Executable is chaincode
执行 chaincodeargs
参数start container: escc: 1.0.0-alpha2 (networkid:dev,peerid:peer1.org2.example.com)
启动容器 escc peer1.org2start container with args: chaincode -peer.address=peer1.org2.example.com:7051
启动容器 peer1.org2start container with env:
启动容器 环境变量waiting for container (escc-1.0.0-alpha2) lock
等待容器 lockgot container (escc-1.0.0-alpha2) lock
得到容器 lockchaincode instance created for escc-1.0.0-alpha2
Chaincode instancecontainer lock deleted(escc-1.0.0-alpha2)
容器锁删除chaincode-support started for escc-1.0.0-alpha2
Chaincode 支持启动Current context deadline
当前上下文结点returning existing local MSP
返回已经存在的本地 MSPchaincode started for escc-1.0.0-alpha2
Chaincode 已经启动in proc [chaincode -peer.address=peer1.org2.example.com:7051]
进程starting chat with peer using name=escc:1.0.0-alpha2
与 peer 开始 chat (交流)registering.. sending REGISTER
注册 发送 REGISTERReceived message register from shim
从 shim 收到 注册信息fabric side handling chaincodemessage of type: register in state created
Fabric side 处理 chaincodemessage 的类型 注册状态被创建received register in state created
收到注册状态创建registered hander complete for chaincode escc: 1.0.0-alpha2
chaincode escc 注册处理完成got register for chaincodeid = name:"escc:1.0.0-alpha2" , sending back REGISTERED
chaincodeid 得到 注册,发回注册notifying during startup
启动期间通知received message registered from shim
从 shim 收到注册信息handing chaincodemessage of type: registered (state: created)
处理 chaincodemessage 类型 :已注册(状态被创建)received registered, ready for invocations
收到 注册,准备调用sending ready
发送 准备setting chaincode proposal context...
设置 chaincode proposal 上下文Move state message READY
转移状态信息 准备fabric side handling chaincodemessage of type: ready in state established
Fabric side 处理 chaincodemessage 的类型 准备状态被建立entered state ready
进入状态准备notifying txid:
通知 txidsending state message READY
传递状态信息准备received message ready from shim
从 shim 接收信息准备handling chaincodemessage of type: READY(state:established)
处理 chaincodemessage 类型: 准备(状态:建立)sending init completed
launchchaincode complete
inside sendexecutemessage. messgae init
setting chaincode proposal context...
sendexecutemsg trigger event init
move state message init
fabric side handling chaincodemessage of type: init in state ready
ignoring notransitionerror: no transition
sending state message init
received message init from shim
handling chaincodemessage of type: init(state: ready)
entered state ready
received init, initializing chaincode
successfully initialized escc
init gert response status: 200
init invokesucceeded. sending completed
move state message completed
handling chaincodemessage of type: completed(state: ready)
send state message completed
received message completed from shim
fabric side handling chaincodemessage of type: completed in state ready
handlemessage- completed. notify
notifying txid bbf9dd90-b47a-4084-bef1-bcb6cc008c9b
deploySysCC -> INFO 10a system chaincode escc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/escc) deployed
NewCCCC (chain=,chaincode=vscc,version=1.0.0-alpha2,txid=3817988e-17c4-4abf-a2cb-a181293631ae,syscc=true,proposal=0x0,canname=vscc:1.0.0-alpha