,不过功能更加强大)- Canvas(幕布)
场景(页面)可以定义在这里面 - Scene
理解成一个页面或场景。可以在里面添加各种UI组件,Navi行为等- 添加方法(choose View > Utilities > Show Object Library,选择一个control,拖拽到canvas空白区域就可以创建一个Scene)
一个Scene对应一个Control源码(这是iOS VM设计模式),可以自己选择相应的ViewControl代码
- Outlets
将Scene与source code关联起来 - Action
将Scene里面的组件的行为和代码关联起来 - Navi
定义页面跳转行为 - Delegate
- Canvas(幕布)
- Assets.xcassets
- 定义图片资源
- 定义图片资源
- Info.plist
- 定义权限,项目配置等
- ViewController
* viewDidLoad()—Called when the view controller’s content view (the top of its view hierarchy) is created and loaded from a storyboard.
* viewWillAppear()—Called just before the view controller’s content view is added to the app’s view hierarchy.
* viewDidAppear()—Called just after the view controller’s content view has been added to the app’s view hierarchy.
* viewWillDisappear()—Called just before the view controller’s content view is removed from the app’s view hierarchy.
* viewDidDisappear()—Called just after the view controller’s content view has been removed from the app’s view hierarchy.
- Custom Control
link- 定义View代码文件,基类UIView
重写一些核心方法,一些logic处理 - CustomView显示UI
- storyboard里面定义view
- 绑定viewcode,在Identity inspector里面关联相应的View代码。
- 定义View代码文件,基类UIView
- Navigation
页面跳转- Navigation Controller
- 添加 Choose Editor > Embed In > Navigation Controller.
- 修改Navigation Bar
- Segue
- 页面跳转模式(Push\Modal\Custom)
- 处理segue的方法
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?)处理Segue事件
- Navigation Controller
- Persist Data(数据持久化)
- NSCoding方案
- 建立PropertyKey
- 持久化路径
static let DocumentsDirectory = FileManager().urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
static let ArchiveURL = DocumentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("meals") - 编解码
encode(with aCoder: NSCoder)/init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) - 保存NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject(meals, toFile: Meal.ArchiveURL.path)
- 读取NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(withFile: Meal.ArchiveURL.path) as? [Meal]
- NSCoding方案