《what I wish I know when I was 20》
还是chapter4 pls take out ur wallets
1.take out ur skills and turn them into something useful by new ways. Those with fixed mind-set are less likely to be successful than growth mind-set。
Tina 举了自己父亲的记忆和Debra 和Micheal Dearing的例子去说明要学会将自己所拥有的原有技能通过新的方式,包括学习或者转变思维变成你现在所需要用的技能,不要拘泥于同一个领域,与时俱进。
2.其实这个chapter里面有一个“take out ur wallets ”的活动,by interviewing process,,it dedicates most of people aren't satisfied with their wallets,they need different styles of wallets in different occasions.让一个人为另一个人设计一个合适对方的钱包,不限制材料,可以用paper clip ,scissors,marker,tape,最后每个人都为他们的“顾客”设计出了他们想要的钱包。
Tina通过这个exercise,来说明,我们需要去identify opportunities and try it .it doesn't take much work,many money and much time。
A.不断学习,敢于创新(bikini or die)
B.Just try ,don't be shy