那不勒斯四部曲I-我的天才女友 中英双语版2



I feel no nostalgia for our childhood: it  was full of violence. Every sort of thing happened, at home and outside,  every day, but I don’t recall having ever thought that the life we had there  was particularly bad. Life was like that, that’s all, we grew up with the  duty to make it difficult for others before they made it difficult for  us. 


Of course, I would have liked the nice

  manners that the teacher and the priest preached, but I felt that those ways

  were not suited to our neighborhood, even if you were a girl. The women

  fought among themselves more than the men, they pulled each other’s hair,

  they hurt each other. To cause pain was a disease. As a child I imagined

  tiny, almost invisible animals that arrived in the neighborhood at night,

  they came from the ponds, from the abandoned train cars beyond the

  embankment, from the stinking grasses called fetienti, from the frogs, the

  salamanders, the flies, the rocks, the dust, and entered the water and the

  food and the air, making our mothers, our grandmothers as angry as starving

  dogs. They were more severely infected than the men, because while men were

  always getting furious, they calmed down in the end; women, who appeared to

  be silent, acquiescent, when they were angry flew into a rage that had no



Lila was deeply affected by what had

  happened to Melina Cappuccio, a relative of her mother’s. And I, too. Melina

  lived in the same building as my family, we on the second floor, she on the

  third. She was only a little over thirty and had six children, but to us she

  seemed an old woman. Her husband was the same age; he unloaded crates at the

  fruit and vegetable market. I recall him as short and broad, but handsome,

  with a proud face. One night he came out of the house as usual and died,

  perhaps murdered, perhaps of weariness. The funeral was very bitter; the

  whole neighborhood went, including my parents, and Lila’s parents. Then time

  passed and something happened to Melina. On the outside she remained the

  same, a gaunt woman with a large nose, her hair already gray, a shrill voice

  that at night called her children from the window, by name, the syllables

  drawn out by an angry despair: Aaachè. At first she was much helped by Donato

  Sarratore, who lived in the apartment right above hers, on the fourth and top

  floor. Donato was diligent in his attendance at the Church of the Holy Family

  and as a good Christian he did a lot for her, collecting money, used clothes,

  and shoes, settling Antonio, the oldest son, in the autoPaola route he

  devoted himself to fixing this or that in the house, he did the shopping,

  took the youngest child out in the carriage. These things were very unusual

  in the neighborhood. It occurred to no one that Donato was generous in that

  way to lighten the burdens of his wife. No: all the neighborhood men, my

  father in the lead, considered him a womanish man, even more so because he

  wrote poems and read them willingly to anyone. It didn’t occur even to

  Melina. The widow preferred to think that, because of his gentle spirit, he

  was put upon by his wife, and so she decided to do battle against Lidia

  Sarratore to free him and let him join her permanently. The war that followed

  at first seemed funny; it was discussed in my house and elsewhere with

  malicious laughter. Lidia would hang out the sheets fresh from the laundry

  and Melina climbed up on the windowsill and dirtied them with a reed whose

  tip she had charred in the fire; Lidia passed under her windows and she spit

  on her head or emptied buckets of dirty water on her; Lidia made noise during

  the day walking above her, with her unruly children, and she banged the floor

  mop against the ceiling all night. Sarratore tried by every means to make

  peace, but he was too sensitive, too polite. As their vindictiveness

  increased, the two women began to insult each other if they met on the street

  or the stairs: harsh, fierce sounds. It was then that they began to frighten

  me. One of the many terrible scenes of my childhood begins with the shouts of

  Melina and Lidia, with the insults they hurl from the windows and then on the

  stairs; it continues with my mother rushing to our door, opening it, and

  looking out, followed by us children; and ends with the image, for me still

  unbearable, of the two neighbors rolling down the stairs, entwined, and

  Melina’s head hitting the floor of the landing, a few inches from my shoes,

  like a white melon that has slipped from your hand.


It’s hard to say why at the time we

  children took the part of Lidia Sarratore. Maybe because she had regular

  features and blond hair. Or because Donato was hers and we had understood

  that Melina wanted to take him away from her. Or because Melina’s children

  were ragged and dirty, while Lidia’s were washed, well groomed, and the

  oldest, Nino, who was a few years older than us, was handsome, and we liked

  him. Lila alone favored Melina, but she never explained why. She said only,

  once, that if Lidia Sarratore ended up murdered she deserved it, and I

  thought that it was partly because she was mean in her heart and partly

  because she and Melina were distant relatives.


One day we were coming home from school,  four or five girls. With us was Marisa Sarratore, who usually joined us not  because we liked her but because we hoped that, through her, we might meet  her older brother, that is to say Nino. 


It was she who first noticed Melina. The

  woman was walking slowly from one side of the stradone, the wide avenue that

  ran through the neighborhood, to the other, carrying a paper bag in one hand

  from which, with the other, she was taking something and eating it. Marisa

  pointed to her, calling her “the whore,” without rancor, but because she was

  repeating the phrase that her mother used at home. Lila, although she was

  shorter and very thin, immediately slapped her so hard that she knocked her

  down: ruthless, as she usually was on occasions of violence, no yelling

  before or after, no word of warning, cold and determined, not even widening

  her eyes.


First I went to the aid of Marisa, who

  was crying, and helped her get up, then I turned to see what Lila was doing.

  She had left the sidewalk and was going toward Melina, crossing the street

  without paying attention to the passing trucks. I saw in her, in her posture

  more than in her face, something that disturbed me and is still hard to

  define, so for now I’ll put it like this: she was moving, cutting across the

  street, a small, dark, nervous figure, she was acting with her usual

  determination, she was firm. Firm in what her mother’s relative was doing,

  firm in the pain, firm in silence as a statue is firm. A follower. One with

  Melina, who was holding in her palm the dark soft soap she had just bought in

  Don Carlo’s cellar, and with her other hand was taking some and eating it.



The day Maestra Oliviero fell from the

  desk and hit her cheekbone against it, I, as I said, thought she was dead,

  dead on the job like my grandfather or Melina’s husband, and it seemed to me

  that as a result Lila, too, would die because of the terrible punishment she

  would get. Instead, for a period I can’t define—short, long—nothing happened.

  They simply disappeared, both of them, teacher and pupil, from our days and

  from memory.


But then everything was surprising.

  Maestra Oliviero returned to school alive and began to concern herself with

  Lila, not to punish her, as would have seemed to us natural, but to praise



This new phase began when Lila’s mother,

  Signora Cerullo, was called to school. One morning the janitor knocked and

  announced her. Right afterward Nunzia Cerullo came in, unrecognizable. She,

  who, like the majority of the neighborhood women, lived untidily in slippers

  and shabby old dresses, appeared in her formal black dress (wedding,

  communion, christening, funeral), with a shiny black purse and low-heeled

  shoes that tortured her swollen feet, and handed the teacher two paper bags,

  one containing sugar and the other coffee.


The teacher accepted the gifts with

  pleasure and, looking at Lila, who was staring at the desk, spoke to her, and

  to the whole class, words whose general sense disoriented me. We were just

  learning the alphabet and the numbers from one to ten. I was the smartest in

  the class, I could recognize all the letters, I knew how to say one two three

  four and so on, I was constantly praised for my handwriting, I won the

  tricolor cockades that the teacher sewed. Yet, surprisingly, Maestra

  Oliviero, although Lila had made her fall and sent her to the hospital, said

  that she was the best among us. True that she was the worstsoaked bits of

  blotting paper at us. True that if that girl had not acted in such a

  disruptive manner she, our teacher, would not have fallen and cut her cheek.

  True that she was compelled to punish her constantly with the wooden rod or

  by sending her to kneel on the hard floor behind the blackboard. But there

  was a fact that, as a teacher and also as a person, filled her with joy, a

  marvelous fact that she had discovered a few days earlier, by chance.


Here she stopped, as if words were not

  enough, or as if she wished to teach Lila’s mother and us that deeds almost

  always count more than words. She took a piece of chalk and wrote on the

  blackboard (now I don’t remember what, I didn’t yet know how to read: so I’m

  inventing the word) “sun.” Then she asked Lila:


“Cerullo, what is written there?”


In the classroom a fascinated silence

  fell. Lila half smiled, almost a grimace, and flung herself sideways, against

  her deskmate, who was visibly irritated. Then she read in a sullen



Nunzia Cerullo looked at the teacher, and

  her look was hesitant, almost fearful. The teacher at first seemed not to

  understand why her own enthusiasm was not reflected in the mother’s eyes. But

  then she must have guessed that Nunzia didn’t know how to read, or, anyway,

  that she wasn’t sure the word “sun” really was written on the blackboard, and

  she frowned. Then, partly to clarify the situation to Signora Cerullo, partly

  to praise our classmate, she said to Lila:


“Good, ‘sun’ is what it says there.”


Then she ordered her:


“Come, Cerullo, come to the blackboard.”


Lila went unwillingly to the blackboard,

  the teacher handed her the chalk.


“Write,” she said to her, “ ‘chalk.’ ”


Lila, very concentrated, in shaky

  handwriting, placing the letters one a little higher, one a little lower,

  wrote: “chak.”


Oliviero added the “l” and Signora

  Cerullo, seeing the correction, said in despair to her daughter:“You made a



But the teacher immediately reassured



“No, no, no. Lila has to practice, yes,

  but she already knows how to read, she already knows how to write. Who taught



Signora Cerullo, eyes lowered, said: 


“Not me.”


“But at your house or in the building is

  there someone who might have taught her?”


Nunzia shook her head no emphatically.


Then the teacher turned to Lila and with

  sincere admiration asked her in front of all of us,


 “Who taught you to read and write, Cerullo?”


Cerullo, that small darkeyed child, in a

  dark smock with a red ribbon at the neck, and only six years old, answered,





According to Rino, Lila’s older brother,

  she had learned to read at the age of around three by looking at the letters

  and pictures in his primer. She would sit next to him in the kitchen while he

  was doing his homework, and she learned more than he did.


Rino was almost six years older than

  Lila; he was a fearless boy who shone in all the courtyard and street games,

  especially spinning a top. But reading, writing, arithmetic, learning poems

  by heart were not for him. When he was scarcely ten his father, Fernando, had

  begun to take him every day to his tiny shoemaker’s shop, in a narrow side

  street that ran off the stradone, to teach him the craft of resoling shoes.

  We girls, when we met him, smelled on him the odor of dirty feet, of old

  uppers, of glue, and we made fun of him, we called him shoe-soler. Maybe

  that’s why he boasted that he was at the origin of his sister’s virtuosity.

  But in reality he had never had a primer, and hadn’t sat for even a minute,

  ever, to do homework. Impossible therefore that Lila had learned from his

  scholastic labors. It was more likely that she had precociously learned how

  the alphabet worked from the sheets of newspaper in which customers wrapped

  the old shoes and which her father sometimes brought home and read to the

  family the most interesting local news items.


Anyway, however it had happened, the fact

  was this: Lila knew how to read and write, and what I remember of that gray

  morning when the teacher revealed it to us was, above all, the sense of

  weakness the news left me with. Right away, from the first day, school had

  seemed to me a much nicer place than home. It was the place in the

  neighborhood where I felt safest, I went there with excitement. I paid

  attention to the lessons, I carried out with the greatest diligence

  everything that I was told to carry out, I learned. But most of all I liked

  pleasing the teacher, I liked pleasing everyone. At home I was my father’s

  favorite, and my brothers and sister, too, loved me. The problem was my

  mother; with her things never took the right course. It seemed to me that,

  though I was barely six, she did her best to make me understand that I was

  superfluous in her life. I wasn’t agreeable to her nor was she to me. Her

  body repulsed me, something she probably intuited. She was a dark blonde,

  blue-eyed, voluptuous. But you never knew where her right eye was looking.

  Nor did her right leg work properly—she called it the damaged leg. She

  limped, and her step agitated me, especially at night, when she couldn’t

  sleep and walked along the hall to the kitchen, returned, started again.

  Sometimes I heard her angrily crushing with her heel the cockroaches that

  came through the front door, and I imagined her with furious eyes, as when

  she got mad at me.


Certainly she wasn’t happy; the household

  chores wore her down, and there was never enough money. She often got angry

  with my father, a porter at the city hall, she shouted that he had to come up

  with something, she couldn’t go on like this. They quarreled. But since my

  father never raised his voice, even when he lost patience, I always took his

  part against her, even though he sometimes beat her and could be threatening

  to me. It was he, and not my mother, who said to me, the first day of school:

  “Lenuccia, do well with the teacher and we’ll let you go to school. But if

  you’re not good, if you’re not the best, Papa needs help and you’ll go to

  work.” Those words had really scared me, and yet, although he said them, I

  felt it was my mother who had suggested them, imposed them. I had promised

  them both that I would be good. And things had immediately gone so well that

  the teacher often said to me:


“Greco, come and sit next to me.”


It was a great privilege. Maestra  Oliviero always had an empty chair next to her, and the best students were  called on to sit there, as a reward. In the early days, I was always sitting  beside her. She urged me on with encouraging words, she praised my blond  curls, and thus reinforced in me the wish to do well: completely the opposite  of my mother, who, at home, so often rebuked me, sometimes abusively, that I  wanted to hide in a dark corner and hope that she wouldn’t find me. Then it  happened that Signora Cerullo came to class and Maestra Oliviero revealed  that Lila was far ahead of us. Not only that: she called on her to sit next  to her more often than on me. What that demotion caused inside me I don’t  know, I find it difficult to say, today, faithfully and clearly what I felt.  Perhaps nothing at first, some jealousy, like everyone else. 


But surely it was then that a worry began

  to take shape. I thought that, although my legs functioned perfectly well, I

  ran the constant risk of becoming crippled. I woke with that idea in my head

  and I got out of bed right away to see if my legs still worked. Maybe that’s

  why I became focused on Lila, who had slender, agile legs, and was always

  moving them, kicking even when she was sitting next to the teacher, so that

  the teacher became irritated and soon sent her back to her desk. Something

  convinced me, then, that if I kept up with her, at her pace, my mother’s

  limp, which had entered into my brain and wouldn’t come out, would stop

  threatening me. I decided that I had to model myself on that girl, never let

  her out of my sight, even if she got annoyed and chased me away.



I suppose that that was my way of

  reacting to envy, and hatred, and of suffocating them. Or maybe I disguised

  in that manner the sense of subordination, the fascination I felt. Certainly

  I trained myself to accept readily Lila’s superiority in everything, and even

  her oppressions.


Besides, the teacher acted very shrewdly.

  It was true that she often called on Lila to sit next to her, but she seemed

  to do it more to make her behave than to reward her. She continued, in fact,

  to praise Marisa Sarratore, Carmela Peluso, and, especially, me. She let me

  shine with a vivid light, she encouraged me to become more and more

  disciplined, more diligent, more serious. When Lila stopped misbehaving and

  effortlessly outdid me, the teacher praised me first, with moderation, and

  then went on to exalt her prowess. I felt the poison of defeat more acutely

  when it was Sarratore or Peluso who did better than me. If, however, I came

  in second after Lila, I wore a meek expression of acquiescence. In those

  years I think I feared only one thing: not being paired, in the hierarchy

  established by Maestra Oliviero, with Lila; not to hear the teacher say

  proudly, Cerullo and Greco are the best. If one day she had said, the best

  are Cerullo and Sarratore, or Cerullo and Peluso, I would have died on the

  spot. So I used all my childish energies not to become first in the class—it

  seemed to me impossible to succeed there—but not to slip into third, fourth,

  last place. I devoted myself to studying and to many things that were

  difficult, alien to me, just so I could keep pace with that terrible,

  dazzling girl.


Dazzling to me. To our classmates Lila

  was only terrible. From first grade to fifth, she was, because of the

  principal and partly also because of Maestra Oliviero, the most hated child

  in the school and the neighborhood.


At least twice a year the principal had

  the classes compete against one another, in order to distinguish the most

  brilliant students and consequently the most competent teachers. Oliviero

  liked this competition. Our teacher, in permanent conflict with her

  colleagues, with whom she sometimes seemed near coming to blows, used Lila

  and me as the blazing proof of how good she was, the best teacher in the

  neighborhood elementary school. So she would often bring us to other classes,

  apart from the occasions arranged by the principal, to compete with the other

  children, girls and boys. Usually, I was sent on reconnaissance, to test the

  enemy’s level of skill. In general I won, but without overdoing it, without

  humiliating either teachers or students. I was a pretty little girl with

  blond curls, happy to show off but not aggressive, and I gave an impression

  of delicacy that was touching. If then I was the best at reciting poems,

  repeating the times tables, doing division and multiplication, at rattling

  off the Maritime, Cottian, Graia, and Pennine Alps, the other teachers gave

  me a pat anyway, while the students felt how hard I had worked to memorize

  all those facts, and didn’t hate me.


In Lila’s case it was different. Even by

  first grade she was beyond any possible competition. In fact, the teacher

  said that with a little application she would be able to take the test for

  second grade and, not yet seven, go into third. Later the gap increased. Lila

  did really complicated calculations in her head, in her dictations there was

  not a single mistake, she spoke in dialect like the rest of us but, when

  necessary, came out with a bookish Italian, using words like “accustomed,”

  “luxuriant,” “willingly.” So that, when the teacher sent her into the field

  to give the moods or tenses of verbs or solve math problems, hearts grew

  bitter. Lila was too much for anyone.


Besides, she offered no openings to

  kindness. To recognize her virtuosity was for us children to admit that we

  would never win and so there was no point in competing, and for the teachers

  to confess to themselves that they had been mediocre children. Her quickness

  of mind was like a hiss, a dart, a lethal bite. And there was nothing in her

  appearance that acted as a corrective. She was disheveled, dirty, on her

  knees and elbows she always had scabs from cuts and scrapes that never had

  time to heal. Her large, bright eyes could become cracks behind which, before

  every brilliant response, there was a gaze that appeared not very childlike

  and perhaps not even human. Every one of her movements said that to harm her

  would be pointless because, whatever happened, she would find a way of doing

  worse to you.The hatred was therefore tangible; I was aware of it. Both girls

  and boys were irritated by her, but the boys more openly. For a hidden motive

  of her own, in fact, Maestra Oliviero especially enjoyed taking us to the

  classes where the girl students and women teachers could not be humiliated so

  much as the males. And the principal, too, for equally hidden motives,

  preferred competitions of this type. Later I thought that in the school they

  were betting money, maybe even a lot, on those meetings of ours. But I was

  exaggerating: maybe it was just a way of giving vent to old grudges or

  allowing the principal to keep the less good or less obedient teachers under

  his control. The fact is that one morning the two of us, who were then in

  second grade, were taken to a fourth-grade class, Maestro Ferraro’s, in which

  were both Enzo Scanno, the fierce son of the fruit and vegetable seller, and

  Nino Sarratore, Marisa’s brother, whom I loved.


Everyone knew Enzo. He was a repeater and

  at least a couple of times had been dragged through the classrooms with a

  card around his neck on which Maestro Ferraro, a tall, very thin man, with

  very short gray hair, a small, lined face, and worried eyes, had written

  “Dunce.” Nino on the other hand was so good, so meek, so quiet that he was

  well known and liked, especially by me. Naturally Enzo hardly counted,

  scholas­tically speaking, we kept an eye on him only because he was

  aggressive. Our adversaries, in matters of intelligence, were Nino and—we

  discovered just then—Alfonso Carracci, the third child of Don Achille, a very

  neat boy, who was in second grade, like us, but looked younger than his seven

  years. It was clear that the teacher had brought him there to the

  fourth-grade class because he had more faith in him than in Nino, who was

  almost two years older.


There was some tension between Oliviero

  and Ferraro because of that unexpected summoning of Carracci, then the

  competition began, in front of the two classes, assembled in one classroom.

  They asked us verbs, they asked us times tables, they asked us addition,

  subtraction, multiplication, division (the four operations), first at the

  blackboard, then in our heads. Of that particular occasion I remember three

  things. The first is that little Alfonso Carracci defeated me immediately, he

  was calm and precise, but he had the quality of not gloating. The second is

  that Nino Sarratore, surprisingly, almost never answered the questions, but

  appeared dazed, as if he didn’t understand what the teachers were asking him.

  The third is that Lila stood up to the son of Don Achille reluctantly, as if

  she didn’t care if he beat her. The scene grew lively only when they began to

  do calculations in their heads, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and

  division. Alfonso, despite Lila’s reluctance and, at times, silence, as if

  she hadn’t heard the question, began to slip, making mistakes especially in

  multiplication and division. On the other hand, if the son of Don Achille

  failed, Lila wasn’t up to it, either, and so they seemed more or less equal.

  But at a certain point something unexpected happened. At least twice, when

  Lila didn’t answer or Alfonso made a mistake, the voice of Enzo Scanno,

  filled with contempt, was heard, from a desk at the back, giving the right



This astonished the class, the teachers,

  the principal, me, and Lila. How was it possible that someone like Enzo, who

  was lazy, incapable, and delinquent, could do complicated calculations in his

  head better than me, than Alfonso Carracci, than Nino Sarratore? Suddenly

  Lila seemed to wake up. Alfonso was quickly out of the running and, with the

  proud consent of Ferraro, who quickly exchanged champions, a duel began

  between Lila and Enzo.


The two competed for a long time. The

  principal, going over Ferraro’s head, called the son of the fruit and

  vegetable seller to the front of the room, next to Lila. Enzo left the back

  row amid uneasy laughter, his own and his friends’, and positioned himself,

  sullen and uneasy, next to the blackboard, opposite Lila. The duel continued,

  as they did increasingly difficult calculations in their heads. The boy gave

  his answers in dialect, as if he were on the street and not in a classroom,

  and Ferraro corrected his diction, but the figure was always correct. Enzo

  seemed extremely proud of that moment of glory, amazed himself at how clever

  he was. Then he began to slip, because Lila had woken up conclusively, and

  now her eyes had narrowed in determination, and she answered correctly. In

  the end Enzo lost. He lost but was not resigned. He began to curse, to shout

  ugly obscenities. Ferraro sent him to kneel behind the blackboard, but he

  wouldn’t go. He was rapped on the knuckles with the rod and then pulled by

  the ears to the punishment corner. The school day ended like that.But from

  then on the gang of boys began to throw rocks at us.



That morning of the duel between Enzo and

  Lila is important, in our long story. Many modes of behavior started off

  there that were difficult to decipher. For example it became very clear that

  Lila could, if she wanted, ration the use of her abilities. That was what she

  had done with Don Achille’s son. She did not want to beat him, but she had

  also calibrated silences and answers in such a way as not to be beaten. We

  had not yet become friends and I couldn’t ask her why she had behaved like

  that. But really there was no need to ask questions, I could guess the

  reason. Like me, she, too, had been forbidden to offend not only Don Achille

  but also his family.


It was like that. We didn’t know the  origin of that fearhatredwhite houses, the fetid odor of the landings, the  dust of the streets. 


In all likelihood Nino Sarratore, too,

  had been silent in order to allow Alfonso to be at his best. Handsome,

  slender, and nervous, with long lashes, hair neatly combed, he had stammered

  only a few words and had finally been silent. To continue to love him, I

  wanted to think that was what it had been. But deep down I had some doubts.

  Had it been a choice, like Lila’s? I wasn’t sure. I had stepped aside because

  Alfonso really was better than me. Lila could have defeated him immediately,

  yet she had chosen to aim for a tie. And Nino? There was something that

  confused and perhaps saddened me: not an inability, not even surrender, but,

  I would say today, a collapse. That stammer, the pallor, the purple that had

  suddenly swallowed his eyes: how handsome he was, so languid, and yet how

  much I disliked his languor.


Lila, too, at a certain point had seemed

  very beautiful to me. In general I was the pretty one, while she was skinny,

  like a salted anchovy, she gave off an odor of wildness, she had a long face,

  narrow at the temples, framed by two bands of smooth black hair. But when she

  decided to vanquish both Alfonso and Enzo, she had lighted up like a holy

  warrior. Her cheeks flushed, the sign of a flame released by every corner of

  her body, and for the first time I thought: Lila is prettier than I am. So I

  was second in everything. I hoped that no one would ever realize it.


But the most important thing that morning

  was the discovery that a phrase we often used to avoid punishment contained

  something true, hence uncontrollable, hence dangerous. The formula was: I

  didn’t do it on purpose. Enzo, in fact, had not entered the competition

  deliberately and had not deliberately defeated Alfonso. Lila had deliberately

  defeated Enzo but had not deliberately defeated Alfonso or deliberately

  humiliated him; it had been only a necessary step. The conclusion we drew

  from this convinced us that it was best to do everything on purpose,

  deliberately, so that you would know what to expect.


Because almost nothing had been done  deliberately, many unforeseen things struck us, one after the other. Alfonso  went home in tears as a result of his defeat. His brother Stefano, who was  fourteen, an apprentice in the grocery store (the former workshop of the  carpenter Peluso) owned by his father—who, however, never set foot in  it—showed up outside school the next day and said very nasty things to Lila,  to the point of threatening her. She yelled an obscenity at him, and he  pushed her against a wall and tried to grab her tongue, shouting that he  would prick it with a pin. Lila went home and told her brother Rino  everything, and the more she talked, the redder he got, his eyes bright. In  the meantime Enzo, going home one night without his country gang, was stopped  by Stefano and punched and kicked. Rino, in the morning, went to look for  Stefano and they had a fight, giving each other a more or less equal beating.  A few days later the wife of Don Achille, Donna Maria, knocked on the  Cerullos’ door and made a scene with Nunzia, shouting and insulting her. 


A little time passed and one Sunday,

  after Mass, Fernando Cerullo the shoemaker, the father of Lila and Rino, a

  small, thin man, timidly accosted Don Achille and apologized, without ever

  saying what he was apologizing for. I didn’t see it, or at least I don’t

  remember it, but it was said that the apologies were made aloud, and in such

  a way that everyone could hear, even though Don Achille had walked by as if

  the shoemaker were not speaking to him. Sometime later Lila and I wounded

  Enzo in the calf with a stone and Enzo threw a stone that hit Lila in the

  head. While I was shrieking in fear and Lila got up with the blood dripping

  from under her hair, Enzo, who was also bleeding, climbed down the

  embankment, and, seeing Lila in that state, he, utterly unpredictably and to

  our eyes incomprehensibly, began to cry. Then Rino, Lila’s adored brother,

  came to school and, outside, beat up Enzo, who barely defended himself. Rino

  was older, bigger, and more motivated. Not only that: Enzo didn’t mention

  that beating to his gang or his mother or his father or his brothers or his

  cousins, who all worked in the countryside and sold fruit and vegetables from

  a cart. At that point, thanks to him, the feuds ended.

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