Speaker:Tiq Milan,Kim Katrin Milan
Key words:爱 婚姻 LGBTQ
Abstract:Love story of a female-to-male trans and a queer female
Love story of a female-to-male trans and a queer[性别疑惑] female.
我们遍体鳞伤,我们相互成全。- by @Addiplife
爱是成全自己和自己爱的人,不必在乎世俗的束缚与成见-by @open163
Brandon Wint: "Not queer like gay; queer like escaping definition. Queer like some sort of fluidity and limitlessness all at once. Queer like a freedom too strange to be conquered. Queer like the fearlessness to imagine what love can look like, and to pursue it."