Most of my travel tends to be for business these days, but with each visit to a new city or country I try to find time to relax and explore my surroundings. Travel is so surreal and I’ve learned that every place has a uniqueness and beauty meant to be appreciated. Experiencing warm fuzzy feelings in a new place isn’t the only reason that I try to indulge in every travel opportunity I can. Traveling can actually make you a healthier, more well-rounded person. Sound impossible? Psssh. Here’s 5reasons you should travel more…
1. It Gives You Perspective - You know those problems you’re having that should be followed by the hashtag #first world problems? The issues that we find tearing us down in our day to day life are often washed away when we travel. You can visit towns and countries and environments that are so different from your own, that you’ll gain perspective on how others live. You’ll realize that sometimes things really aren’t that bad. And you’ll likely gain a greater appreciation for the simple things in life. You’ll also have a better understanding for different cultures, which means you’ll be more accepting of diversity or things you are unfamiliar with once you return home.
2. It Reduces Stress - If you’re only traveling for work that may not be the case, but the more you travel for pleasure (even if just a weekend trip away), the more time you have to unwind and recharge. Traveling takes you away from your day to day worries–no checking emails constantly, stressing about cleaning the house, or simply fixating on things that will clutter your mind. Traveling lets you focus on you, your feelings, your wants and allows you to only focus your mind on things that bring you joy.
3. It Increases Your Knowledge - Traveling is actually believed to strengthen the brain. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about all of those school lessons you sloughed off and didn’t learn about the people, the history and the architecture of the world. Traveling is pretty much the most amazing history class you could ever hope to experience! It increases your knowledge on places, but also can help you learn new languages, new hobbies, and my favorite, new foods!
4. It Helps Your Physical Health - On the most basic level, traveling can make you more physically fit. When you site see or visit a city with a great public transportation system you likely walk everywhere. Plus, if you’re doing any outdoor adventure vacations with epic hikes then you’re getting some major cardio in. But that’s not all. I recently read that not taking vacations can increase your risk of heart disease. That may not be an immediate concern, but why not travel your heart out while you’re young and cut that down risk ninja style.
5. It Makes Us More Social Beings - This holds especially true if you’re traveling alone. When you travel one of the best ways to immerse yourself in your environment is getting to experience your location like a local. That often means talking with the locals. You’ll find yourself striking up conversations with fellow travelers and current residents–proving to yourself that you’re more outgoing and open than you think. Traveling helps us to build stories as well, which means you’ll have more to connect with other people about once you return home.